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My first few times

Migrated topic.
hey guys thought id start a new thread about swims experiences cos I am going to mention a few hope this is ok ? Swims first experience was, im sure 30mg not a lot going by some peoples storys but anyhoo he was taking it with someone who he didnt know very well and thats maybe why he freaked a bit but then it is dmt :) After 3 deep tokes swim felt a strong physical rush and then he started seeing like pencil drawing faces in the oily air like almost mocking him and hed turn his head away and theyd jump in front of him, quite malevolant making fun sort of then swim said ohh i dont think i like this and shut his eyes to hide, then he opened them again and it was lots of oily watery liquid everywhere with triangles and cirlcles and patterns thick in the oily watery air, then swin could see like a horned typed being coming through and hes like oh no i dont like this and he jumped up of his seat and went into the bathroom, swim has lots of african faces in his bathroom and they just went into infinity, so clearly, and then after looking at this he could see a tall lizard like being and he said to himself oh no thats they lizards, swim beleived in shapeshifting reptiles before so maybe thats why hes seeing this, but still he thought !!?? Then swim came back into his living room with his sitter, freaking out pacing back and forth oh i dont like this i dont like this hes saying then he said i feel like i want to cry his sitter says do what you like and he grabbed onto a partition and grabbed a bit of cappi vine and orgonite it converts negative energy into positive (if you want to know what that is check this out www.orgone.info) this was to help ground him, and as swim grabbed onto the partition he bent over and started crying and bawling like hes never done in his life not from sadness or fear well maybe a little fear lol but swim says it was as if it was a big ball of emotion stuck inside him and he had to let it out, and they werent even real tears just lots of wetness around the eyes, though he feels he probably needed that!! After the trauma and he calmed down hes like what was that ? and in hindsight he seen it as something that had to be explored more and he took a lot of positives out of it, it was the most terryfing and beautiful experince all in one ! lol His second experience wasnt as severe tho he was scared and grabbed onto his brother for dear life but this didnt last, he thinks it was a bit more, tho his smoking technique wasnt great and he thinks he burned it. After those experiences swim wanted to make his own and did using the marsofold tec, the exact same technique though the spice didnt seem quite the same, after a few low level doses he had a bit more, sorry i cant tell you the amount as he just doesnt know, first few attempts very light good visuals but nothing extreme, but it just didnt seem the same as his friends stuff even though it was low doses. Apologise again but he didnt know the doses and after a few beers swim and his friend decided to do a big hit between them, his friend earlier had had his first two experiences and liked them like swim did. Swim thought it wasnt working so took another toke on it then all of a sudden it felt very inscetoid like very earthy and he could see this tall horned being in the room jumping round him very fast and it was being very intimidating so swim shut his eyes and lay on his side and when he did all he could see was dodechadrons, swim won one of these from an orgonite website but it was yet to arrive, it channels energy using intent to boost peoples energys and it was as if this entity wasnt happy about that but when swim opened his eyes again he was covered in like glow in the dark fleas with big smiley eyes and a big smile and they were jumping on his shoulders making high pitched playful noises, as if they were trying to chill him out, even tho it was quite discomforting and this being was still there jumping around but they took the focus of him and were there to help or so it would seem in hindsight. As swim said when he first took that last toke it felt very earthy and swim has seen those very same fleas on high doses of mexican mushrooms and at the time swim and his friend before it got a bit crazy said exactly that, like they felt like inscets !!?? lol and low and behold swim had been waiting for the dodec for weeks and it arrived the next day think someone wasnt happy bout that!! The next big dose swim had was in a dark room and his friend went first, his friend was making lots of strange noises which grounded swim and it was closed eyed visuals chromes and silvers and dark colours. Swim was kept grounded by his friend who was making worrying sounds and swim opened his eyes and sat up and his friend jumped up saying, im not sure how long they were lying there, his friend satrted saying oh there were loads of negative spirits and he didnt want to talk to them but at this time swim was getting strong open eye visuals and he turned round and seen this entity with a hawk like face, like the scary masks people in victorian times used to wear, or they were in a crap film called eyes wide shut youll know the type of face swim means and it did seem negative just by its appearance but it was really quite indifferent to swim just looked scary to him. And swim turned round to his companion and it was as if there were loads of things around him, tho that could have been the shimmering efects of the dmt he sometimes gets. After they could see each other they calmed down an realised they were back, though swim feels he didn go as far as his friend due to his noises grounding him, in a sense. Swims pretty sure hes not had a proper breakthrough cos a lot of the time he knows who he is though he does want to go further. And what do you guys think of swims crying on his first experience, and why a lot of negative entitys ? even the first stuff he tried there was an element of that but not as severe as the last two, tho the last one didnt effect swim so much, could it be the spice? because they do seem diffeerent?? made the same way though! or it could well be the smoking technique swims very new to this really but cant wait to go further!! cheers for reading if you do ! just had to get all that out been meaning to for a long time ! Peace and Love
[quote:016786afa4]and why a lot of negative entitys ?[/quote:016786afa4] Before trip anxiety. Try to forget about everything you believe, do not 'judge' what you see or experiment. Try to be an impartial observer: "I see lizards.. that's ok, theses are lizards, are'nt their nice ?" Why would they be 'negative' ? Your opinion on them makes them negative I bet.
Cheers garulfo see in hindsight the first experience wasnt overly negative just hard to deal with and thats exactly whats happened ive thot oh no they lizards thire bad sort of thing. Im not sure if it is pre trip anxiety though it could be and my thoughts on certain things. However the second experience witht the tall horned being seemed to be negative and then the link with the dodec ive heard a lot of these entitys dont like orgonite and dodecs, but then that could be my preconceptions, tho there was definately something about the dodec! Ill try keep that advice in mind cheers! Peace and Love
I've encountered lizard/gecko beings once on a very full on DMT brew. They looked highly advanced in white jumpsuits and we were in a white futuristic room. I'm not sure if they were bad or not but I was scared shitless. :lol: One guy I've talked to whose done DMT countless times says theres literally thousands of beings in the dmt realm and not all of them are friendly. It's a really big and strange world in there..
Hey litrium, whats a gecko ? a reptilian thing obviously !! :lol: I read a report on here and the guy was in a white room and the reptillians were sticking needles in his stomach an stuff sounds very scary!! Wouldnt put me off though :D Peace and Love
This little critter is a gecko: [img:c45a207a15]http://www.ottophoto.com/gallery/GECKO.jpg[/img:c45a207a15] :D dmt is really powerful, the problem is, entering those realms is a toss of a coin. I'm now convinced that theres very nasty things in those realms too. Alot of explorers are out of their league when interacting with some of the more powerful and manevolent beings in these realms. The strange magic that goes on in these realms is WAY over most people's (including mine) comprehension and understanding. I guess where theres light theres also darkness bu the true shaman's know that this stuff is no toy. i found another trip report on The Nook (I think it's yours free spirit) ;) that sounds really scary and dark, be very careful with DMT: well this next trip... i decide... 3 hits this time... so i take the first... its a biggun... exhale and the world becomes infinitely more detailed... take a second and things become more detailed.. and i start soaring... exhale and take one more hit and quickly hand the bowl over to gmg as reality is quickly being melted away. im told this was a quick trip. i was only gone like 3.5 mins. it seemed like an eternity. i was dead... decaying... and that wasnt soo bad.. the bugs eating me i could handle... but towards the end.. a female cold presence came and started probing me with odd hook like instruments.. like a cross between what a dentist and a slaughteryard would use.... ripping open this... poking here... and it did NOT feel good. as this became unbearable... i WILLED the experience away... and luckily i got away from it... almost yacked afterwards (like 5 mins afterwards) but did not...
SWIM told me that each he smoked DMT, he felt some very "realistic" physical sensations. Sometimes in his whole body, sometimes only 'inside' his head. If he would have been in a mentally confused and dreamy state, like not knowing what happend, who is he etc... he could have hallucinate that 'someone' would do something inside him... which obviously is impossible. You do not need to believe that 'someone' probes you, but it's very logical to believe that a drug that affect so widely the brain (mainly visual network but not only) may also affect proprioceptive neural networks and gives you fake feelings that are obviously interpreted depending on you beliefs.
Ahh thats a geko thought it would be something like that ! :lol: [quote:3674282b5f] dmt is really powerful, the problem is, entering those realms is a toss of a coin [/quote:3674282b5f] Thats what swim thought because he doesnt think its pre trip anxietey completely just bascically your luck ! Cheers for the feeback love this site btw !! Peace and Love
yes litrium.. that was me too... that was a mix of dmt and pure salvinorin a extract. i consistently had death experiences when mixing the two.. and never in a good way.. one of the only archetypal experiences described in strassmans the spirit molecule that i havent had was contact w/ reptilian beings. cant say im upset tho... never read anything positive about interactions w/ them. on pure dmt, i have been probed.. like been in a room w/ instruments and machines clicking and chirping, and felt drill like pressure in my sinus cavity and cheek. oddly right after my wife had one like that. really wasnt soo bad. the salvinorin x dmt trips are bad tho. no afterglow. no positivity. despair. darkness.. there are good and bad things in hyperspace. but you are wrong to say a coin flip determines whether you go there or not. it never hurts to ask for protection before you journey.. i know i did my first hundred or so experiences. my typical protection prayer went something like this. anyone out there in this universe that cares about me, please look after me while i leave this world for another. please let nothing bad happen to me. ive had far more good than bad experiences on dmt... like 9 out of 10 tend to be good. there was this one experience tho where i had broke from doing spice for a while... then did some.. immediately after blasting off a spirit flew out of my mouth flying all over the house... cackling.. screaming.. im free at last.. why did you wait soo long to free me! shit freaked me out at first... then i concentrated and sucked the spirit back into me. a bit disconcerting to be sure. keep your wits about you. :D
[quote:f546615a5d="Garulfo"]SWIM told me that each he smoked DMT, he felt some very "realistic" physical sensations. Sometimes in his whole body, sometimes only 'inside' his head. If he would have been in a mentally confused and dreamy state, like not knowing what happend, who is he etc... he could have hallucinate that 'someone' would do something inside him... which obviously is impossible. [/quote:f546615a5d] for sure.. ive felt like ive pissed myself.. ejaculated.. fallen into a lake.. hmm ive had water droplets condense on my arm in front of my open eyes as i encountered some cloud beings in my living room only to have it be completely dry upon waking.. ive been stupified how whatever i kenw had happened, hadnt really happened... its a neat molecule for sure.
[quote:6410c942eb] there are good and bad things in hyperspace. but you are wrong to say a coin flip determines whether you go there or not. it never hurts to ask for protection before you journey.. i know i did my first hundred or so experiences. my typical protection prayer went something like this. anyone out there in this universe that cares about me, please look after me while i leave this world for another. please let nothing bad happen to me. [/quote:6410c942eb] Every time swims took the spice swims asked for the forces of love and as you say the universe to protect him and even though swims experienced a lot of scary things and stuff thats really hard to digest and deal with, him and his friends still see it as a positive thing, though they havent went as far as most there still very much novices :) . Last night swim had his first completely positive journey, he had been taking mdma, so maybe this may have added to the positive reaction and his smoking technique has improved. Swim felt as if he was surrounded by very benevolant spirits all happy to have him in there space it seemed very feminine like loads of these spirits were dancing round him and passing through his body filling him with love like old hippy ladies or something :) usually when swims took the spice, well this batch anyhoo its been quite scary and overwhelming but this time he felt as if the spirits were reasurring him trying to fill him with love and not to freak out. As swim said he is a novice and he has trouble letting go tho this was the furthest hed went by himself and as he was freaking a little he went to turn the music up to keep him here :roll: but the spirits kept flying through him or so it seemed and it was as if they opened up his heart chakra and just filled him with pure love loads of them passing through him then he heard them say dont panic look out the window, youll be ok, swim then looked out the window and there were loads of birds flying around, this was real, not dmt real, real our reality real and there were gulls pigeons sparrows ducks and red and black birds that live in the pond in the park about a half mile from me, and they were just walking around, theyd have to cross a busy road and walk way up my street in a very built up city environment, swims never seen a duck or the red and black birds in his street and hes lived here for well over a year! one of the gulls started to hover up to swims window swims 3 floors up and the gull was eyeballing swim, then 3 or 4 would swoop fast past swims window looking right at him and sqwaking, the amount of birds congregating outside swims house was ridiculous, it was as if theyd picked up on swims altered state, and it felt as if the spirits were showing him these birds as if they were pure program in the matrix like it was an illusion and the birds were characters in the computer game that is reality , but then that could be swims preconceptions about a lot of his personal views on reality. Which are being questioned more and more!! Strangely swim told his father about his experiences and he said straight away his girlfriends aunt had been in australia and had been followed by a bird and she thought it was the spirit of someone she knew and a friend of a friend of swim said he smoked salvia and he went through a whole evolution in a trip and ended up becomiing an eagle!! :D Has anyone else experienced anything to do with birds at all ? :? Swim clearly hasnt been to realms that others have been to and he apologises for his well, not very good explanation of things it did happen last night so hes trying to get it out while its still there, it was the most positive experience with the spice hes ever had maybe it was the ecstasy or maybe the summer solstice :lol: , but it felt as if the universe, at that time loved me in a ridiculous way the one thing that stuck clearly was them saying, you are me and I am you and you are love could be my preconceptions tho :? peace and Love
[quote:9ca53e39c7]maybe it was the ecstasy or maybe the summer solstice[/quote:9ca53e39c7] Most probably the mdma ;) In case SWIY wonder about a way to know if he reached a deeper enough state, SWIM suggest him the following question: Did SWIY's breath 'disapeared' ? By that I mean not beeing able to know if SWIY is breathing or not. The feeling of the air coming in SWIY's lungs just disapear. Which is of course very scaring ! SWIM found a way for help him letting go in that case : he is still able to hear that he breaths for a short while. Well anyway the feeling of having a body disapear few seconds after :twisted:
Swims never noticed before about breathing difficulties, though on occasion when hes been freaking out hes coughing a lot though hes sure its not the same thing cos hes read lots of reports about the breathing problems people have. [quote:ba4a3e775e]Most probably the mdma [/quote:ba4a3e775e] Yes swim thinks this is so, because the only experience swims had on a par or even close to that one was with mdma and dried mushrooms, all his most positive experiences have involved mdma, thoguh swim is working on getting ayahuasca working, hopefully thatll be as positive as they two experiences. Peace and Love
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