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My friends first experience

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Rising Star
My friend had his first experience, and told me all about it. Here is what he said: "So I had a couple friends over, to test the spice. I had sampled a little bit a few days previous, to get an idea of what it was like. I felt the body stuff, the room shook a little bit, but certainly didn't have an full experience. So my friends came over, and we hung out in my bedroom. It was decided that I would try first. I loaded 60mg into the pipe, and began to vaporize. At first I was doing it incorrectly, and taking small ammounts of vapors in, but feeling some of it. I finally nailed down the procedure, and got 3-4 big milky hits. Towards the end, it was work to get this stuff in. I wasn't really concious of what I was doing, but I knew that I had to get it in to have a full experience. I decided I had gotten enough, set the pipe in my lap, and closed my eyes. I remember feeling my friend grab the pipe from my lap. As I closed my eyes, it was darkness. Pitch black. I saw a little white light far off in the distance, the size of a pinpoint. It was getting closer, it was like a slow and steady zoom. As it got closer I was able to make out a chair, a wooden chair, similar to the ones at my kitchen table. I noticed there were some colors. It got even closer, still in a slow and steady zoom. On this chair, was a box, it was somewhat octagonal. Sitting on each side of the box, were beautiful women, I'm almost 100% certain they were nude. The box and women were not in proportion to the chair, they were much smaller. But, proportionally smaller, not midget small. As I got closer to them and the box, it started to open, very slowly, almost at the same rate as the slow and steady zoom. Next thing I know, the box is all the way open, and I am almost right on top of it. Flying out of the box were very intense patterns and colors, similar to that of a circus almost, with the stripes and ribbons. Mind you, that I was not aware of my body at this time, it was just a consciousness with vision floating through this space, closer to "the box". All of the sudden I was in "the box" but not aware of my body. This is where it starts to get fuzzy: I'm now, in "the box", but still not aware of my body, I remain a consciousness with vision. It is like extreme IMAX. There are no walls or restrictions. The colors, as I remember, were similar to that of a circus. I remember, reds, purples, blues, yellows. A lot of stripes, and flowing ribbons. That's not all. It was like a super disco, for beautiful nude women. I remember lots of diff. sizes, but all with "perfect" figures. It felt like I was in "the box" for a while, but I couldn't say how long. Next thing I recall pretty vividly, was being outside of the box, and very close to it, with the lid wide open. I remember seeing all the colors flying out of the box. I slowly panned out, the box was there, the two women were still there. I began slowly zooming out, the box and women were getting smaller. The box began closing slowly, at about the same rate I was zooming out. These women looked my direction(still not aware of my body) and smiled. As I slowly zoomed out, the box got smaller and smaller, until it became a pinpoint of light. As I was zooming out, and still could see the box and the colors, I remember having the thought,"no, I still want to see what's in there", but my experience was over, and I accepted it. After that, it was pitch black. I opened my eyes for a second, saw my friends sitting there. The room was still shaking and moving a lot, it made me kind of uncomfortable, so I closed my eyes, and waited for that to pass. After it passed, I opened my mouth, and started talking, telling my friends what I had saw, in detail. I remember speaking with serious enthusiasm and excitement. This was by far one of the wildest experiences I've had. I'm not certain, but I think that can be considered a break through. :D " It sounds like my friend had a wild time. He will discuss more later, as he's had some thoughts about it, but must go right now. YOu think he had a "break through"?
Sounds like a nice first experience ! Definition of "breakthroughts" are varying. In my definition I would say that a breakthrough is when you come back with something "new" to build your life, not only nice visuals or warm feelings. "New" in the meaning of 'not yet realized' by you althought it was always there.
Interesting Garulfo. My friend doesn't think the brought back any "ah ha"s , or realizations. From the descriptions that his friends that were with him gave, it didn't sound like they had as nearly of an intense experience, just a lot of awesome visuals. My buddy feels like he went some where. Entered an "arena" and left it. He's curious about all the naked women, why they were there, and what they could've represented. He's read a lot about other experiences. Reads of alien beings, entities, elves, but never anything about lots of beautiful nude women. Interesting.
sounds like a pretty powerful experience for your friend's first time :) in my opinion your friend either 'broke through' or got right up to the 'glass chrysanthemum' or 'the veil.' It can be hard to tell, so in the same vein as garulfo, to me a breakthrough is an experience that REALLY integrates into your life/world. i'm sure your friend will be able to figure out whether they did after a few more experiences. your friend's description of 'an arena' makes me think you got close to breaking through (though the box could have been breaking through?)...was the arena a constantly morphing domed area that seemed to sometimes bend upon itself at impossible angles? great descriptions...the pinpoint in and out sounds very familiar. your friend sounded like they were very conscious of the experience around them! dmt can have a very sexual element to it, though what it means is beyond me. a friend thinks that it is just because the experience is about the whole of life...so maybe that has something to do with what you saw? ...or maybe it was trying to entice you :lol:
[quote:608d7b2285]about all the naked women, why they were there[/quote:608d7b2285] Maybe because you're a male :lol: Seriously, I wonder if naked females would be so present in women experiences. My friend already 'met' some strange (but nice) naked alien females who wanted to share love. As crystal said, sex and DMT are somehow linked. I guess that DMT 'fire' many neurons including 'sensory' ones and pleasure ones. Well, I guess that DMT fire anyway almost all neurons in our body :p
Funny - how often the 'entities' we first-meet or see the first few times, assume forms that are non-threatening, non-ugly, like you'd be wanting to look more at them. Sexy, cutsey, and usually dancing... Remember in the movie Contact (w Jodie Foster), how she travels through hyperspace only to first-meet the 'alien' intelligence(s) out there but they show up 'disguised' as her dad - so she's be not-afraid...? (if not go see that Movie ..! As an analogy to the spice-bong, they build a collosal machine that is visible from space!) I've seen kids, teddy bears, 'elves' and jumping Gumby families... although insectoid, reptilian and 'greys' are common entity types, I think the 'cute and cuddly' (ie neoteny) appearence is a mechanism at work, just like sex in our brains. Something is 'filtering' or cutesy-fying the entities at first... is it just 'instinct' ..? My first contacts with entites were with 5 year old children, and then they got older, and eventually interacted with me (giving 'toys' to me). Then the cute child-being became anything from a morphing armadillo-with-humanoid head, to a universal-she-serpent that ate me head first, giving me 'brainlingus' just before that... Do others here recognize that the entities will transform - and manfiest the totality of their beings, even 'showing it off..!? Like a progression ... What is this..? are they just layers of instinct - sex, neotenous parenting instinct, etc etc.. .peeling away ..?
[quote:90af9fa3ab="fourthripley"]Females see male entities with a great sense of humour and a steady job.[/quote:90af9fa3ab] that is hilarious. :D It's interesting to here y'all talk about the filters, and the "beings" transforming after several experiences into things a little more unusual to the human brain after a user has gained experience. I talked to my friend and he was doing some thinking. He's wondering about the experience as a whole. He had a blast, and will certainly go through it again. But questions the overall value of an experience that one has a hard time remembering. He remembers a few aspects, but certainly cannot recall everything he knows he experienced, and had a blast, but what's the overall value? Just a thought he had.
It all takes practice - throwing yourself off the diving board into the infinate ... ! Going head first, feet-first, ... 'clenching' or not ... set and setting affects it every time. [b:fcad7dce45]But I highly reccomend[/b:fcad7dce45] to use MAOIs to 'remember' ... ! That is why I say dmt vapourized alone, without a Syrian Rue extract, is only half of the experience. Lets call it Vapourhuasca ! (Canadian spelling !) Everyone should start to do the Rue, and then report back here..! With 3.5 g of lemon juice seed-extract in you, then try half of you your usual dose. 40 minutes after drinking Rue-extract on an empty stomach, hard-heads like me breakthrough with ease on 30 mg, I 'last longer' (40 min to baseline, 5-10 min in hyperspace) and you'll freakin' remember ! The value we each give dmt is highly personal. I found dmt was antideprassant, enlightening, and like a freaking gift from God, something I had to continue to experience. It doesn't take the 'drug' to keep you super-charged on the mystery of being alive, cast in a fleshy body, it's just the experience we all need to have ONCE before we die. ! It's a drug, a neurotransmitter, a sacrament, it shows you the bliss to be alive every moment. Is it for 'sport', as a tool for self-exploration..? Try eating some dmt (100 mg / 3.5 g rue-seed-extract) to answer how much self-exploration you can handle ! But what ever our personal reasons are, I say it's a birthright to diddle your brain into Beingasm any time you want or need....
[quote:f255ad94d6]I talked to my friend and he was doing some thinking. He's wondering about the experience as a whole. He had a blast, and will certainly go through it again. But questions the overall value of an experience that one has a hard time remembering. He remembers a few aspects, but certainly cannot recall everything he knows he experienced, and had a blast, but what's the overall value? Just a thought he had.[/quote:f255ad94d6] value is wherever you place it 😉
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