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Rising Star
Hey guys! I'm curious if anyone here has maybe tried main veining the stuff?
I did and it was ... Different. To put it very lightly. More real than real for sure.

Before I give all the details I want to make sure it's ok to talk about this? And really curious if anyone else has tried this at home.... Which I do not recommend btw :)

Disclaimer: Do not try this at home. It can be very dangerous.
I'm just trying to get others feedback. Thanks
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I would put a warning and disclaimer in your post to warn about the risk involved, also let’s not make it into a diy type of tread.

I have injected dmt fumarate and found it very similar to vaporizing it, indistinguishable actually, other than that it’s impractical because of the timeframe between injection and being unable to remove the needle because your in hyperspace. I remember it took about 20 seconds from your hand to your brain and from that first moment you start to feel it your already gone.

Since there is zero benefits and more risk I do not recommend shooting it, what was interesting was that I could taste the dmt as it passed through the vessels in my tongue.
Why would anyone want to do that? There is only one setting this could be beneficial, that is in a controlled clinical environment where they could apply a steady drip, its already being researched.


Literally just had another post about this yesterday. So I'm going to copy and paste much of my other post as its applicable here. But yes I think it is ok to talk about this as long as appropriate disclaimers are added. I don't believe it breaks any of the forum rules.

IV can be safe when done properly.. it has a huge stigma attached to it due to being the favoured ROA for a number of addictive substances.. Some benefits are you bypass any complications with your lungs. You also bypass the issue of vaporization technique so its easiest to make the absolute most of your dose, provided you know what you are doing.. If you don't then you should DO NOT do it.

It can be VERY DANGEROUS, as I will outline below.

Most of us are using DMT extracted from plants.. which are almost never pure enough to deem safe for IV. There are some very serious issues here you should consider. With an extract you've made yourself, there is the almost unavoidable presence of plant contaminants (even if trace amounts).. and secondly chemical contaminants from the extraction process. If using crappy quality lye or naptha from your local hardware store, how do you know there aren't trace amounts of impurity present?... if you are using your own extracted DMT, I'd be very very sure that the chemicals/solvents used analytical grade. Extracts with unknown plant impurities or impurities from shitty quality hydrocarbons or lye should not go in veins. Unless you have access to GCMS or some other analysis to verify purity, I'd suggest holding off on proceeding further with this ROA. If using synthetic DMT, still do your best to verify it's purity and be sure you know what you are doing with a needle. Missing a vein can obviously result in infection and air bubbles can cause potential serious adverse effects too with blood circulation.

IMO, while it has some real benefits, I think the possible risks (impure extract + bad technique) are quite serious and outweigh the benefits.

All the best.
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