Rising Star
After watching the fantasic "The revelation of the pyramids", it has become easy to understand that man today is certainly lacking in the skills that certain ancient civilizations once had. It was interesting to note that towards the end of the programme that they have even concluded that this must have perhaps been the action of an advanced race. What could possibly be the reason as to why they were then advanced, compared to today??
--Surely years of "thinking" must make us more intelligent than them??...umm, i dunno!!
-:idea: -I've come to a personal conclusion that as humans we have a brain that has a purpose to recieve information and store it, and a body to manifest that information into reality. I also believe most of our knowledge comes from our connection with the universal consciousness, and that psychoactive plants have a role to play in our ability to recieve this HIGHER knowledge.
--In these ancient civilizations i am certain that psychoactive plants would have been consumed . Especially by people in power. Perhaps by everyone. And that these people would have recieved visions and vivid dreamstates, which would inspire them to physically recreate them. I believe that they simply followed these hyperspace realms and recreated them on earth. And because they could "see them", they could also believe in them. They didn't "think" about them, they just did them. They didn't have to doubt the universal conscoiusness because they didn't have a catholic priest breathing down their neck saying that it was wrong. In these times the people operated on information direct from THE SOURCE of knowledge.
--These days we don't consume psychoactive plants, and like to "think for ourselves instead", as if we don't need them!...Could this explain why we can't do what they did. Why do we have to "think" about what we do..( are we worried about what the priest would say?)..Is this us, making prisoners of our own minds???-should we have faith in connecting with the universal consciousness and surrender to it's message, or trust the limited knowledge from religion and school which limits our imagination and keeps us small. And why on earth do we limit ourself, when the world is limitless???
--Should we shun modern day man's so called superior vitamins in a bottle and just eat plants again, and should we eat some of those "funny ones too" . Or should we just say NO, eat your burgers, and watch reality tv---After all, we know what's good for us, right??:lol:...Isn't it time that we realised that we don't have enough mind skills to do it all alone, and that perhaps we can become the greatest civilization ever, if we resume consuming psychoactive plants, and act on those visions, without judgement-like we used to, untill religions put a stop to it????
---Why is CHINA trying to hide their pyramids from us..What do they know :twisted: ????
--What are your thoughts....??
--Surely years of "thinking" must make us more intelligent than them??...umm, i dunno!!
-:idea: -I've come to a personal conclusion that as humans we have a brain that has a purpose to recieve information and store it, and a body to manifest that information into reality. I also believe most of our knowledge comes from our connection with the universal consciousness, and that psychoactive plants have a role to play in our ability to recieve this HIGHER knowledge.
--In these ancient civilizations i am certain that psychoactive plants would have been consumed . Especially by people in power. Perhaps by everyone. And that these people would have recieved visions and vivid dreamstates, which would inspire them to physically recreate them. I believe that they simply followed these hyperspace realms and recreated them on earth. And because they could "see them", they could also believe in them. They didn't "think" about them, they just did them. They didn't have to doubt the universal conscoiusness because they didn't have a catholic priest breathing down their neck saying that it was wrong. In these times the people operated on information direct from THE SOURCE of knowledge.
--These days we don't consume psychoactive plants, and like to "think for ourselves instead", as if we don't need them!...Could this explain why we can't do what they did. Why do we have to "think" about what we do..( are we worried about what the priest would say?)..Is this us, making prisoners of our own minds???-should we have faith in connecting with the universal consciousness and surrender to it's message, or trust the limited knowledge from religion and school which limits our imagination and keeps us small. And why on earth do we limit ourself, when the world is limitless???
--Should we shun modern day man's so called superior vitamins in a bottle and just eat plants again, and should we eat some of those "funny ones too" . Or should we just say NO, eat your burgers, and watch reality tv---After all, we know what's good for us, right??:lol:...Isn't it time that we realised that we don't have enough mind skills to do it all alone, and that perhaps we can become the greatest civilization ever, if we resume consuming psychoactive plants, and act on those visions, without judgement-like we used to, untill religions put a stop to it????
---Why is CHINA trying to hide their pyramids from us..What do they know :twisted: ????
--What are your thoughts....??