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my first time..

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My first time was a lovely culmination of situations. Online buddies that became firm IRL friends. Then one day they invited me to a DMT session at their house, along with their partner and another of their friends.

They had made a 'machine' type pipe out of a miniature airport Hennesey's bottle, which was loaded and sent around the circle a few times. It was Mimosa Hostilis extract IIRC.

I remember breaking through each time, and being in a place rich of colour. I've always remembered an element of chaos during my smoked DMT tips (including 5-MeO).. but never had a sense of communication with something which I have had with shrooms.

Welcome to the Nexus. Thank you for sharing your DMT initiation story.

Not everyone perceives DMT entities and DMT entities do not appear on every DMT trip. They are an interesting phenomenon. One trend I have noticed is that often folks will have a number of DMT trips with no entity contact then all of a sudden it happens. And then from that time onward, entity contact becomes more common.

So, are you saying you have have had full on entity encounters with communication on shrooms? I imagine that was a very hefty dose if so, :D.

Have you done a mushroom grow? If so, which strain and what did you think? Do you have any interest in pursuing and maybe extracting your own DMT in the future.

Regardless, I'm glad you signed up. Again, welcome.
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