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Mushrooms - Second Grow 4 Strains! (Grow Log)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey everyone,

I've grown mush before but took a bit of a break and now I've decided to start up again. I am using the PK tek with the shotgun FC. My log will go day by day, unless there is no change. You can find the video for this here. As a tip though, you will want your mixture to be crumbly, not gooey or watery. I add less water or add more verm.

After following the video, you should have something like this:

Sterilized jars covered with tinfoil that have been allowed to cool completely (Probably overnight) I label mine with which strains I intend to use, just so I can keep track of them.

Since the remainder of how to inoculate and build an FC are on those videos, I won't go into them in detail. Overall, remembering cleanliness is your biggest concern.

As of today, Nov. 2, 2009, I have the following jars started:

-1 Puerto Rican
-2 Huatlas (A) & (B)
-2 Amazonians (A) & (B)
-3 B+ (A), (B) & (C)

I will keep you up to date with any changes/growths that I have in my little bundle! Thanks for reading!
Hey Minova,
i just decided a few weeks ago to start again too.
So i got my new print and will start my new mushies soon!

Happy growing! 😉
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