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My lungs hurt

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey now- SWIM just smoked some yellow spice that was made by a different person who used a stb method. SWIM smoked about 50mg and had a strong experience, when s/he came out of it though, hir lungs were burning and s/he was gasping for breath. Hir lungs were wheezy & damaged feeling all day, as if SWIM had a case of bronchitis or something. SWIM is wondering if this could be due to unreacted lye or other contaminants in the spice? SWIM is going to try recystallization with hot-to-freezer naptha & see if that cleans it up- is this normal? It made SWIM reluctant to repeat the experiece...
urtica said:
Hey now- SWIM just smoked some yellow spice that was made by a different person who used a stb method. SWIM smoked about 50mg and had a strong experience, when s/he came out of it though, hir lungs were burning and s/he was gasping for breath. Hir lungs were wheezy & damaged feeling all day, as if SWIM had a case of bronchitis or something. SWIM is wondering if this could be due to unreacted lye or other contaminants in the spice? SWIM is going to try recystallization with hot-to-freezer naptha & see if that cleans it up- is this normal? It made SWIM reluctant to repeat the experiece...

Ouch!! Got To Clean Yo Stuff!!

"STB", "Yellow", "Pain-In-the-Lungs"...
Yeah, it sounds like you had a high amount of impurities left in your spice.
doing a re-crystallization (or 2 if its real dirty) should make it much nicer for you.
Although it will seem like you have a whole lot less spice when you finished cleaning it, you'll have roughly the same amount of DMT, your just losing the extra crap, so don't worry about the loss of size/weight here, it is to your benefit.
The cleaner your crystals, the smoother it is on your lungs.
Although the vapor is usually quite harsh even with the purist crystals, it should not cause any lasting discomfort or harm to your lungs.

Also, the A/B & FASA teks tend to come out much cleaner straight away but require a bit more work. Those extra steps in the A/B teks are there to clean out the oils, tannins & other shit that are in the plant material, while its still in a liquid state, rather than crystallize that stuff into your product and then trying to remove it.
IMO, its well worth the extra time & effort to have as pure a yield as possible.
Try freeze precipitating instead of evaporating (if you didn't already do that) to get your crystals out of the solvent, this creates very "kitchen-pure" results because the DMT is being squeezed out of the solvent as it cools, while the majority of the crap tends to stay suspended in the solvent or drop & stick to the bottom. (you can also reuse the precip solvent a number of times, so it saves you a little $$)

I use "Vovin's tek" which is an A/B, and I freeze precip the result.
It takes me a bit longer than doing a STB but I get clear-to-white shards of kitchen-pure DMT right out of the freezer. Doing a re-crystallization doesn't seem to clean it up any more than it already is. It just makes bigger crystals, if I what to take the time to do that.
Plus I usually yield around 0.9gm to 1.1gm of clean DMT from 100gm of pre-powdered Mimosa!

99% of the reason I wrote my tek was because some lye wound up in my first sample and I spent a week coughing up infection. I have heard some complain that my tek is a little too paranoid about purity but just one experience with a impure amount of spice will guarantee that you take the purity of what you inhale seriously. If you take in something with impurities you can permanently damage your lungs, allot of the chamicals you use for a extraction can easily kill you if inhaled in sufficent quantities. It's almost impossible to do this when smoking a small amount of spice however but still it can hurt you and if you do it many times the damaged lung tissue will build up. Also there's the harshness of impure inhalation if you cough you ruin your chances of breaking thru and thus waste more spice than you would have if you had purified your materials.
SWIM used Lazyman's but with freeze-precip instead of evaporation and his stuff is smoother than anything else he's ever smoked... maybe parsley compares. He was very surprised. He did notice that the stuff he DID get through evap at the start was harsher, but still ok. That was his first extraction though so maybe Vovin's is even smoother.

But he was painstakingly anal when getting the solvent off the top of his potion... not a single spot of brown was allowed out.
Thank you for the replies. SWIM took most of the remaining spice and washed it with ammonia, then dissolved it into hot naptha, filtered the hot naptha (which removed a lot of stuff, including lint maybe?), put the filtrate into the fridge, then the freezer. The crystals are more white looking. SWIM will probably recystallize again just to be sure. SWIM is pissed that a friend would produce and sell such shitty spice, as hir lungs still kind of hurt, 48 hours later. The image of NaOH vapor pouring into hir lungs and dissolvong them keeps replaying in hir mind. SWIM made his/her own using freezer precipitation to create beautiful white crystals, then washed these with ammonia & a foaf tried the result, reporting smooth smoke & a general clean feeling. SWIM says anything other than freeze precipitation sounds like a recipe to hurt people...
ohayoco said:
But he was painstakingly anal when getting the solvent off the top of his potion... not a single spot of brown was allowed out.

This is a easy thing to mistake. Tiny miniscule bubbles of solvent will suspend themselves in the naptha. These arent visible by the naked eye This resulted in my research on purification because no matter how seriously you take you seperation contamination is imminent and you will need to do some kind o f purification..
Guess SWIM was just lucky then because his spice is really smooth, for some reason or other.
He used xylene to pull jungle spice at the end and did notice bubbles and layers forming then, but he hasn't tried that yet, it's still drying out to ensure no xylene's left. Whereas for the main extraction he used white spirit ('heavy naphtha').
I'm confused by some of the comments here though, because I was told on here ages ago that lye has such a high vap point that it won't get anywhere near your lungs?
It's because of that that SWIM only smokes it- it feels safer than potentially putting lye under your tongue or in your stomach.
He figured that since what he's got feels smooth, it's better to smoke it as is, rather than start washing it with more cheicals and potentially adding contaminants (him not being a chemist and all, and not sure of the true safety of the brands he has).
its true lye wont vaporize at temperatures reached by the lighter but specially if smoking in a pipe, small solid particles of lye may go through the screen and into the mouth/lungs. Smoking in a water bong should take care of this
If your worried about the contaminants of your chemicals like naptha and the like the best thing to do is take a clear glass container and evap some of the chemical off in it and see if any residue is left. If there is a film of something then yes there is added residue. One of the great things about pure naptha is that is leaves nothing behind. Some people actually go so far as to distill their naptha but that is a process in and of itself and is rather extensive unless you do not have access to relatively pure naptha it isnt really all that neccissary. One of the bad things about naptha is that other 'lubricants' and the like are added to make the product more effective with it's intended use. Also naptha has been known to accrue stuff from the container it is in. I personally have never used xylene so I cant say with sure knowledge anything about it. But I do know you can inhale lye. I have done it and oftentimes you'll know because you will get a bad burn on your tounge and your lungs will hurt pretty bad. A very small amount of lye in a product may not be so noticable as the product itself is rather harsh. But if your going to do this stuff more than once you should seriously consider the purity just like cigarettes one wont ruin your lungs but the more you do over a period of time will make them worse and worse.
Water bongs work? SWIM's always avoided water bongs because he feels like he'll lose spice to the water- in his naked glass bong, he gets dark cystals forming where the smoke hits the glass on entry... a noticeable amount in, say, 10 hits.
Thanks Vovin. SWIM always does an evap test, but it's hard to tell really if there is trace residue or not... just that there isn't any visible residue. It's the trace contaminants he's wary of, tiny amounts of lead or chemicals etc, because the average guy on the street doesn't have access to FCC/USP or whatever the highest grade of xylene is. He has to settle for T10001 thinners, which are only intended for painting, manufacturing etc so one can imagine there isn't a need to keep out harmful trace contaminants. Definitely looking forward to switching to FASA.
yes ohayoco Ive heard people being affraid of water bongs but in all honesty SWIM doesnt feel he gets less, and he already tried smoking in different kinds of pipes also. 50mg is his dose and it works perfect. He usually cleans his bongs with alcohol or acetone because any material condensing will tend to accumulate more material together... Nothing significant is lost at least in SWIM's opinion, and he gets a smooth smoke with for sure no caustic soda.

btw, tiny amounts of lead for example would be bad if one ingested orally but I would guess it also wouldnt vaporize, so smoking would not be a problem. But other chemicals and traces could be a problem for sure.. Thats why SWIM would love to find limonene for affordable price to do an all natural extraction
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