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My Introduction

Migrated topic.

Mr Fantasy

Rising Star
Hello all, first off let me thank the DMT-Nexus for all the knowledge I have gained in the past 6 months of lurking. I learned a lot so far and look forward to learning much more.
I finally got around to registering, I have got to the point where I have many questions. I am sure many do after a couple breakthroughs.

Now a little about me, I live what most would say is a normal life productive life, I am in my mid 30's and work in a creative industry (visual effects for film/TV). I was living in NYC on Sept. 11th and that's kind of when things changed for me. I wanted answers, answers about everything. I was never very religious as an adult, but after 9/11 I started to read a lot into Buddhism and even went to India looking to find something, anything, a clue to what it all is. I don't think I found anything but the experience of backpacking in the foothills of the Himalayas and into Kashmir, but I did feel that Buddhism was the closest I would come for looking for answers in a religion.

After first learning of spice about 8 years ago on Erowid, I started to read about it on and off, not knowing if it was all that it was made out to be, I brushed it off, but It always stayed in my mind wondering about it. I have smoked cannabis for the past 15 years on and off, never got hooked on it, just something I will do to relax maybe once or twice a month, and sometime go 6 months without a hit.

I had tried other things like mushrooms, salvia and HBWR in the past but nothing really had an effect on me, even the mushrooms was minor OEV and more CEV. I have now found out my doses were all wrong or not doing it right. I have a very high tolerance. So I stuck to the things that worked like cannabis and N20.

Last year a friend of mine that I worked with told me he had got some mushrooms, so I looked up the correct amount per body weight and we split it up. I ended up doing 7grams because I was tiered of screwing around. So needles to say 1 hour later I was finally there and it was great. Well I started doing it more over the next 6 months, trying figure out things, I mixed it with N20 which upped the game a little. Then one night I mixed it with salvia extract that I found in a box from years ago. Well lets just say I ended up in what seemed like the land of OZ. It was crazy to me, but so real, all with full open eyes. I stopped for a month then tried again and got stuck in a loop thinking that scared the hell out of me for a couple days. I laid off things and tried to forget things for a while. Then I went to Bonnaroo, I was a kid in a candy shop and I was flipping all weekend long. I had never felt so good. I felt happy again, I had found people that were happy as well and it made me feel better about the world we live in.

For the past 8 months trying to find answers about the world I looked everywhere for spice, not one person I talked to knew about it much less get it, so that's when I used my knowledge from all i have read here and other places to find what I was looking for.
Well, the first time I had a go was around the 4th of July. No breakthrough the first couple time, but it just felt good and slight overlaid patterns, felt like I was floating above a little. I was never sure what to do, close eyes or open, I am still not too sure.
Then one night I shut them, and I found myself in a round room with yellow walls made of lights and there were these little oompa loompa all dancing on the walls in a kaleidoscope pattern. Also there was these guys in my peripheral vision I could not focus on dancing on ether side of me. It was all cool until on of them kicked his leg up forcing me to open my eyes and then it was all over. I was not sure if it was a breakthrough or not.

Then one day I had a go one afternoon while sitting on my bed after I had just cleaned the house. Well that is one of the coolest places I have ever been. At first I saw a serpent type object slither over the covers, then from there everything became alive and magical, beautifully fairy's we flying around me motioning to me. I was no longer in my bedroom. I was flying on a cloud made of beautiful creatures going hyper speed as the wind was blowing in my hair. I looked ahead of me and I was in some type of atmosphere with pinks and orange sky, with a flashing object just ahead of me. It felt so cool and so real. My eyes were completely open the whole time and I was looking all around. Then I heard a kid scream out my window and in a blink of an eye it was all gone.

I have tried to go to that place again but all attempts have failed and I end up someplace that has scared the shit out of me but I can never remember what it was. Just that I was scared after. I do remember seeing that guy again and is always trying to scare me by fake punching or kicking me in my face to get me to open my eyes. and when I do everything all around me is all blocky and twisted like and sometimes I see some oompa loompas sweeping when my eyes are closed. It is very weird and I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I do know the time I was on cloud nine I was very much at peace and let myself go completely. I think I am a little stressed now when I go in now from what I might find. One thing is for sure I don't need much now to send me flying, what was four or five pulls now is like 1 and a half. Also I don't know if you guys ever see this, but I see sign everywhere now that I never noticed before.

Anyway, I did not think I was going to write this much but it all just came spilling out. As you can see I have many questions and have much to tell, and this is why I would like to become a full member.

Thank you.
"Oompa loompa": this sounds hilarious to me. :)

(Are you referring to the little servants of Willy Wonka?)
lol yeah thats what they remind me of. As soon as I saw them I was thinking the move must have came from a spice trip.
Mr Fantasy

great intro man , this is my first post here as well. I'll do an intro , but I just thought I'd take the time after reading yours to say....HI. I too lurked here for a bit , but not until now was the time right to join and share in this community of generous folks.

Startling it is....to be kicked in the face. :shock: Even more suprising is that we come back for more....:d

Great to say hi and I hope we learn much here together. Your story sounds simmular to my own, without the 911 involvement though.

DMT without a doubt has changed my life....in turn affecting those around me, in our small circle of CLOSE friends. Hymns of praise.......

Peace and Understanding,

P.S. - pronounced , K(eye) K(eye)
good story Mr Fantasy! I enjoyed reading it..have you had any luck with salvia divinorum since you're mushroom trip?? Sounds quite powerful on top of psilocybes..was the salvia trip extended at all?
Heartland said:
Hello, I enjoyed reading your post! I'm curious, what do you mean in the quote above?
Just things that are related to my journeys, I see it in nature, print designs, music, you name it.
Welcome Mr Fantasy! Haha if the little guy kicking you in the face ever starts to bother you, just remember that you only go to the places that your attitude will take you to, so a little preparation can avoid unwanted attention. I am sure of this, because SWIM has journeyed almost 100 times now and has never had a bad encounter- they can certainly be cheeky but I believe never malevolent unless you project this onto them via your own psyche. He thinks that set and setting are paramount. Go in with love and respect and you will be showered with it in return. :)
Hi Mr.

Like the intro.Newly registered myself.Lookin to widen my understanding and share experiences.

Hope to read more of your posts.

P.S Have to say the Oompa Loompas made me chuckle :)
Mr Fantasy said:
So it has been a while since SWIM has tried to launch, because of his last journey that startled him a bit, but now thinks it is time make a journey again. I have a question about it posted here.

Have you tried to ask this annoying guy or whatever it is, to please stop it and step away? I remember a someone saying something like that worked in a similar situation.
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