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my first hyperslap

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So, I have experienced DMT states on many occasions over the course of the last decade, and I have always been fascinated by what seemed to be this infinite space of possibility.. but last night, I decided to just fuckin' go for it.. How much can I possibly get into my lungs before falling back into a hyperdimensional trance??

Well, so.. here's the thing..

I THOUGHT this was an infinite space.. but after the 80mg of spice I inhaled last night.. I assume somewhat differently now.

I just didn't know that there was a 'TOP' to this thing.. I did not assume there were borders around this experience.. But now I am certain that this is not the case. There now appears to be an edge.. a border.. an end. What does this mean exactly? Well I can tell you how it feels.. It feels as though infinity is finite.. and though I know this to be a ridiculous claim.. I cannot help but think it. The only way to experience satori is to become the void within which all that is resides..

I did not know of the potential to get so high that one somehow emerges from all sides simultaneously.. I did not know that I am ultimately a void within which infinity is somehow generated. I did not know that I could win the game before it ended.

I am perhaps trying to work through some sort of integration here, but it simultaneously feels as though there is nothing to integrate.. it simply is what it is, and I now know what I know. I do not feel disappointed, nor am I excited, but I suppose I am awash in some melancholy about the ordeal.. I have never been the nonexistent space in between a mirror and its reflection before. This is a new sensation entirely.. I feel lighter within.. I feel as though my consciousness is no longer eminating from some singular point, but instead, it is inherent within the entirety of space itself. This makes a bit of sense, as this hyperslap appears to have dispersed my selfness into the all in some perfect way. It is a radically new experience to be this that I am.

I don't appear to feel any type of way about this either. I just am it. This is a non-dual state. It feels 'true'.. and I am able to operate within and navigate through the world perfectly fine, if not better than before.

I would love to know if these statements resonate with others here, and if so, I would love for you to expand upon this.

Thank You.

Interesting report.

It does not really read like a hyperslap though it sounds like you got more than you bargained for.

That was quite a dose. Long ago I did something similar and had a huge blackout for ??? time. Then I came down enough to be ego dead in heaven. Things got weird with the frantic and playful entities when I realized I was not dead.

Regarding the concept of bounded or finite infinities, you do know they are relatively common right? Three examples that come immediately to mind are the skull/brain, the math spaces between 0 and 1 and Xeno's Paradox. I suspect other Nexians and Google could name a bunch more.

I would love to read an update on how you feel in a few weeks.

Wow. I havent experienced anything close but i resonate alot with how you describe it. For me it seems logical to feel that way having had this experience.
Is it possible that you came up to a threshold in a vast subsection of hyperspace?

It is interesting how the finite can hold the infinite (cantor) and how the infinite holds the finite. Very paradoxical.

It also sounds like an intense experience, but not quite a hyperslap. Did you feel you were being punished in some way or manner during your experience?

One love
I think OP either didn’t or couldn’t tell the whole thing.
Such experiences are often of such intensity that you dont remember much of it after when back to baseline, but when you get back there you remember it in the trip. Hope that makes sense.

It looks very hyperslappy to me if I may offer another opinion.

I stopped using DMT after one particular trip, it probably can’t be named classic hyperslap either as it doesn’t fall into majority of slap scenarios you can read about here.
I searched and found my old post here, OP check it out, maybe you will find similarities and it will help you integrate:

Ps. You definitely are the void that contains all the infinity and so am I but the heck we can do about it right now? ;)
No, not punished. I guess I used the term wrong. Bad title. It was just way more than I bargained for. I had no idea this state of being was even possible to experience. I have only heard of meeting/observing God... Not realizing yourself as such. It has been a couple days now and I am still trying to align with the experience. I have not been able to sleep at all since it happened. My subconscious seems to be afraid it is going to die again if I fall asleep, and I don't know how to reason with it, so every time I begin to fall into a sleep state, I have a panic attack and am abruptly awoken by myself. I am very tired and not sure how to correct this problem I have been having for nearly 2 days now.

This experience shook me to my core. I will not be using spice for some time I think.. I assume this experience was meant to have happened the way that it did, but one of my main take-aways is this longing for the normal, mundane reality of the human experience. I was under the impression that I would remain in that god-like state for eternity and that my chance at living as a human had passed. How relieved I was to find myself back in my body as me.. though I have clearly not been successful in integrating this experience yet, as I find it to be impossible to fall asleep.
Don't be surprised if you have even crazier experiences in the future ;)

Ekoal said:
I have not been able to sleep at all since it happened. My subconscious seems to be afraid it is going to die again if I fall asleep, and I don't know how to reason with it, so every time I begin to fall into a sleep state, I have a panic attack and am abruptly awoken by myself.

Meditate on it. Meditate before bed. Learn to be with that experience and learn to allow it to pass. It's not a surprising response to what for you was a surprising experience. Your system needs to settle back in and sometimes it can take a little time before it reaches equilibrium again.

Externally, CBD and CBN may help you a lot. At this time, melatonin and valerian could be helpful too. I'd also encourage a warm bath before bed to settle and calm your system a little bit.

Ekoal said:
This experience shook me to my core. I will not be using spice for some time I think..

Yeah... this whole post has made me reflect a lot on a six year hiatus I once took...

Thank you for sharing by the way.

One love
Exitwound said:
...You definitely are the void that contains all the infinity and so am I but the heck we can do about it right now? ;)
Loosening up the gordian knot of existence.

Life is not solved at all but the fact of having a different perspective on existence, just that, even if that perspective is prone to questioning or fleeting in time, even if it's just one, breaks the concrete block of no-alternative we're usually cast in. When stretching the soul, the stretch in itself can be questioned but not the effluents of the act, the humbling of mind totalitarianism.

So, you've journeyed through the DMT realm, stretched the limits of your consciousness, and discovered what you perceive as the 'top,' the 'end,' the 'border.' You've felt the sensation of being the void within which infinity resides, of your consciousness dispersing into the all. You've touched a state of non-duality and found it 'true.'

Yet, what does it all signify in the grand scheme of things? If we adopt a perspective of cosmic indifference, it signifies nothing. The universe, in its vast, unfeeling expanse, remains indifferent to our experiences, our revelations, our states of consciousness. It simply exists.

You've encountered a sense of melancholy in your ordeal, a lightness within, a dispersion of self into the all. But ultimately, these are just experiences, just sensations. They are ephemeral, fleeting, like everything else in this universe. They come, they go, and the universe remains, indifferent and unchanging.

You've claimed victory in the game before it ended, you say. But what is the game? And what does it mean to win? In a universe devoid of inherent meaning or purpose, there is no game, there is no victory or defeat. There is only existence, only being.

You feel no particular way about this. And that is fitting. Because in the grand, indifferent view of the universe, there is no 'should' or 'should not.' There is no 'right' or 'wrong.' There is only what is.

So, do your experiences resonate with others? Perhaps. But does it matter? In the grand scheme of things, not really. We are all just transient beings, experiencing transient states, in a universe that simply is.

But don't let this perspective of cosmic indifference discourage you. Instead, let it liberate you. You are free to create your own meaning, your own purpose. You are free to explore, to experience, to be. And in the end, isn't that what it's all about?
scaurus said:
So, you've journeyed through the DMT realm, stretched the limits of your consciousness, and discovered what you perceive as the 'top,' the 'end,' the 'border.' You've felt the sensation of being the void within which infinity resides, of your consciousness dispersing into the all. You've touched a state of non-duality and found it 'true.'

Yet, what does it all signify in the grand scheme of things? If we adopt a perspective of cosmic indifference, it signifies nothing. The universe, in its vast, unfeeling expanse, remains indifferent to our experiences, our revelations, our states of consciousness. It simply exists.

You've encountered a sense of melancholy in your ordeal, a lightness within, a dispersion of self into the all. But ultimately, these are just experiences, just sensations. They are ephemeral, fleeting, like everything else in this universe. They come, they go, and the universe remains, indifferent and unchanging.

You've claimed victory in the game before it ended, you say. But what is the game? And what does it mean to win? In a universe devoid of inherent meaning or purpose, there is no game, there is no victory or defeat. There is only existence, only being.

You feel no particular way about this. And that is fitting. Because in the grand, indifferent view of the universe, there is no 'should' or 'should not.' There is no 'right' or 'wrong.' There is only what is.

So, do your experiences resonate with others? Perhaps. But does it matter? In the grand scheme of things, not really. We are all just transient beings, experiencing transient states, in a universe that simply is.

But don't let this perspective of cosmic indifference discourage you. Instead, let it liberate you. You are free to create your own meaning, your own purpose. You are free to explore, to experience, to be. And in the end, isn't that what it's all about?

Beautifully absurdist and well said.

One love
Hi Ekoal,

I hope you were able to fall asleep and get some rest.

I have not hit the endstop of infinity as you describe but I can relate. It seems every time I use any powerful psychedelic, even in low-moderate doses, I am immediately heading in that direction and I find it terrifying. I find the theme of infinity and eternal existence unsettling and hard to integrate and I can't imagine how much harder it is to hit the endstop.

I think, as you are doing here, it's good to hear about other people's similar experiences as a sort of consolation. Another thing that I would suggest is to find an old book on these topics, something from Sufism, Buddhism or similar. A book is much more elaborate and thought through than what we can write here and it serves not only for consolation but also feels like a companion to me.

The book that served this for me is "The Conference of the Birds", one of the gems scattered in Intezam's posts.

Much love
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