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MJ leaf for changa?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I am not a big pot smoker. Generally don't like it unless in very small doses or in a tobacco/hash "pinner" - but damn, bud is strong these days (particularly in quebec)!

So, you may be surprised to learn that I recently started growing the stuff (only a couple of plants...)! I have discovered that I REALLY like the leaves. Much calmer and focused and no paranoia or heaviness or inability to complete an idea, let alone compose a sentence. I don't like drugs that numb, or lower my IQ even temporarily.

My question is: has anyone out there made changa with MJ leaves in the mix? seems to me like a winning combination. I imagine bud to be strong and to alter the experience too much and for the worse, at least for someone like me who seems to have an intolerance for it. Leaf i could see easing the experience and providing focus and peace.


although i have yet to try this, im guessing it would be a great additive for changa for the reasons you have stated.

Bud can be to strong and cloud/alter the experience to much. sometimes even negatively.

so in conclusion i would think some spice+caapi+mj-leaf would prove to be an excellent changa.
Ive made a blend or two in the past with MJ buds, never leaves though:(

Sounds like it could be quite a nice smoke, give it a go I say:)
You are right in saying that buds are too strong, but this leaf plan id imagine would work.

Mix up a little batch and let us know how it plans out.
I've made a blend with some of the leaves I pruned. I find smoking bud before or during a session totally blocks the DMT for me, whereas my mates love it. Everyones different.
The reason for me using the leaf was mainly because it adds a lovely flavour to the changa. There wont be any thc on the normal fan leaves, but its possibe that there are some cannabanoids present. So defo on to a winner if you have access to cannabis leaf. The leaf however is rubbish for changa joints, even completely bone dry... the joints kept going out, but on the plus side tasted amazing and smelled quite nice too.

I like to use small leaves and shots to cook with and they are often quite potent, and of course they are filled with flavor. I think that it was more usual to smoke cured leaves in older days to get softer effects and just for the flavor. I have often found that I want weed that is not so strong so that it is possible to just smoke it for the flavor, "I want regular weed" 😉. I think more people would prefer milder weed when it becomes legal, and look forward to culinary cannabis plants, cured cannabis cigars rolled with leaves and prima bud, and all the other variants that will be made and plants bred in the legal environment.

The idea to make changa or enhanced pot leaves sounds great, I hope the effects go well to geather. and that you would not just get the paranoia and fog you sometimes find with the "Mary Jane". I wish you luck in your experiments and may MJ bless the canga and make it smooth and earthy and filed with wisdom.....:d

(I hope a trip report is coming)
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