Rising Star
-20 Mg spice
First experience was with a friend as a sitter.
I was taking the second toke and suddenly everything in the room start being brighter,like everything was jumping in light.
"Take another hit-take 1 more" my friend was yelling but i couldnt hardly hear him because i couldnt even feel if i was breahing or not
I hit the sofa very hard
Suddenly a big membrane start spinning forward and backward in front of me with all the most beautiful colors.i couldnt move my body, i feelt i had a connection to it but i couldnt move it at all.
I remember it was a low strange sound,very weird because it was changin with the membrane tha was spinning
A voice or something called on me and said to me that dont be afraid,let go of your body and come.
I tryed to release my body but it was a strange feeling
I felt joy and happiness rinse through my body as i was start smiling.
I really dont remeber so much after that but suddenly
i was back in a very bright room where my usual brown uggly curtains was now the most beutiful curtains i ever seen,green and red shining light on the sides of them.
My sitters head was shining with a strange light as he was smiling.
I didnt go deep but now i know what its like and i cant wait to next opportunity to put more spice in the machine:d
First experience was with a friend as a sitter.
I was taking the second toke and suddenly everything in the room start being brighter,like everything was jumping in light.
"Take another hit-take 1 more" my friend was yelling but i couldnt hardly hear him because i couldnt even feel if i was breahing or not
I hit the sofa very hard
Suddenly a big membrane start spinning forward and backward in front of me with all the most beautiful colors.i couldnt move my body, i feelt i had a connection to it but i couldnt move it at all.
I remember it was a low strange sound,very weird because it was changin with the membrane tha was spinning
A voice or something called on me and said to me that dont be afraid,let go of your body and come.
I tryed to release my body but it was a strange feeling
I felt joy and happiness rinse through my body as i was start smiling.
I really dont remeber so much after that but suddenly
i was back in a very bright room where my usual brown uggly curtains was now the most beutiful curtains i ever seen,green and red shining light on the sides of them.
My sitters head was shining with a strange light as he was smiling.
I didnt go deep but now i know what its like and i cant wait to next opportunity to put more spice in the machine:d