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My First Experience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
It happened. And wow is She holy. This substance that has been bestowed on mankind… I am truly at a loss for words and even if I could explain it, it would be a desecration of something so holy, to try to explain it in words… But my excitement supersedes me and this is what I experienced: I got some Holy Elixir from a good friend of mine who is also on this forum and who lives close to my house. He showed me how to setup a pipe from an empty Tylenol bottle, a pen and some foil, which I did with extra care making sure to seal off where the pen enters the bottle with chewed up gum to get all the smoke. I asked my wife to sit with me in the bedroom. I had smoked Salvia over the past few weeks (unknowing that I would do DMT….the Holy Elixir just came to ME) and that had really helped me ease into my journey and not freak out. I sat on my bed with my wife lying next to me on the floor. 1 big hit…the tingling started. Then I took another hit that sucked up all the DMT and (as my friend had told me, thankfully he did) my hands turned to plastic alien like. I slowly put down the pipe into my lap as my blanket became a living being… The designs on the blanket started to sort of growl at me (no sounds, just the feeling of growling), but it was growling in a cute way. Sort of like when a toddler doesn’t want to let go of something and you don’t want to either, and are having a cute but intense stare down… I was the toddler and I realized that I was sort of holding back and Spirit was growling at me to let go but in the most loving and tender way… I just let go…and She embraced me… Everything around me started to turn into this gorgeous ridged material. Everything in the room came alive…the layers (that everyone mentions,)were so apparent to everything in the room. The whole room was this ridged spiritual-plastic material made of angles and facets…. THEN…everything started to become more liquid and flowy, and I started noticing that I was in the chamber of a Pharaoh, lying on my back on a stone sarcophagus. And all around me were hieroglyphics that were alive and made of blue light. They were teaching me and feeding my soul and making me so happy. My wife later mentioned that it was as if I was having a 10 minute orgasm... It was nothing sexual, the hieroglyphics, which I was somehow able to control, were like entertainment, science, spiritual knowledge, everything into one. They were dancing around me in the most beautiful way, which was what was giving me the orgasmic feeling, the way they moved and danced to the beat of my soul... And were somehow under my control but were pouring into my soul light that was satisfying me in a way that I never knew existed. It was so spiritually futuristic; there were no appliances, no technology, no furniture, just a stone sarcophagus in an empty chamber that was alive with this “entertainment” that was feeding me. It was satisfying to every sense that I had. Started to come down and I was still seeing the hieroglyphics but in relation to the physical room I was in and it was so fleeting yet so unbelievable. How my movements and my spirit controlled everything around me in the most gorgeous way. It was gorgeous…that’s all that I can say. Too amazing to even think of… I can not believe how unbelievable the “otherworld” is… I never ever expected it to be this cool, this deep, this thick… Every square inch of our universe occupies worlds, dimensions, creation that is bigger than our universe x infinity. Wow. I am so glad to be part of their brotherhood/sisterhood. All my love
WELCOME!!! always glad to hear about dmt break thrus. isn't it amazing that not everyone has experienced that?? Its all love. Glad you loved it. Best thing is once you have that 1st GREAT experience it ONLY GETS BETTER :p LOVE LIGHT DMT
Thanks for the kind words guys. The holiness of this allows me to see the perfection, i want to give this it what it deserves. To be created through me rather than me experiencing it. I learned so much about just letting go and seeing the magic unfold. There was a few moments where everything around me was made of gold ridges and angles...it was absolutely the sexiest thing that I had ever felt... and at the same time I had this sensation of being covered with warm spiritual water... the comfort level I felt was ineffable. Its all ineffable.... I wonder if I place a mirror next tome so I can catch glimpses of myself and how i look in that golden world. love
sexy goldy ridge angles huh? lol. sounds familiar...is this kind of like a room corner that extends out to infinity? those are fun to try and wrap your perceptions around! :shock: that body load is really something too, eh? like the warm, voluptuous embrace of an opiate high (legal opiates of course : P), except...different. it feels much more natural, or like the most natural thing ever. i find that under the influence i'll do alot of deep breathing and sort of groan a bit too. it just feels so nice! like watching yourself get the best sleep of your life while taking a euphoria shower at the same time, aaahhhhhhh...sweet, heavenly, orgasmic bliss..elysium!! :D anyway, consider this the pilot to the series of episodes you'll be having with dmt. just think, this is just the beginning!
Yes .. awesome to hear ! Beingasms for everyone ! It's like hugging yourself from the inside out ~ .... Lovelovelovelovelovelovelove is all we need - And it is a constant for everyone to have, a place to start-over, be reborn from, and wake up from, to live a fulfilled and inspired existence. Imagine living without this reminder..?! Imagine the extent of disconnection that some people, if not most people are taught to live with, or just sleepwalk around in...? I think this is a tragedy to bear all life long, so Thank God for dmt ! Iamone, hopefully this report was just a 'pilot episode', as we all want to hear more about what you can remember, so keep scripting ... ! (but maybe to continue, get a new launch-device - a 'real cool' glass pipe, or bong (dry) with a 100 - 200 ml chamber to see the vapour coming...!)
Amazing words.... Translating an even more amazing existence... We are so fortunate. And we MUST live this to the fullest. I don't mean to have DMT experiences all the time, but to swim so freely in the infinite waters of Spirit with no discern for anyone that is not feeling what we are feeling. Empathy is important, but we went through OUR processes of learning SO WELL AND SUCCESSFULLY....that we were rewarded with an even bigger gift that will keep getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger......... Congratulate ourselves today for being so fucking amazing... and for accomplishing SOOOO MUUUCH!!! We pray for the infants to gain self realization.... but.... the way we help these infants to grow, is by us soaking in as much of what is being given to us as possible. To enjoy it to the ABSOLUTE fullest with not a shred of guilt...That will radiate so strong onto the earth...much more than if we feel bad for those people... just my thoughts... I love you all...
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