null24 said:
CouchLove said:
Acacia Nilotica is form of Acacia found in Egypt, and contains DMT. It was a tree holy to the Egyptians, and later the Jews...
As a student of western esoteric philosophy and occult practice, I'm interested in your assertions.
I'm familiar with the writings and philosophy of the Jewish Merkavah and Hekhalot mystery traditions, which indeed contain some very DMT-like descriptions of imagery.
I've also looked into some of the ancient Egyptian magical theories and practic. While most of the information comes from only a handful of extant contemporary sources, and I'm not as read on those sources, there is a good amount of information on practices. Cultures that came after, the Greeks and Romans even, took from those Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian etc practices to build their own. Isis became Aphrodite, etc.
The priest class in both Egyptian and Jewish ancient culture were very important and were the cultural and social elite. They took very careful records. They kept a lot of secrets too and of course the burning of the second temple, and other historical events compromised our knowledge of those secrets. The kabbalist schools kept a lot of those mysteries alive however and i have never seen any kind of indication other than physical yoga techniques to achieve altered states of consciousness.
There are also many records too of meditation asanas, and ceremonial practices designed to place one into a receptive state to receive visions. I'll find some citations but it'll take time, I'm on the bus to work atm.
I'm wondering if you can provide sources and citations for the claims on Egyptian alchemy? Arabic and Chinese alchemy preceded the explosion of interest in the subject in the middle ages in Europe with Queen Elizabeth and John Dee,but I'm not familiar with the school of Egyptian practice.
I don't fall into a school of exogenous DMT in middle eastern antiquity, nor am i a proponent of the production of endogenous dmt as a way to produce mystical vision. I really don't but into a. nilotica being used to either make a form of ayahuasca or to freebase out alkaloids for smoking.
When we look at other practices that are known to have occurred, consumption of things like marijuana and maybe even syrian rue was done on a large scale, with huge quantities of the plants in question burned inside some sort of enclosure that was used to concentrate and then inhale fumes. This doesn't really indicate a practice like snuffing, inhaling with a pipe etc, that would show the possibility of smoking freebase DMT.
So in order to understand where my view is coming from, you have to be versed in elements of lab alchemy, and the history/origins of pyrolytic, and acetic distillation paths used by the alchemists of old... I am not going to provide you with many citations of where I located this information, but I will give you the name of a western hermetecists who has a great deal of information in his lectures and bodies of work. His name is Rubaphilos salfluĕre -- he hosts a forum which has tons of amazing information, and at least 100 or so essays he has written regarding his experiences with in the western occult. Worth an investigation for any serious occultist.
I am a student of the internal path of alchemy, while my brother keeps diligence in his lab, learning distillation techniques. Much of modern occultism is a dead end, as it allows people to intellectual grapple with a subject, and go through the motions of what seems like an occult/spiritual life style, with out providing any real results. You may not have this issue, as you are on this forum, and probably have consumed enough psychedelics to glimpse some of the mechanisms of this simulation (for want of a better term). However, most people involved in this work really have no first hand experience with truly altered perceptions
If you a familiar with this history of the Alembic, with the oldest known used for distillation dates back to 2000 BC, but chances are this was known of, and used far before then in more secretive circles. The knowledge of distillation goes far back. Pyrolytic distillation being the oldest, which is using fire to break down substances. Acetic distillation was first mentioned overtly around the first century AD, but it's origins stretch back to Mesopotamian and Egyptian rites, and was a heavily guarded secret. The party whom first recorded it was belonging to schools linked back with those groups. I am certain that this information was known by some of the more adept members of the Egyptian priest class, as they had the mastery over their environments, and were experimenting with both pyrolytic and acetic extraction paths.
Egypt is the birth place of Alchemy, as it is with Kabbalah. Kabbalah is not solely Hebrew in nature, but it's current state is. The Kabbalah we know now completely entrenched in the the religious political aspects of Jewish, which can detract from some of the real principles behind it. Which is that it is a structural guide for how our consciousness interfaces with our perceivable universe, and the mechanisms maintaining our perceived separation. There are certain Kaballistic practices which are out there, which have done their best to separate themselves from the accumulated political dogma... Strip it down to its raw form, and we begin to see more of what the Egyptians did. However, so much has bee lost over the ages, and much of the Jewish method for attaining prophetic/visionary states was deliberately buried for safety ( some of this info on the cessation of Jewish prophecy can be found in Rick Strassman's book DMT and the Soul Prophecy)
Also, if you are familiar with the work R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, whom was a student of Alchemny, and did some of the most extensive work into the symbolism found in the Luxor temple, as well as the work of John Anthony west, you will find some compelling information concerning the nature of consciousness, according to the ancient Egyptians... Their models fit perfectly into areas which can be illuminated by deep work within the DMT space...
I am fairly convinced that there were oral DMT traditions that spawned much of our western judeo-christian mentality. Not only because of the research I have down, but because of the experiences I have had which lead me to begin the research in the first place. In some of my work with Ayahuasca, in which I have participated in very rigorous diets with the plants, including one which is revered as the tree of life in South American traditions, I have become aware of the space in which my ancestors (the Jews and Egyptians) had created with in the DMT space. Seeing the ceremony spaces, temples, rites, and receiving direct ancestral information regarding specific details in how plants/temples were worked with...Having the Ayahuasca spirit tell me directly the role of N. Nilotica in the spiritual evolution, while telling me I would be an agent reviving that specific tradition, and to ask the Shamans I work with to apprentice under them, so that they would give me the tools to complete that task. There is now a 10 year apprentice ship underway to learn their particular path, which involves the South American tree of life (Noya Rao), and once I am learned to invoke it, I will have to proper skills invoke/use the A. Nilotica in medicine, as the world has mostly forgotten how to use it.
This last paragraph may bring me under fire, as it naturally will stir up controversy, but that is the path I am on, which has been rapidly evolving the last few years. Not everyone believes that there are intelligences working in the medicine space, but having been so directly guided by them, I can not ignore their messages... They prove to me regularly that they have the power to organize my life as they see fit. Visions of the future, which come true in a matter of days are the hardest to ignore...Literally memories of events of being places I had never been, with people I hadn't seen in years. Stuff like this happens all too often now. The more I attempt to align myself with their teachings, the more spectacular the occurrences in my life are... but I wont stray too deep into this specific topic.
Anyways, there is a lot more information that wont find its way here, that is sitting on my head. Please send me a DM if you want to delve into the realms of occultism...I would love to hear more about what you know, as there are few and far serious occultists whom are working in these spaces