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My recent method of making changa - any tips?

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Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
I recently made some changa (or enhanced leaf) and i used a petri dish to do so, it was 500mg DMT & 500mg peppermint, i dissolved the DMT in a small amount of acetone & then added 500mg peppermint leaf, the leaf wasn't enough to cover the whole petri dish and the acetone level was so low i couldnt see it spreading the spice into the leaf, so i added a nice amount of acetone, tilted the petridish on its side and scraped the peppermint to one side so it was totally covered by the acetone saturated with DMT, the level of the acetone was just above the peppermint

The next day there was crystals crawling up the tilted petri dish, but they were yellow crystals, i simply redissolved with minimal acetone, lay the dish flat, mixed it all up & let it dry again. After scraping the dish had a yellow film on the bottom. Did the DMT convert to DMT N-Oxide? (It also could have been some peppermint type oils that made the crystals/dish go yellow)

Any tips related to how you make your changa would be appreciated, is using excess acetone okay to make sure its all spread out evenly? I think peppermint just doesn't have good absorption qualities so it took a couple dissolve cycles for it to pick up the spice. Another thing i noticed that was strange is that the final weight of it all was 0.8g rather than the 1g it should have been, i definitely did not spill anything.

Last but not least when i was evapping the acetone i forgot to open a window at first and i got tryptamine visuals, could some of the DMT have evaped along with the acetone into the air?
I was pretty stoned & meditating, and had handled some dry mushrooms with bare hands earlier on in the day, these were def 100% full on tryptamine visuals, woodgrain flowing etc

The smoke at the end was very very pleasing :d
Next time will be 500mg caapi, 500mg peppermint, 1g spice...
I always use enough acetone to cover the leaf and then some. mix it all around nice and good and leave to evap. A few members here also cover the dish for a day or two, so to make sure that all the DMT is eavenly spread amongst the leaf.

The yellow film is most likely some oils from the leaf, I get that all the time.

Its very unlikely that the DMT just evaporated into thin air, was there any left over on the dish, I often get some left over that il just scrape up and add to the leaf or pick left over DMT up with acetone and pour it over the leaf again.

Now, infuse that caapi leaf and smoke some proper changa.
Nice one, cheers for the reply, there was oily residue on the dish along with some crystally residue, some residue couldn't be scraped but not much was left after i redissolved it all the second time, the leaf seemed quite evened out in strength when i smoked it, there was no big suprises once i judged how strong 1:1 is, a few healthy pinches was enough for a nice bowl that could be stretched out

I should have some caapi leaf arriving anyday now... i'll have to use plain leaf at first but just in time for christmas i should have some 10x caapi ready :)
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