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My first DMT Message-Realization

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi everyone!
So I tried DMT about a month ago and it was really awesome! I took a pretty strong "beginner" dose, was at home, and everything suddenly changed into playful colors and patterns blocking my field of view. I could navigate myself into the room (I was up and pacing back and forth with open eyes) but I couldn't distinguish anything in it. It was like I was somewhere else and experienced life as a child going nuts on how weird and beautiful everything looked. It was an extremely beautiful experience!

However, this story is about my second attempt (I smoked again a few times after my first one but didn't go as deep as my previous experience). Me and two of my friends had agreed that at the end of the week we would all do a decent dose of the substance. One friend had gone as deep as I did and the other one was going that deep for the first time. So we met at my friend's house, they smoked, one after the other was "back", and it was my turn to go deeper, but for some reason I felt like I was pushing myself, like I was obliged to do it, not because I really wanted to, at that time, but only because we had agreed to do it. It certainly is something I would love to experience, but I had a feeling like I needed to force myself to do it that night, I don't really know why. So after a few minutes I relaxed and decided not to go that deep that night, so I just did small doses and had some beautiful experiences. At the end of the night, I decided to try it again when I felt ready, alone at home.

And so I did. After a few days, I really was in the mood for it. I had a little anxiety (not fear) going into it, so I started small to feel more "comfortable". After two small doses I was really in the mood for it. I plugged in my earbuds and put on "The Queen of All Everything" by Ott, took a heavier dose, laid on the bed and I was observing the walls in my house when it hit me. The music sounded more digital and the house wouldn't stop transforming. Again, not as powerful of an experience as my first one, but a more beautiful one because I was laying still and observing. I also closed my eyes at some point and it felt like I was in a different room with fractal walls of some sort (really can't describe it). Then I opened my eyes, looked at the wall on my right, put my hand on it and I could feel something like "energy" going into my hand. When this happened, I froze and stared at my hand and the wall. I could see something like a green aura around it. I was stuck in this position just thinking. Remember, the music is still playing in my ears. It got really euphoric at that time and I was slowly coming "back".

At about that time I said to myself that this was a very beautiful experience and that I shouldn't be anxious over it because as soon as I'm in the trip, I love it. I thought to myself "let go, it doesn't matter" and it was then that I realized that this, "message", was something that could apply to many aspects of my life. When that realization hit me, I felt really happy. I wrote the "message" down and I started jumping because of the joy I felt. I quickly started jumping and dancing ecstatically. Then it got a little weird :p. I got rid of everything I was wearing threw it on the floor and continued dancing naked :p. I should note that I never throw my clothes on the floor and I never walk barefoot, not even wearing socks in my house (I need slippers) because it feels very dirty to me. I turned all the lights off and the music all the way up (my earbuds were REALLY loud) so it was pitch black in the room. I was "letting go". Then my inner voice, maybe what they call the ego idk, started saying "you're gonna go deaf, turn down the volume!", "the floor is dirty, cover your feet!", "neighbours will hear your strange noises!", "you can't see anything, you're going to hurt yourself!" and other things like that. All I was saying was "it doesn't matter" while dancing myself to death!

When I finally tired my ass off, I sat down and I concluded that DMT, and maybe all challenging but beautiful experiences in life, is like a girl you like and you know she likes you as well, but you don't really talk. So you kinda try to bring something up to get the situation going, and it's a little awkward at first because you both know you like each other but you are also a little anxious taking the first step. So when it happens, and you kiss, you feel wonderful, all of the anxiety is gone and you lose yourself to her, basically falling in love. That's why we need to let go of what's holding us back from experiencing amazing things.

Got really romantic there haha :p

I know that this was not even close to a first step in hyperspace. I just wanted to share my experience because it was very meaningful to me. I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to say what you think about it!

Peace and love to you all! :)
Many in this world would do best by learning to dance like no one is looking. Letting go of all the chatter in the mind. The judgements. The worry. The repetitive nonsense.

Timothy Leary would likely tell you that you are learning to operate your brain. As I read your post I thought of the playfulness he often prescribed and letting go of the mind for a short time. Going out of your mind.

Keep on dancing my friend.. just don't do it to death. 😉
DmnStr8 said:
Timothy Leary would likely tell you that you are learning to operate your brain. As I read your post I thought of the playfulness he often prescribed and letting go of the mind for a short time. Going out of your mind.

Thanks for the response! :)
Really interesting video! I'll be sure to check out more from Mr. Leary! I think it is his voice in the beggining of the live version of the song "Third Eye" by Tool. Just mind-blowing!

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