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Modifications to original Marsofold TEK?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM is preparing for a first time extraction, and will likely be using the marsofold tek as a guideline. The version he came across was last revised in early 2006. Are there any modifications or revisions that most people would recommend? Any processes/ingrediants that might be more difficult/hard to come by that would make for a cleaner, more efficient extraction? SWIM thanks you for your guidance. 2006 MarsTEK: How to easily make DMT: ======================= Break 1-Pound of Mimosa Hostilis rootbark into 1" pieces using new heavy-duty wirecutters, then grind it all up in a glass-topped blender, a little at a time. ------------------------------------ Polar Extraction: Premix in an empty 1-Gallon plastic jug: 1-Quart White Vinegar & 3-Quarts Water. Put the ground up Mimosa in a 3-Liter crockpot, then fill it with the water-vinegar solution. Stir well and turn it on "high". After 2 hours, remove the crockpot ceramic liner, hold the lid on slightly offset, and pour off most of the liquid into a 1-gallon wide-mouthed glass or stainless container.Add the remaining water-vinegar solution to the crockpot again. Stir well and turn it on "high". After 2 hours, remove the crockpot ceramic liner, hold the lid on slightly offset, and pour off all of the liquid into the same container again. Discard the rootbark fiber and save the two combined extractions in the 1-gallon container. Allow the vegetable particles in the extraction in the 1-gallon container to settle to the bottom overnight. Then pour off the liquid into an empty 1-Gallon glass wine jug, being careful not to pour off any of the vegetable sludge at the bottom. Discard the sludge and keep the contents of the wine jug. ------------------------------------ Basification: Premix a solution of: 5 heaping Tablespoons (70grams) of Lye (Lowes Hardware, item# 146450 "Roebic Crystal Drain Opener") SLOWLY added to 1-Pint of warm water. Stir well. Slowly add this solution to the wine jug,then cap the jug. Gently tilt the wine jug back and forth for 1 full minute to mix. ------------------------------------ Nonpolar Extraction: Add 275ml of (Ace Hardware) VM&P Naptha to the wine jug. Add exactly enough warm water to the jug to raise the liquid level to an inch below the top. Cap the jug. Gently tilt the wine jug slowly back and forth for 5 full minutes to mix the contents. Allow the jug to sit undisturbed on a table for at least 3 hours. There should now be two layers visible in the jug, a lower dark one and a smaller clear one on top filling the neck of the jug. Use a glass turkey baster to suck up the top clear layer into a large glass baking pan. Be very careful NOT to suck up any of the lower brown foam/black liquid layer. ------------------------------------- Freeze-precipitation: Cover the glass baking pan with plastic wrap and place it in a FREEZER for 3 days to precipitate the DMT crystals. Remove the pan from the freezer and quickly lift the plastic wrap from a corner of the pan. Tilt the pan and slowly pour off all of the naptha through the exposed corner, being careful not to dislodge the crystals stuck to the bottom of the pan. Re-seal the corner of the pan by stretching the plastic wrap back over it. Allow several hours for the pan to reach room temperature, then remove all of the plastic wrap. Allow the crystals in the pan to completely dry out overnight in a cool place. Then use a pair of single-edged razor blades to scrape up the impure DMT crystals. ------------------------------------- Ammonia Wash: Prepare a filter setup by placing a funnel into a quart jar and putting a small coffee filter paper into the funnel. Place the impure DMT crystals into the filter paper. Chill a bottle of NON-SOAPY clear Ammonium Hydroxide (Ace Hardware Janitorial Strength Ammonia) in a refrigerator. Slowly pour 35ml of the cold ammonia over the crystals (still in the filter paper) to wash them. Remove the filter paper from the funnel, spread it out flat and allow the crystals to COMPLETELY dry out. You will now have 2-1/2 grams of white crystal DMT. Mix it with some dried parsley and smoke a little in your favorite pipe! [Updated April 3rd, 2006 to better serve you!] Edited by: marsofold
The specifics of storing spice are probably mentioned time and time again in any forum related to DMT but I'll gladly reiterate for you.... DMT is best stored in an amber vial in your freezer.
Hello all this is SWIMS first time extracting DMT and he is using the marsofold tek. He noticed a discrepancy in the instructions and was wondering if anyone could offer some help. In the original tek it says to use 250ml of naptha (and add it to the wine jug). However in the update it says to use 500ml and then evaporate it down to 50ml. What is a SWIMER to do? Any help would be appreciated. thank you
Hello and welcome Deslyd, You do not say the amount of wine made by your friend... For 250 g MHRB a friend said that 500 ml is ok in several pulls. Probably too much he guess. But he suggest to not mind too much about naphta amounts. Pull naphta as long has you got something. Evaporating to a lower volume is important tough.
To get a little higher yield with Marsofold's Tek... Split the gallon of water/vinegar solution into 3 equal parts, and do 3 polar extractions. Instead of doing one nonpolar extraction with 250-275ml of solvent, do 3 pulls with about 150ml. That'll give you 450ml total, so you'll want to evaporate that down to 50-100ml before precipitating. But before you start the nonpolar extraction, put your basified jug and ~450ml glass of solvent into a hot water bath (fill crockpot with hot water and turn on high). Make sure the solvent gets nice and hot, [i:251da82523]then[/i:251da82523] add 150ml of solvent to the basified solution. I upend/roll the jug [i:251da82523]very carefully/slowly[/i:251da82523] for about 5-10 minutes each pull. After that, put the jug back into the hot water bath. This lets the layers separate a lot quicker, and helps pull more goodies into the solvent. And if you really want to get some nice spice, lookup a few recrystallization methods. It makes the spice less harsh, easier to work with, and nicer to look at.
the amount of MHRB was 1lb. Ridethespiral, SWIM wishes he was smarter and asked this question earlier. As right now he has a wine jug with ~350ml of naphta sitting in it and he is waiting 4 hours (as per marsofold instructions) to pull the naphta layer out. He didnt use a hot water bath and didnt use 3 pulls with solvent. Would it help get more spice out if after swim pulls the 350ml off the top of the jug he then adds another 100-200ml to do a 2nd pull? After that i assume he would have to evaporate it down to ~100ml and then do the freeze/precip.
side question here, what is the litreage of a wine 'jug' exactly ? people I know dont exactly have things like that just laying about. any other safe/proper local equivalents ? thnx.
[quote:bec0482288="blue halo"]side question here, what is the litreage of a wine 'jug' exactly ? people I know dont exactly have things like that just laying about. any other safe/proper local equivalents ? thnx.[/quote:bec0482288]you can find a gallon of cheap wine (less then 10 dollars) at most liquor stores, even walmart (if they sell booze). Check for the cheap brands like carlo rossi and such. They come in large glass jugs.
Delsyd, I'm sure you're finished by now, but what you suggested should be more than fine. Using excess naptha/more pulls guarantees that you get almost all of the spice, especially if you have some primo bark. You can do multiple pulls if you really want to, just make sure you clean it up real nice. And listen to Garulfo... evaporation is the key. Blue, if you're lucky like some of us, your local grocery store will carry a gallon of vinegar in a [i:48cdeeb8fb]glass[/i:48cdeeb8fb] jug. Someone I know says this works great, and the contents can even be used for the extraction. I hate wine.
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