Rising Star
What is the general consensus on tolerance build up to the LSA/LSH containing seeds?
SWIM has not tried taking them everyday. There seems to be a build up of tolerance from his experience if done three days in a row, but not complete tolerance. I’d like to hear form other people.
With LSD you develop complete tolerance within 3 days.
If you take LSA/LSH seeds (Morning Glory, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Ololiuqui) everyday for 1 week will you develop complete tolerance to them? If so, at what point: 4 days, 5 days, etc.?
SWIM has not tried taking them everyday. There seems to be a build up of tolerance from his experience if done three days in a row, but not complete tolerance. I’d like to hear form other people.
With LSD you develop complete tolerance within 3 days.
If you take LSA/LSH seeds (Morning Glory, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Ololiuqui) everyday for 1 week will you develop complete tolerance to them? If so, at what point: 4 days, 5 days, etc.?