no worries. i do want to politely stress the following:
- time is a factor as undoing the indexation of all this duplicate content isn't an easy unfix
- implementing the redirects is extremely easy
can't tell what type of server you're using, but with something like apache, a simple update to the .htaccess file is all you need to handle the redirects. nginx is also simple, which your dev can google (although i think this stuff will be easy for them, tbh).
just for reference, here's how the .htaccess file would look for the redirects:
[CODE]RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^g=posts&t=104094$
RewriteRule ^forum/default\.aspx$ [R=301,L]
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^g=posts&t=14843$
RewriteRule ^forum/default\.aspx$ [R=301,L]
# Add more RewriteRule directives for additional redirects as needed
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^g=posts&t=??????$
RewriteRule ^forum/default\.aspx$ [R=301,L]
with the map, your dev can generate the full list pretty easy.
only rules your dev needs to follow:
- make sure every redirect goes from old url > new url and is a 301 redirect.
- note: don't redirect older, deep pages to the new homepage or any old pages to unrelated new ones. 301 means it's redirecting to the new, permanent home of the previous page.
- before implementing the redirects, remove the "original topic" urls from this forum. you don't want to send google's crawlers in a loop.
- double-check no http://, www or non-www urls break the redirect rules.
if possible, bump this up to the top of the to do list (and put "adding google analytics" right under it, for real). simple job with massive benefits that diminish the longer you wait.
ok, that's my last pitch, haha. congrats on the new forum. feel free to ask any questions. have a good day.