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My no harmalas changa questions


Esteemed member
I created my first changa:
400 mg - freebase (washed with heptane, and washed with Everclear, proud of freebase being clean, but lost 50% haha)
400 mg - chamomile
400 mg - gotu kola
200 mg - ginko
200 mg - blue lily

mixed infused everything with Everclear 96%. Was it correct step? Or should I infuse only some of it?
(the Everclear was infused with 1 TAD lemon balm, 1 DASH spearmint, 1 dash lavender)

I didn't want to use harmalas because it was inspired by this comment, especially this:

> smooth and bright journey

> use max 4-5 plants

> deepest areas of our mind after regular consume of smaller doses

I haven't smoked it yet, except trying out just a bit (it still smells with Everclear, evaporating). I am wondering how many mg should I smoke for the first try? Also, some folks say harmalas smooth out the experience, and I ain't got any harmalas. From the same time, Dizzy Druid in the original post says "chamomile , which greatly reduces the unpleasant coming up".

Should I be careful with that changa so I won't fly away to parallel universe the first time or it all looks pretty safe to smoke in any amount? What experience should I expect? Things are moving or... ? Should I have someone nearby? Just curious, it's gonna be first time.

(I asked Dizzy Druid in PMs, but I've not gotten reply for quite some time, seems the account is inactive)
For your first try maybe best just get your toes wet.. you want to know roughly how much freebase in in each mg of material and go from there. Keeping in mind that 10-15 is fairly mild but still quite psychedelic, then 20mg upwards starts getting much more intense. 25-30mg can achieve a breakthrough level experience. Higher than that just makes it more and more intense and 'unhuman'.. there's a time and place for all of these doses, but for a first time ever trying DMT I'd say 15 mg is a nice way to get to know the feeling a little.. then if you feel comfortable and wish to go further you can make that decision.

If you could clarify.. is this going to be your first DMT experience? Or just first changa.. ?
First N,N-DMT and changa.

I had 5-Meo-DMT experience, twice 20mg and 40mg. One of them was a breakthrough I think. It was pretty cool, but I didn't like the harvesting method. And the price TBH))) It was $300, with the sitter being with you for an hour or so.

I wanted to extract DMT myself so I can use it, I think I owe this forum a quick introduction. My spouse recently (well, not so) got cancer, and we were looking for ways to mitigate the mental load from the decease. So kinda looking for calm and peace, acceptance of circumstances. 5MeoDMT helps to shave off a lot of ice and peel, but I thought NN-DMT extraction would work as well, so I can find some questions and use it more often...
I hope you both can find some peace.

If this is your first N,N-DMT experience, I'd go for the lower range acacian suggested. 10 to 15 mg of DMT is enough for a powerful psychedelic experience, but not enough to jump into the deep end.

Given that your herbs are 1200mg, and DMT is 400mg, you can measure a dose by estimating a 25% content of DMT. So, in this case, you can measure 40-60mg of herbs, and this will result in somewhere around 10-15mg of DMT. You can be pretty precise with this method, actually.

Personally, I love harmalas, but they do colour the experience quite a bit. So if what you want to try is straight DMT, this is a good way to proceed.

On a lexicon-side-note, we usually use the term changa to refer to herbs infused with both dmt and harmalas, and use the term e-leaf (enhanced leaf) to refer to herbs infused with just DMT. These terms aren't set in stone, but this is the preferred way to refer to those in these parts, so we can differenciate between both.
I created my first changa:
400 mg - freebase (washed with heptane, and washed with Everclear, proud of freebase being clean, but lost 50% haha)
400 mg - chamomile
400 mg - gotu kola
200 mg - ginko
200 mg - blue lily

I didn't want to use harmalas because it was inspired by this comment, especially this:
Looks like a great blend. I was inspired by the same comment/thread as you, and tried this chamomile and gotu kola mix, for the gentler takeoff, and it was beautiful. Put the lilly in after drying the infused herbs for the nice colour in the blend.
I've tended away from stronger blends, mainly as I tend to lose consciousness on high doses, but also because of the trepidation around that level of blast off, and have gotten much more into blends around the 25% mark. I make joints, so it's super easy to share and regulate intake.
No matter how nervous I feel beforehand, whether strong or 'weak' experiences, I always come away feeling love, peace and acceptance.
I tend to just put caapi vine into my blends and have only added harmalas (extracted from caapi) to one blend, but I gave most of that away, so don't have much experience of it. Definitely didn't feel as light (in terms of weight), if you get what I mean.
I love how, with the weaker blends, you are still in the room, but in the realm as well, and I never cease to be amazed at how incredible plants look to me, just dipping my toes in.
I also find, at this strength, that there is no need to measure out the herbs, as unless you are taking a massive hit/toke, you don't need to worry about being shot out of the psychedelic cannon! I like to describe the difference to people as the high dose is like being instantly dropped to the bottom of the Marianas trench at the bottom of the DMT ocean, and weaker blends are like walking along the beach with the waves just rushing over your feet.
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