Rising Star
Hi everybody. I'm a young male very interested in chemistry and biology. After reading and learning a lot on organic chemistry, pharmacology and consciousness, somebody suggested me to buy PiHKAL. I found the first part to be very insightful and the second part a little over my head. I'm going to study chemistry formally and hopefully be able to understand all the synthesis depicted there. Shulgin's first experience with mescaline stayed on my head for a long time. One day I was lucky enough to try San Pedro on a trip to Peru. This was my first and most intense psychedelic experience, which stuck with me ever since and made me do a lot of research -almost obsessively I should say- on psychedelics. I have some projects going on regarding this (including growth and extraction). I'm sure that I'll need a lot of help from this forum to succeed. I'm also sure that I'll be able to help others with knowledge I have.
I'm joining this forum because it seems to be one of the most instructed out there on the inet. My main interest is directed towards cacti, but I love discussing and learning from all other things.
I'm joining this forum because it seems to be one of the most instructed out there on the inet. My main interest is directed towards cacti, but I love discussing and learning from all other things.