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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey I wasn't sure where to put this b/c I have few option's but as you can tell by my name I like the band Therion (Opera/Metal). I have yet to check out Stratovarius and Amberian Dawn my brother found out about them through an experience he had. I'm not going to go into detail on his experience though I'll leave that up to him. I was wondering if anyone knew any other band's I might be interested in I have a very eclectic taste in music but this type of music is my favorite at the moment because it take's you into another world in a way.
I Picked up Stratovarius and I like it, not as much as Therion but it's good. I have yet to check out your suggestion's maybe I'll look at them later tonight.
therion--never heard of them, just listened to a few songs, a couple reminded me of iron maiden.

but when you say metal/opera, i first think of dream theater. i never really got into them, but just found this one:

along similar lines, definitely more metal ballad late 80's style, and one of my fav's in high school was flotsam and jetsam.

yeah this is taking be back:p
Some of my favorites by Therion are Clavicula Nox, The Wand of Arabis, The Falling Stone, Raven of Dispersion, Three Treasures and The Khlysti Evangelist. I think I'll stop here because I actually have a lot of songs I like by them. There actually a Swedish band I think.
I had never heard of operametal. This music is great. I used to dig psytrance for it's seducing beats, then I was into classical (mozart, bach, occasional beethoven and tchaicovsky). Then I found my favorite is to play rainforest sounds while a few people play a drum circle. Add in a didgiridoo, a tibetan bowl, some rattles and everyone's happy.

John Coltrane is a good choice as well.
My favorites from this genre are:




especially this second one sends the chills down my spine every time I listen to it...
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