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My first Expirience with Aya/Psychodelics

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Sooo !!
My english isnt that good but i hope you can follow my text and intensions well...

My Journey started a long time ago , my psychonautism started when i was 11 , i had my first mindexpandings (without substances) i dreamed lucid ,i visited new ground ,it was an alienification of the ilusion not reality , what hapened is i got more conscious , its like yoir in your house knowing that you have a cellar and attic too,unable to handle it or i dodnt know what to do or what it was because my surroundings made me belive i might gone crazy haha. , wich scared me in the beginning , then with the age and expirience i got further and further...

and so on , before 4 months a new era started , my thirst for wisdom and answers has grown realy big , and i become more and more conscious , i experimented a lot , with dreams , with boundarydisolution , with reality , and the universe responded to me on each question , it was like a download of the arcaik medium , i saw it hapen life , it was great.
I also dreamed a lot , @ the beginning i had a dream , i was escaping the Platonic Cave , but the setting was more modern , it was a church , the fire was my Theaterteacher , there was a projector , and the people , watching these shadows , in some kind of movie , believing that this might be the true truth...
I turned away , and i saw some tecnicians , the croud molested me , so i decided to recreat the whole thing , but just before the croud arived , so the room was empty , just my teacher sitting there , the back wall of the church was allready crumbling , and she asked me to ghet her some kinda vegetables , so the back wall , was now a big hole , and i breaked through the other side , out , and it was like a massive wave , like a world refresh, it was all real , the lucidity was now so strong , i saw a pedestrian , a indian one , i grabed him in my overwhelming euphoria, extasy and told, yeled at him that im dreaming ...

and then , it was tike to wake up , a light soaked me from above , it was like in Waking Life , i tried to grab the churchwall but i sliped and as i screamed no (iwas realy screaming) i woke up , and from then on thing started to be different.
if you ghet deeper in the symbology , you might see that from then i was like freed.
i breaked just to the other side haha , i started even more lucid dreaming , and my journeys where intense , and each time ive grown with them and mastered them, it was not easy , and if the task was not finished i returned to that place fully aware that ive been there allready, also i had many trips in my dreams.

The one time things got verry interesting ,my awereness expanded , and i was the peace of wood that i was looking on my dreambed , its not really explainable , afterwards i got that feeling awake to , with a wall in the street of the neighborhood , i just expanded for that night, i would describe the awerness liek a flashlight , when your fully aware youl shine verry verry far , your look just pinches trhough room , when your not your like a candle , just enlightening your surroundings.

I dont want to overload this but it is important to know how it relates.
so my spiritual journey went on and on , i turned from vegetarian to Vegan , ive met with new people , like me , and i noticed the shift long ago allready , but now its like a massawakening , and those people ghet connected more and more , its juts awesome.
so , my thirst wasnt gone of course , i red Freud , Aldous huxley , and started to watch Terence McKennas Auditions , it was amazing , and he talked about Shamanisn and ayahuasca , and so i researched , ive never smoked Mjay nor drunk Alc never done anything because i didnt realy saw the sense in it , i wanted to do salvia , but the time wasnt right i guess.

So when i read sbout ayahuasca , the urge and the feeling , it was just right , so i bought it , prepared it with my friend , i thought he might need it verry much , to cure himself.
so i took 100g of Banisteropsis Caapi , Ourinho i think ,and 30G of Mimosa hostilis (Jurema
heated them , we made 3 washes 3hrs , so 10hrs of work maybe , we used destiled water and winegar too.

so , i think we might have taken it more seriously , the whole preparation , because it has effect on how the trip is ging to be , maybe because of water has a memory ? i dont know yet but it reflected in a tiny part of the trip.
So the preparaion was done ,i was , verry verry excited and we coudnt still believe that we just made ayahuasca haha , so we slept , i dreamed about the trip , and when i woke up i realized that it might ghet verry intense , but i was like prepared the last 3 months and i felt that my spiritual maturity may be enough.

So we Destilated the Liquids , filled em up in too botles , and then weve gone to buy some fruits , i was really hungry , have berely eaten that night before .
I asked my freind on hos gonna sit us the night , he just ansered a good mate of mine , a 43 year old woman , shes ok .
I thought well , maybe its the best thing that could hapen , Mature , expirienced etc...
but as i saw in the trip that was not the case XD .
we arrived , slightly nervous , set down , calmed a bit , put some meditation music of all kinds , it was a meditation set , and in the midle of the set , some guy said : This is CD nr2 of the Album blablabl hahahah xD it was terifing .

The Trip:
Seting : Home of the freind of a freind
State of mind : Willing to do it , not afraid but bit nervous.
Persons with us : My friend , the Woman , and her daughter...
Age : 18 (before 5 weeks)

ok , so , cheers ! we drank the Caapi , it wasnt a delight to drink it , but i drunk worse , so it didnt took that long to drink it , maybe 10-15min , i just had a bit fear of vomiting so i drank it slowly , but nausea wasnt the case. we waited 15 min before we drank the Mimosa , the DMT , haha i had a full glass of mimosa , but , i drank about dont know may be about 1 fifth , and it tasted , not thaaaat bad how they describe it , but what it makes dificult to drink , its dry and your mouth just feels shrunked and furry xD , and something was hapening , i dublechecked , no it was not placebo , i smiled and i was floating with the music , i started to hear the mental state in theire breaths , and my hands where soo light and i knew i was going out of my body, but i also was going in .

my freind drank about the half glass , i saw it ,and i told him that hes not yet ready haha.
So the Sound , started to differ , and i tested if its the sound or just theyre breaths , i sniped , snap! no , its the same , i knew it was the right time to lean just back , and i said take me away , aaaand , gone was i...

i Closed my eyes and it tried to connect me , the whole place was moving , that was the moment im leaving , i didnt flip , but the feeling fas somehow familiar , when i opened my eys for a moment i saw my Chakras opening up , the nerves of my finger came out like antenas , and there was this sound sssszzZZZZ sooo STROng , and ZAP, like conecting to FAT wires , and each time they tried to connect me and something blocked i threw up , the neongreenmass , the nervosity , the bad energy that was going on around me the electrosmog my negative emotions , zzzZAP! i vomited about 6 times.... then i puled my hood on , with the last motorik that was left because the place was verry enlightend , but the lights where dimed , darkness is the best.

then time colapsed ,the timeconstruct ,iveherd them talking about me :( whats hapning with him ? is he allright , i mean )then it looped , it was said but its meant to be said in the future but its allready there , but its not , it just colapsed, then i left the place , i was floating through 7 dimensiongates ,its verry hard to describe its like electricdoors but doors within doors and as you go through they are pictures its like the forth dimension ? and then you float and float and its beyond the capacity of verbalisation , so then came a tunnel , a gateway to the world , the tunnel was made of lots of flowers of life , in different collours , it was not a scary floating , i floated gently through and when i was there , i was in the stomach of mother earth , waiting to be reborn , i was just light , with othr light , it was heaven , so warm and gentle , and i was breathing , a Cosmic breath , i breathed in and expanded , it was so deep , so timeless , beatifull , and it showed me fraktals each interval , the breath in , and out , 2 different cycles i understood , it was like the cycle of the universe , the rebirth and death with each breath i took , verry hard to describe, and i saw the connectedness and the perfectness , the breath in sshhhhh and i made a ploplike noise with my mouth and it reacted like if you trhrow a stone in the lake and then admire all the waves like a child , it was verry powerfull , i learned a breathing tecnique , (i know it now to and i tried it once , the breathing tecnique brings you the equilibrium ).

So things changed , i saw a entity , i got a bit scared i knew it was watching me , it was flying in a wavestyle motion , like smoke , but dark and lilla , and i got away from that light , and i started to breath but it didnt work , and the spirit that i was facing was Zyniclike and he almost told me like , it snt everything good let me show you the dark side , (in the meanwhile the music changed some kind of asiatic music, wow it just guided me there , the set was just perfect , even it had his hard moments ) (the daughter clicked the mouse in the room i was laying and it was terrible XD!) Roaches insectlike things not too little and snakes came out and they bit me in the clickingmotion of the clicking the daughter was causing , it was the madnes i was seeying when iwas little , the chaos and the media i tried to escape in , i saw me pupeteered , i saw my ego , i daw all my conflicts and komplexes and i saw what i am i saw my whole life .

the trip became a whole new lvl , so intense so quick , i mean the best language and the mnost effective , it was like Speedmethaphors , emerging paterns , and i understood the fully it was like my whole storry in a blink of an eye , but i got it . i saw my pain , burried benath the corners of my soul , the all got released , i confronted everything.
the entiiti was boss there , i said that i understood , i was like horrified and sad , and i repeated i understand , i will go to the light , then i prayed , but the entity wouldn let me , and showed me more , i was in a Neoncity and i saw a indian godes light blue with 4/6 arms for a moment , i saw Purple rivers , i saw a evil source feeding mankind , and the city was sining in this source , the source was like Greed , Lust etc , it was bittersweet poison , i prayed for mankind , i forgave my self i forgace them , i prayed , it was helllike , created by theman sins , it was really horble , but the message was clear .

I started breathing again , deep , but then the breathing out was like a HuH ! i dont want you , i dont need this , HUH ! i departed all the bad things and the pain that was inside me , the confusion anger , everything the sadness , i saw my psychological schemes , i saw my ego like every little bits of it with his facetes , i understood fully and i understood why it was like that , i asked why , so it showed me , istarted crying ,i was now connected to the universalconsciousness , somebody pulled me gently out of this , it was like a mother caring for his child , and i just cried in her arms , why ??!! why ...

i saw the world and its beauty , i saw how beautifull all was , and then i saw mankind rotting in it , been manipulated and destroying it , i cried , i cired for them and it caused me so much pain , but i was like in the hands of a mother i was huged and brought back slowly , i opened my eys for a short moment and i decided to just stay in this feeling and just to think , and what really matters is love , we need love , and we need to say goodbye to all our grief and to those things that might stop us , it was all so ill , i cried ...

so , i returned , i didnt felt dizzy , but it costed me a lot of energy as i saw me in the mirror , but it didnt matter , i told the whole storry to the women , i told her , i saw her pain and her aura , she just needs love , i huged her , she didnt understand most of it , but i got good hopes , and i told her that she care verry good for her daughter .
I felt cracked , so i was there , sitting in the train , cracked , it felt verry artificial , the people , even the train and the wholeness , but with awereness comes great respnsibility and training to master it .

so i was heading to a woman , a freind of mine , i just realized how important god is , i knew it before , but now i KNOW . the Power of the word , also , i discovered it one year ago i cant rememver exactly but i saw how ,uch power the word has , so i decided to go to a freind of mine , a Christ and exspiritual and we prayed together , she prayed for me and that helped me alot , to ghet rid of the negative energy , it was like the last cleansing , i felt much much stronger afterwards , before i was lostlike.
so , she gave me the bible and from then on i started to read the bible , crazy haha .
I noticed that my third eye still was verry active , my last 2 chakras where verry open the next days , i dacided to go out 2 days after , and i saw and sensed all the people passing me by , like a river of emotions energy , it swiped me almost away . it took a week to recalibrate , or to learn how to live properly ? again...

I also sensed a peace , connectedness, even stronger then before ,ive let go all the pain , everything. but i was , changed forever , until now , im figuring out whats hapening ,im living in a different way , im observing things childlike ,i sense people , that was before to but its verry strong now , and much more is going on now.
4 days after i decided to meditate , and i used the learned tecnique from my trip , and it made me verry lucky and equilibrated , my freinds saw it in my face , not a mile but a satisfied meme , almost like white glowing.

Afterwards after some time passed ive tried to reexpirience old events with the new me on purpose , like , going in a Club or listening to my favorite music etc , i must say , The music , Sounds much clearer now , my mind is jut clear i can tell for sure where the music is comming from , my senses are sharper , much sharper. i saw different and more effetcive ways on how to do things , im more calmed, but what i did not , was dancing , i started dancing almost one year ago when my mum died , it helped me alot , started with funk , the getink in to tutting and the robot etc , as i recognized my lostness in the electronic madnes resulting in the dance being pupeteered , just that as an expresion scared me a bit , i didnt want to personify it again...
but im dancing normaly today .
every time i tell people my storry , i spot something new , and new meanings emerge .
but i think the puzzle is complete so far , and i hope i havent forgot something ...

sooo , i hope you didnt ghet bore cause of the OP intro hahaha , and im sorry that the bottleneck and verbalisation limits me ._. , but im happy with the results =^_^=

I am till now and will evr be a psychonaut .
Greets and positivity : Stefan ^^
Now that's one powerful first journey... 😁

Very nice story indeed, although a bit messy writing, you're good at getting abstract ideas across by writing very lively almost as one would speak and I had very little problem reading with full enthusiasm all the way.

I want to give you a little warning though, from an alternative perspective as I see you're already on that thought and had what I perceive as a very deep and spiritual journey. This phenomenon with hypersensitive senses is common with heavier work with these plants, I've experienced this myself in working with Aya, Harmal, Mimosa and Mushrooms. I'd recommend going a little bit lower on the dosing if you decide to continue experimenting and be very careful with your setting on the trip and in the following 3-4 days. This is clearly a very strong journey, and having this expanded consciousness which can come from doing deep journeys like this can be very challenging and even dangerous if not taking precautions and learning it step by step.

I recommend to do proper grounding, like eating good and pure food, preferably dieta-ish, sleeping enough etc. after journeys like this, and last but not least, take good time to integrate the experience into your daily life. I ended up making soup as they say, so beware, this is powerful stuff! I had to repair damages in my heart, mind and even soul as a consequence of stress and trauma while in this open mindstate (after heavy journeys) and not taking the right measures for it, and it was quite bad and long lasting. I guess there's a reason it's common to go into some kind of isolation for the heavier works, at least my experience tells me so. Following specific diets, avoiding general public, sexuality, etc. Even Tibetan monks do this for their yoga. For lower doses and easier work these kinds of things are not really the same issue at all.

Also smoking mapacho tobacco (pure eco virginia types work if you cannot get rustica) can be really good to ground yourself before and after the experience and to help stimulate the healing process of Ayahuasca. Remember water and blood sugar (fruit) to fuel it :)

I hope I'm not pointing too much finger here, just don't want you to fall off the road when you're having such a lucky introduction and show great potential, so I share my experience hoping it will prevent bad experiences. It's really lovely that you've gotten such good lasting benefits after this journey though. The sensory clarity, peace and calmness after cleansing with these meds is just priceless. Welcome to the game! 8)
Oh thanks haha , yess sorry xP , what can i do to improve my rightings ?
yes that is verry true , i noticed.

Yes im Vegan , i eat allways verry healthy , i dont smoke drink , not even cola etc.
Yes , ive ate some hours before fruits , no your not everything is just fine = ) , im glad you liked my report :D .
yes it is haha thank you , im verry excited !

PS: cuple month ago , ive made some spiritual preparation , even though i didnt even know that im going to take Ayahuasca, but i prepared , in my dreams , in my mindaltering expiriences , it was all just perfect , the moment was right ...
haha i forgot to mention , my freind , who drunk about one half cup , more then the duble of me , went home xD , and as he walked he heard the snow crumbling beneath his soles like earthquakes , and everything was breathing , he took maybe 30min to ghet there but then when he came home , and turned of the lights he said it started . He told me that he expirienced to the breathing , and the universal consciousness , i think Aya talks just your language and i brought some spiritual maturity with me , if that wasnt have been the case , i maybe gone crazy , the intense part was fighting the demon insight , with me , i practiced it allready in my dreams , i was sort od prepared , but who is prepared for his firt DMT trip ? xD hahaha ...
im glad what hapened , the intense scary part , the beauty , im just greatfull for everything and im looking forward to do it with a profesional shaman , who also has might about the realm , i noticed , the music guides you , and at one moment if you dont have a shaman it costs you lot of energy to overcome the dificult part , i think he might be sort of anker and of course an important guidance...
im going to ghet some sleep , life is showing me everyday something new , to learn and see.
its just awesome , thats life haha.
Peace , Steve...
Hello Shponglenaut,

Welcome to the Nexus. That was quite an Introduction Essay. Please accept this feedback in the spirit it is offered - concern and caring:

1.) You NEED to immediately edit your reference to commerce (buying/selling) - that is against the rules here. Attitude Page - DMT-Nexus Wiki

Actually, it's very important to read the entire Attitude and all the other links that came in your welcome PM and that are at the top of the forum pages.

2.) Please take some time to edit your essay to introduce paragraph breaks. As you come to the end of one paragraph and choose to begin another, please use an extra return on your keyboard. As you can see, my response and most of them have this kind of editing. Your OP does not and is a very difficult read do to this minor fact.

I read the entire thing and was rather amazed that someone with no experience other than some lucid dreaming would take such a huge dose of caapi & mimosa. I'm not sure what your intentions were originally . . .

One more thing, I'm really unclear on your age. Is it that you are turning 18 in five months, or that that happened in July, which would make you 18 years and one month now . . . ? I'm just confused. Can you clarify please?

I wouldn't jump to any sudden conclusions with DMT use. Life is long and trips are short (though they can feel infinite). The real work, the real revelations are in the integration. It's not easy - it cannot be fixed by fervent prayer, by drinking, by ignoring, etc. One has to LOOK at and DEAL with one's issues. Here is a well written section on integration - it appears in the Health & Safety link, another one I strongly recommend you read in its' ENTIRETY. DMT-Nexus Wiki:Health and Safety - DMT-Nexus Wiki

Okay, please take a good look around and please, please try to stay safe and treat yourself kindly. Again, welcome to the Nexus.
Ok , that wasnt my intention , im sorry then, il do that.

It was the question , what intention has the universe with me , i am learning day to day , but sometimes its just to much ,i got enlightend verry often but today i had a verry strong headache.
As i mentioned , my journey just begun , and its just the end of the beginnning, im going my whole life through a great school , and im gethering experience and im learning every day, it is verry powerfull.

Yes , i have verry well integrated it allready , it costed me plenty time to figure out what was hapening , the urge to have a urge , its just like that , i didnt had needs anymore that was new and weird to me , that i thought something is wrong haha.
Like i said , im learning every day , each day brings his suprises and lessons and im enjoying it.

It needs much time to express my self , but as my language skills are advancing , the bottleneck just becomes more open and im able to express my self more acurate and clear and if you have questions just ask me ^^.

Yes will do , definateley = ) ! thank you , of course.
Peace , Steve...

Edit: About my age , i turned 19 on January 9th , i took Aya on Dec 13. so a couple weeks ago , so back then i was still 18 .

About the amount , i drank only 1 fith of the mimosa so it was about (2 cups) 30:2 ,(drunk) 15 : 5 , about 3,5g i think. i was 2 hours away maybe.
Shponglenaut said:
what can i do to improve my rightings ?
Why not first write out your thoughts in a program like Microsoft Word or Google Docs? I echo Pandora here in that it was extremely difficult to read your OP and I could only get down a few lines. Perfect spelling and grammar is not necessary, but clear communication is strongly encouraged as text is our primary means of interaction on the Nexus.

And as Pandora said, make sure you read the Attitude and other links in your PM. They are crucial to your survival here.

Welcome to the DMT-Nexus.
Yess, thanks...
Ile be a bit AFK for a while , im burning...
I need to come down a bit , or i might end like the poor Ikkarus once haha...
See ya soon !
Best regards , Steven...
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