Rising Star
Hello everyone.
This is not my first visit to the nexus although this is the first forum which I have ever made a registration for. I wasn't sure what to write about so I guess writing about myself would be my best bet.
I am a 19 year old British university student (living roughly 60 miles South-East of London), currently between first year and second year which I will get on to later. In the past 2-3 years or so have seen my self develop as a person faster than I have for my entire life. In 2010 I began my sixth-form course; at this stage in my life I had been struggling with my relationship with cannabis as well as other drugs, I had also been struggling living with my parents and most of all myself.
New Years 2010, I experienced my first life affirming experience, our plan was to go to an illegal psychedelic trance party in London unfortunately this had been shut down by the police an hour before the location would have been revealed. Our new plan was to attend another party, one which we all knew would have less positive vibes, on a train to the destination we deceided to ingest some liberty cap psilocybin mushrooms so to enter the new year with a boom.
Somewhere on the walk to the building a friend of mine needed to urinate so a few of us went to find a toilet, after this the rest of our group of friends had left. At this point I started to feel a very elated feeling, as I walked it seemed to me like I was floating almost, it was a very positive, care-free feeling unfortunately my friends were becoming anxious as we were in an unknown, dangerous area. We took a moment to call the rest of our friends near a Tesco car park at which point a group of shady looking people (maybe like 10 of them) approached us asking where the party was. In reply I said something along the lines of 'we have no earthly idea', one of them beside me all of a sudden launched his fist against my head; stumbling across the pavement I huge surge of euphoria struck me and he said something like 'Gimmie your iPhone, blud'. My friend shook me and I saw a sense of urgency on her face, he said 'Show me your phone', so I showed him my Nokia 103 after which we managed to escape with only a few bruises. One of my friends got punched in the face and his nose was bleeding, the friend who shook me had her iPod stolen, I found the whole experience incredibly funny and could not stop laughing. We then decided to get a taxi back home, during this car journey I was witness to the best light show [seen through a windscreen] of my life.
The night was a deeply important turning point of my life, I saw drugs in a whole new way; there was this image which came along with the word 'drugs' which I associated with laziness, hedonism and addiction. I now see drugs in my the same way as I see food and in turn this view point initiated a change in my diet and my consumption of drugs (avoiding synthetic drugs with the infrequent exception of lsd and amphetamine). Life appeared to represent itself in a much more non-linear way, I felt open and loving with a new sense of empowerment and courage, I was ready to face the rest of my life head on. I apologize for this description as I cannot appropriately articulate how I had been affected by all this.
The following year I discovered my interest in the written language after reading a poem by Allen Ginsberg, my skills and inspiration grew as developed a taste for Kerouac, Lovecraft, Shakespeare and Coetzee. I also began reading books by Terrence McKenna; The Invisible Landscape, Food of the Gods and True Hallucinations. My relationship with my parents grew, they understood that a change in myself had occurred and I now realise that they have been nothing but nurturing and given me love for the whole of my life.
At a party I met a girl who I now love, it was at a party where we found out that we both have the same birthday; coincidence or not we stayed in contact and became very comfortable with each other. One night we decided to both take a dosage of LSD, we spent the whole night awake having sex, neither of us had an orgasm; instead the whole thing was like a 10 hour orgasm. This was the most intimate, loving night of my life; that night we were 2 people combined, we are together to this day.
I am sharing these experiences with you because I feel comfortable doing so. I hope that I can be an important part of this special community and I hope that much of you can impart some of your wisdom and knowledge.
Now my experiences with DMT are small in number, it was introduced to me through a good friend of mine only a month or two ago. I had heard alot about the chemical as many of my friends have done it; I was initially apprehensive to trying it as a number of my friends who have tried have had negative experiences. After doing a bit of research I became increasingly interested in trying it, although I do not yet know the extent of power which DMT has but I do understand it is something to be appreciated on another level to other drugs. I hope to utilise this spice to explore other states of consciousness in appropriate environments and circumstances and to enhance my life and creativity.
Thanks to everyone for reading, really it means alot to me.
Much love!
This is not my first visit to the nexus although this is the first forum which I have ever made a registration for. I wasn't sure what to write about so I guess writing about myself would be my best bet.
I am a 19 year old British university student (living roughly 60 miles South-East of London), currently between first year and second year which I will get on to later. In the past 2-3 years or so have seen my self develop as a person faster than I have for my entire life. In 2010 I began my sixth-form course; at this stage in my life I had been struggling with my relationship with cannabis as well as other drugs, I had also been struggling living with my parents and most of all myself.
New Years 2010, I experienced my first life affirming experience, our plan was to go to an illegal psychedelic trance party in London unfortunately this had been shut down by the police an hour before the location would have been revealed. Our new plan was to attend another party, one which we all knew would have less positive vibes, on a train to the destination we deceided to ingest some liberty cap psilocybin mushrooms so to enter the new year with a boom.
Somewhere on the walk to the building a friend of mine needed to urinate so a few of us went to find a toilet, after this the rest of our group of friends had left. At this point I started to feel a very elated feeling, as I walked it seemed to me like I was floating almost, it was a very positive, care-free feeling unfortunately my friends were becoming anxious as we were in an unknown, dangerous area. We took a moment to call the rest of our friends near a Tesco car park at which point a group of shady looking people (maybe like 10 of them) approached us asking where the party was. In reply I said something along the lines of 'we have no earthly idea', one of them beside me all of a sudden launched his fist against my head; stumbling across the pavement I huge surge of euphoria struck me and he said something like 'Gimmie your iPhone, blud'. My friend shook me and I saw a sense of urgency on her face, he said 'Show me your phone', so I showed him my Nokia 103 after which we managed to escape with only a few bruises. One of my friends got punched in the face and his nose was bleeding, the friend who shook me had her iPod stolen, I found the whole experience incredibly funny and could not stop laughing. We then decided to get a taxi back home, during this car journey I was witness to the best light show [seen through a windscreen] of my life.
The night was a deeply important turning point of my life, I saw drugs in a whole new way; there was this image which came along with the word 'drugs' which I associated with laziness, hedonism and addiction. I now see drugs in my the same way as I see food and in turn this view point initiated a change in my diet and my consumption of drugs (avoiding synthetic drugs with the infrequent exception of lsd and amphetamine). Life appeared to represent itself in a much more non-linear way, I felt open and loving with a new sense of empowerment and courage, I was ready to face the rest of my life head on. I apologize for this description as I cannot appropriately articulate how I had been affected by all this.
The following year I discovered my interest in the written language after reading a poem by Allen Ginsberg, my skills and inspiration grew as developed a taste for Kerouac, Lovecraft, Shakespeare and Coetzee. I also began reading books by Terrence McKenna; The Invisible Landscape, Food of the Gods and True Hallucinations. My relationship with my parents grew, they understood that a change in myself had occurred and I now realise that they have been nothing but nurturing and given me love for the whole of my life.
At a party I met a girl who I now love, it was at a party where we found out that we both have the same birthday; coincidence or not we stayed in contact and became very comfortable with each other. One night we decided to both take a dosage of LSD, we spent the whole night awake having sex, neither of us had an orgasm; instead the whole thing was like a 10 hour orgasm. This was the most intimate, loving night of my life; that night we were 2 people combined, we are together to this day.
I am sharing these experiences with you because I feel comfortable doing so. I hope that I can be an important part of this special community and I hope that much of you can impart some of your wisdom and knowledge.
Now my experiences with DMT are small in number, it was introduced to me through a good friend of mine only a month or two ago. I had heard alot about the chemical as many of my friends have done it; I was initially apprehensive to trying it as a number of my friends who have tried have had negative experiences. After doing a bit of research I became increasingly interested in trying it, although I do not yet know the extent of power which DMT has but I do understand it is something to be appreciated on another level to other drugs. I hope to utilise this spice to explore other states of consciousness in appropriate environments and circumstances and to enhance my life and creativity.
Thanks to everyone for reading, really it means alot to me.