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My personal extract

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Esteemed member
Lately ive come around to make my own extract. It is some yellow to white looking spice. For now i have not re-x'd it yet and turns out it is great as is!
Yesterday i decided to finally try it out. To be safe i loaded up 5mg on my e-mesh and went for it. @ this dose there wasn't much anxiety going in. Little did i know i would enter a fantastic headspace with a pre-breakthrough entity checking me out and communicating with me :D the CEVs were very detailed and full although a bit dimly lit.

Energized from this short but enjoyable experience i decided loading 10mg was the next logical step. I put 12mg on it as my vaping technique isn't the best yet. The vapor is harsh on my lungs and only recently im able to hold in oncoming coughs better.
As i laid there i was fighting lots of anxiety as i now knew the potency of my own deems. I decided to try out my e-mesh in power mode which was a total fluke. Atleast i got over the preflight jitters by toking on it when there was no vapor coming :D.

Went back to a good TC range and inhaled.
The vapor was harsh but i think i got most of it, maybe 9-10mg inhaled. Beforehand i closed the blinds, lit the room and layed down in my bed deciding to put myself snuggly under my blanket.

The coming up was slow but quickly rose in intensity. Ineffable geometry was textured over the white wall i was looking at and i felt the need to close my eyes.
The imagery was super dark as the room was dark aswell. My pillow and my blanket also reduced how much light fell onto me. It was something new for me and the visions got really strong really fast. What was difficult to make out in the dark became super sharp just a couple moments later. Beautiful. Impossible geometry with only the faintes orange/yellow/greenish tint to it. I knew there was something to come.
This time i went deep. The deep buzzing ive known from dmt got really strong. It was slowly being accompanied by a high pitched whine getting pitched higher and higher.
I was entering a very wonderful place within me. This room, filled with absolutely stunning geometry and a very peculiar symmetry really took me away. I was this room.
My sense of "I" got preoperly diluted. I didnt think in this moment i just was.

Within this room i was joined by an entity. It wasn't interacting with me closely like the other low dose beings i have encountered. No. It only spoke to "me" at a distance.

It told me. "Yeah! You are! YOU are HIM! (So in my native language it said "Du bist Er!" ) And it directed me to my bodily self. I realized this and in this somewhat dissociative state i reconnected to my body and inhaled.
God this makes me shiver just thinking about it. It felt like i had just taken my first breath.
Great peace washed over me and i felt really comfortable just being. This has shown me a very emotional side of dmt which i have not encountered yet.
When i was done riding this train of thought, enjoying the reamining psychedelic effect i came back and told people i know i loved them. I wrote to a friend how i see him as a very helpful person and thanked him for being there which he much appreciated.

I was at peace and still am. It feels like this trip will stick with me for a very long time and the effect it had on me will affect my life thoroughly.

Once again i am very thankful to be alive, to be here, to enjoy this life with other like minded folks.

Edit: I added some more detail and rewrote a bit as this was a bit rushed this morning as i had spare time. :)
I hope you enjoyed my writing.
Much love
- bIRD_
This was a nice report, very enjoyable.

It seems like a pretty intense trip for a low-ish dose. That happens quite a lot with DMT, I tend to think that it depends a lot on set and setting and not so much on dose.

Thanks so much for this report.

Amazing effects from 5 mgs. I have not gone that low yet.

Quick question - last we spoke you said you were not actually seeing your entities. Are they manifesting visually now or just as a very palpable and strong sense of presence? If you see them, are they fully autonomous or somewhat stationary?

I do not understand all this emesh stuff, but it seems like it is absolutely the right device for you. So cool that you can measure your dose and regulate the intensity of the vapor. There are few things one can control on a DMT trip . . .

You mentioned harsh vapor more than once. Are you getting a flavor from this vaped DMT? Kind of plastic-like or is it flavorless? I am wondering if you might be slightly burning it. Properly vaped DMT vapor is never harsh in my extensive experience. I know you have lung issues but I still wonder if you might be applying a bit too much heat?

Your experience is intense. I think I told you I thought you could fully breakthrough at 30-35 in chat. Now that I read this and think about all I know about your sensitivities to psychedelics, I wonder if 15-20 might be the ultimate sweet spot for you. If so and you choose to go there, you are very lucky. I thought I was lucky at 30-35 and have no guts to go there.

It doesn’t matter of course. You are on a great path and wherever it takes you is right for you.

Thank you for sharing this profound experience. I really enjoyed reading about the aftermath/afterglow too.
Very beautiful and thank you for sharing.

This highlights my trepidation with DMT. I've had very clear visuals and very much been somewhere else on as low as 6mg. Definitely a gift that sometimes feels like a curse :lol:
I would suggest lowering your heat a bit. Properly vaporized DMT shouldn't be harsh at all, even when you can feel the density of the vapor in your throat.

One love
Quick question - last we spoke you said you were not actually seeing your entities. Are they manifesting visually now or just as a very palpable and strong sense of presence? If you see them, are they fully autonomous or somewhat stationary?

This time they werent to my sides and no tactile sensations from them, i could make out a being inside the rooms walls, it was moving and communicating telepathically.

I would suggest lowering your heat a bit. Properly vaporized DMT shouldn't be harsh at all, even when you can feel the density of the vapor in your throat.

Makes me think about my setup. It tends to pulse alot when on TC settings. Maybe i should invest in a different RDA. When its too low theres not enough vapour building and the drag is longer than 10 seconds and my device turns off. Going a bit higher for proper vaporization feels somewhat harsh. I must add i had smoked before and stopped vaping/smoking over a year ago.

When i just have it on my mesh and heat it up it evaps nicely and smells flowery/dense of dmt.

It could also be my untrained cough reflex, but on that side its getting better and better really.It just does not feel like im breathing air when i inhale dense vapor. Ill inspect it for a bit longer.
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