Rising Star
My first experience with psychedelics started as I am sure like most. I sampled with marijuana at 19. Didn't care much for the experience. Ended up puking my stomach up and slept it off. If you want to call it so, bit foolishly I came back for more. Eventually I built a tolerance to be able to enjoy the highs. This was the extent of my psychedelic sampling until last uear when I was introduced to the world of synthetic marijuana. Id read of its dangers and similarities to the real thing. Id ended up trying it at a bus stop outside of the store we'd purchased from and from there is history. Ive had maybe one or two what you can call bad experiences. However, overall ive scratched the surface of enlightenment as what seems to be the history of humanity seemed to trickle into my mental capacity. I began to literally feel and see our ancestors in their daily lives during my trips. Even once I possessed the ability to make my cell phone "jump" from my hand. I am far from a believer in formal religion and what we call god. But these experiences allow me to see that we have this concepsomething t twisted and misconstrued. One experience I had with the synthetics, Id ended up in what ive read to be called a level 4 or 5. I only remember floating in what seemed to be a timeless void which seemed infinite. I saw tiny gray, blue, and purple squares that kept unfolding into more and more of these little squares. I remembered coming back down to find the flass on my watch face broken and lying on the floor.
I thirst for more knowledge. There is something out there I am meant to see. I recently contacted a shaman in regard to possibly going about trying Ayahuasca to find what it is I seek. I was refusex and told that the "grandmother" would find me. That next day, id been looking at myself in the mirror as i was trying to find something to wear for a later christmas party and locked eyes with myself and started crying without reason. Later that day after calling in
to work, I watched the sandy hook tragedy unfild on the news. I was told I am an empath.
Ive just finished watching DMT the spirit molecule. I think this is something i am fascinated with and would like to experience.
That is why I am here.
I thirst for more knowledge. There is something out there I am meant to see. I recently contacted a shaman in regard to possibly going about trying Ayahuasca to find what it is I seek. I was refusex and told that the "grandmother" would find me. That next day, id been looking at myself in the mirror as i was trying to find something to wear for a later christmas party and locked eyes with myself and started crying without reason. Later that day after calling in
to work, I watched the sandy hook tragedy unfild on the news. I was told I am an empath.
Ive just finished watching DMT the spirit molecule. I think this is something i am fascinated with and would like to experience.
That is why I am here.