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My first DMT trip was an awesome experience!!!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I was interested to try DMT because McKenna mentioned it and I wanted to experience that.

I'd mention that I've tried shrooms, LSA, so I'm not new into psychedelics.

Curiosity consumed me, and I couldn't resist delving deeper into the world of DMT. I read about its ability to induce intense hallucinations and transport the mind to otherworldly realms. The prospect of encountering entities from another dimension fascinated me, and I couldn't resist the allure of embarking on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

With my heart pounding in anticipation, I carefully measured out the 40 mg of DMT, set 15W mode on my vape, placed DMT on my emesh and inhaled the vapor in one toke. I've hold the vapor as much as I can. In about 5 seconds, the world around me dissolved into a breathtaking kaleidoscope of colors, and I felt my consciousness being pulled towards an unknown realm.

As I delve into the realm of the DMT experience, I find myself transported to a dimension beyond my wildest imagination. The air becomes thick with an otherworldly energy, tingling with anticipation. Colors intensify, merging and swirling together in a kaleidoscope of vibrant hues.

As I close my eyes, the veil between this reality and the ethereal realm begins to dissolve. Suddenly, I find myself surrounded by a symphony of intricate patterns and geometric shapes, each pulsating with an otherworldly rhythm. It is within this mesmerizing tapestry that I encounter the enigmatic beings known as machine elves.

The machine elves, with their mischievous yet wise presence, materialize before me. Their bodies shimmer with an otherworldly luminescence, as if composed of pure energy. Their movements are fluid and graceful, defying the laws of physics.

These ethereal beings communicate with me through a language beyond words, a cosmic dialogue that transcends the limitations of human speech. They convey knowledge and wisdom, unveiling the mysteries of the universe in a way that is both profound and awe-inspiring.

In their presence, time loses its meaning. Minutes feel like hours, as I am immersed in a timeless dance of enlightenment. They guide me through the depths of my consciousness, opening doorways to new realms of understanding.

As I interact with the machine elves, I feel a deep sense of interconnectedness with all things. They reveal the intricate web of existence, showing me that we are all part of a grand cosmic tapestry. The boundaries between self and other blur, as I become one with the fabric of the universe.

Throughout this extraordinary journey, the machine elves exude an aura of boundless joy and love. Their presence is comforting, as if they are ancient guardians of the cosmic order. They impart a sense of cosmic purpose, reminding me of the infinite possibilities that await us in the vast expanse of existence.

Eventually, as the effects of the DMT begin to wane, the machine elves bid me farewell, fading back into the mystical realm from which they emerged. I am left with a profound sense of wonder and gratitude for the glimpse into this extraordinary dimension.

The experience of a DMT trip with machine elves is an indescribable odyssey, a journey that defies the boundaries of human comprehension. It is a profound reminder of the vastness of the universe and the limitless potential of the human mind.

As I entered this new dimension, I found myself surrounded by ethereal beings, shimmering with radiant energy. These entities were unlike anything I had ever seen before – a perfect blend of exquisite beauty and profound wisdom. They greeted me with gentle smiles, their eyes filled with a profound understanding of the universe.

I was overwhelmed with a sense of awe and wonder as the entities communicated with me through a language that transcended words. It was a language of pure emotion and telepathic connection. They shared with me ancient wisdom, revealing the interconnectedness of all things and the true nature of reality.

In this realm, time ceased to exist, and I felt as though I had been embraced by an eternal moment. The entities guided me through breathtaking landscapes, filled with vibrant colors and celestial wonders. They showed me the infinite possibilities that lay within the human mind and the limitless potential for growth and transformation.

As the trip began to fade, I was filled with a profound sense of gratitude and clarity. I realized that this experience was not just a mere hallucination but a glimpse into the profound mysteries of the universe. The entities had opened my mind to new perspectives and expanded my consciousness in ways I could never have imagined.

Returning to my cabin, I knew that I had been forever changed. I carried the wisdom and teachings of the entities within me, and I was determined to live a life aligned with the interconnectedness I had experienced. I became an advocate for the exploration of consciousness, sharing my story with others in hopes of inspiring them to embark on their own journeys of self-discovery.

I understood that the entities I encountered were not mere figments of my imagination but manifestations of a collective consciousness that exists beyond the physical realm. They were my guides, mentors, and companions on the path to enlightenment.

From that day forward, my life became a testament to the power of the human spirit and the limitless potential of the mind. And as I continued to explore the depths of my consciousness, I discovered that the true magic of the DMT trip lay not in the substance itself, but in the profound connection it forged between the realms of the seen and the unseen. I was like this is incredible! DMT trip was beyond my any expectations!

I thank you and appreciate this great website. Thank you for that valuable information and discussions. I love you!


Welcome to the Nexus and thank you so much for sharing your wonderful first experience. Very brave of you to try such a large dose right out of the gate.

By the way there are a couple paragraphs in the second half of your report that repeat word for word previous ones. A bit of editing might help with that, :D.

Wonderful that your entities were so friendly, helpful and educating. I do not recall you mentioning them being pushy or in your face or curious about why you were there. Did you get a sense of deja vu at all?

DMT trips are quite something. In a way they can completely change our perspectives but the truth is when we land back in consensual reality nothing at all has changed. Thus, I like your idea that you will be a force for positive change in the future in the aftermath of your DMT trip. It's up to us to make the change we seek.

Again, thank you for sharing such a great report and a very warm welcome to you. :D

P.S.: I am curious - why is your avatar a handgun?
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