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Much love for the universe!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello every one at dmt-nexus first off i want to thank all of the help that i have recived even with only been on the site for a few days. at first i was like over welmed with information but i just let is soak in. you truely due have a vast network of wisdom and you members are truely open about there opinons. i am glad that there is a place that we can share our info to progresively propetuate information that will shake the foundation of physics it self!

I have only done dmt a few times and each time has truely help me grow as an idivdual. I want to use the spice to truly understand how time works and how to bend it to learn about other dimensions that co-exist with in the plethera of space and time its self. I under stand the we as human beings are vessels that hold our soul that when pure will trancend ito the next dimension. Terrance McKenna said best "Were like catipillars contemplation pupation, no longer will I chew on the cabbage leaves, No longer will I spend my time moving around on the underside of the foliage. Life must be a preparation for the transition to another dimension..." i feel that we are onto the point of no retun and in 2012 we will reach this state and evolve as a spicies to travle into hyperspace. so i am readying my self for this movement.

the first time i smoked dmt i did not know what to expect, all i knew that the smoke was terrable and i thought i was smoking plastic! then as i blew it out i was slapped in the face with brutal reality of things! the hypnogosia was amazing! it was liek a fractal of color that was pullating outward itno infinity i was still able to talk but most of my motor functions were impared i layed on my bed saying 'there is no way that this is real no way no way!!!' i was blown away. i wont even do lsd anymore due to the confusion associated with getting lost in paridims and other spectrums of though. but this was clean and pure i felt reborn in away that move me spiritauly. i was told that if i was ever to come across dmt i should do it due the the rarity. now i see it all over the place. i love the spice so much that it has let me safely learn from it.

the second time i did dmt it was 5meo-dmt and my buddy had a bunch of t and was binging on it and he was having crazy experiances. he was paying freinds of mine to try it as if he needed to re assure himself that this is real and not alien candy. it was crazy it was like a slap in the face and more brutal than the dmt that i had previosly. i do not like 5meo any more! lets say that when i did it i felt somting being implanted into me i felt it slide down my through like a grapefruit. i imeadiatly threw up in the waste basket. as i looked into the basket i saw neon orange eggs glowing and pullating. and they hatched into slimy worm like things. it was really crazy. i wont do 5meo any more!

i got into a band called Shpongle and they are sick as hell and are all about dmt and otjher tranceding pshycidelics. the some "Devine Moments of Truth" should be on anyones playlist that love the synergy of dmt.

latly my trips have changed they are more not eye opening but i do feel an awakening as i fine tune my pinial gland i can feel it pullsate at time as if it is blinking. my trips have been bringing me out into space as i walk the zodia patterns and have been visiting the milkyway where i fell that we are all from. i had alien contact on that stuff anf learnd so much from them. i know this sounds crazy. but i know thatit happend because they answered questions that i have never new the answers. like i envisond space time as dna. dna is the same in all living thins and it not dna that makes you. its how the mrna that makes you. think of it as dna is palet of colors for the artist sure it makes up the pictire but it is how the artist uses the color to make the final porduct. the artist is the mrna making shape out of the availbe ginetics pool of dna its self. one can resonate ones own dna threw vocalizing scertain hums and ohms. i herd this humming in the late trips that i have been having vocalizing and visoning my slef as a stellar being. i seen time fractal out and a vivid outline of matter as it streched out infront of me I have been doing yoga while I smoke dmt and it is amazing and soothing! I do like to breath deep and trough the trip as it controls my anxiety asscosiated with mind blowing experiances. the flowing of ones arms is amazing on this stuff and i feel powerfull as i can channle energy out into the universe giveing back tothose who we take.

when i fist met the entity i was like wow you are real and he said i was just thinking that myslef he seem just as purplexed he thought me about time and how we precive it. the only reason time exsit is that we let it. it is a musurment on how fast things change. more like series of events that map out tiem itself. i dont think that fate is the deal here i think that the future affect the past not the opposite. i will devulge more on this when the time it right.

the last time i did dmt was a few days ago and it was not the most profound experiance i have ever had but a very interesting one. i accuired a few grams of the stuff off one of the coolest kids adn helped me under stand how easy it is to extract the stuff from Mimosa hostilis. he share some of his own head stash witch was the cleanest dmt i hav ever seen he said that he recrystalized it 3 time to get out any impuritys. i have been coxing my peers into trying it. my buddy somed it with me we used a bong that i used to smoke 5moe-dmt he was blown away the first tiem he did not get it so we waited and he blasted off again! this time he was ready and had a great experiance he boldly took three huge inhales wich for a beginer is amazing to see he melted into his chair and felt the other presance that was not me he look startled but then eased into it i could notice that he was was looking for he so i let him know that iwas still here he told me of how he felt he was pulled out out if his body and brought up to the cosmos!
i then hit the bong seeing if there was any left(not to be cheep but) i got tree lung fulls and held on for dear life
i then walked over to sit on the ground. and i sat on the ground i felt the vibrating pullsating feeling asscociated with dmt. i felt a little crazy as i usualy do like ultra dejavu. after that i felt the fabic of time start to crackand i was startled and i faught the breakthrough(giving into astonishment) i then encounter a machine gnome ahve he was veryinquseted why i fought it? we was so perplexd why i hesitated he changed the subject imeadiatly and sort of i dont know how to explain this but i guese told me a joke and i laughed for the enteirity to the dmt trip. i felt he said well if you think this is crazy then justwait buddy your infor a treat haahahahah. i love this shit
well met every one!
Welcome electrolunchbox!

I have a few comments and questions I'd like to ask..

First of all, you said how the second time you tried dmt it was 5-meo-dmt.. Not to nitpick but, they are completely different, you can't really call 5-meo-dmt as dmt anymore than you can call psilocybin (4-PO-DMT) as dmt or bufotenine (5-HO-DMT) as dmt and so on... When people refer to dmt, they mean specifically n,n,dmt, or just dmt. These other molecules have very different effects, dosages, pharmacological aspects, so better call each thing as they are named.

Another comment that called my attention from your post. You said your friend was paying people to try 5-meo-dmt?! That is very very weird on many levels! One shouldnt try to convince others to try psychedelics, specially not by paying them! It has to be a decision one takes out of his own desire, not out of monetary compensation. This is bound to backfire. Do check the Health and Safety guidelines if you havent yet, they have some ideas which are also valid in this case, about how strong these experiences can be, how one shouldnt take it lightly.

Another thing.. You have mentioned 2012, and all these alien visions and dna-related trips and what not. Many people seem to have these kind of experiences, and I think its all very interesting. But please, remember to always keep a skeptical self-critical thinking too, because even though some things may appear very real and meaningful, it can also happen that we are interpreting literally something that is rather symbolic, or that we are simply mistaken or deluded in some vision we have. I like how dennis mckenna said we have to question everything, not only leaders, our parents, our teachers, but also doubt what psychedelics tell us, or what our own minds tell us.

Even in our daily life its hard to know anything with full certainty, all sorts of psychology investigations have already shown over and over how our interpretations and perceptions can be mistaken and play trick on us (optical illusions are a simple example of this), so specially when it comes to these more 'metaphysical' ideas its important to be careful. I say this not because I think you are deluded or anything, but I just want to strengthen this idea of being self-critical here. You'll notice there are a lot of scientific minded people in this forum and the 2012 subject is a bit of a touchy one at times. I think this is so because there's a lot of 'loose-minded' people that just incorporate any and all 'new age' ideas and beliefs without ever questioning the (often false) claims, and this ends up discrediting anything that might actually be valid in the ideas behind new age thought.

For example when you talk about the whole 'pineal' story, this is one of the hot points of the discussions because there is a lot of people in the forums claiming the pineal dmt (mostly as a misinterpretation of rick strassman's speculative hypothesis) while in fact there is no proof that the pineal gland produces dmt (even some evidence that seems contrary to it)

By the way, do check out this thread, it has an interesting discussion on the philosophical metaphysical 'is this real? ' kind of arguments about hyperspace experiences, maybe you will enjoy it.

See you around!
I second what Endlessness said ^^^^^.

Welcome to the Nexus!!

And not to nitpick, but try using the spellcheck - it automatically underlines misspelt words and when you rightclick, it will give you options (assuming your operating system is english). It will make your posts a lot easier to read!:)

In the meantime, pull up a chair and enjoy your stay!


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