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Curiouser and curiouser
Mythology tends to lend itself to ideas that inspire our imagination. We talk about ghosts and UFOs and leprechauns and sprites and deamons and when it comes to DMT we talk about elves and entities.

I think another one that I find interesting are Muses.

I had an experience the other day where I had smoked a large hit of DMT and went to play my guitar. When I was dicking around, my brain would be annoyed and confused, but when I settled into a song, it was effortless, like I had been possesed. I kept playing and I felt as if I was playing someone elses song, as if a greater inspiration was speaking through me. This is sensation that artists call a muse. I think all artists have felt this before, but with DMT this felt even more amplified like a literal voice humming a tune in my head, a tune so beautiful that I could only translate in the harsh reality of my guitar strings. The real song echoed in my head via the singing mus, more beautifully than I could reproduce. And the cool thing with this experience was that when I got the song right, the carpet would begin to dance with fractals and patterns.
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