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My Second Salvia Experience

Migrated topic.

Neo Guado

Rising Star
Well where should I begin,
first off ,I decided to use Salvia Extract X10
along with a good friend of mine(It was his first and my second time)
He went first,taking about 0.15 grams under the tongue.

We waited in silence for 20 minutes ,there wasn't anything happening
so we used a bong and he took 2 hits holding the smoke in for about 30 seconds.
Then almost immediately after his second hit,he was tripping,
said he saw half of the room transforming into a very vivid vision
where he saw old house, a boy and a old women near a river
wearing vishing clothes of sorts.He was extatic in a delusional way,
and talking about it as he described what he saw.
He also said after a minute or 2 when his vision was wearing off,that he felt stuck in
a blue orb of sorts,and then came back into reality.
Soon after he asked if it was possible to time travel with salvia,
(which was pretty much the only thing I haven't told him about)
but he couldnt not say for sure what he saw was in past ,present or another world
entirely,even a early childhood memory could not be excluded.
He was amazed by it,expecially since it was his first real psycedelic experience.

Then it was my turn,took 0.15 grams under my tongue and a little in my cheek,
and after 18 minutes I swallowed the moisture that formed in my mouth along with the extract.I was beginning to experience some very mild 2 dimensional
pictures of weird strange shapes and stuff although they were extremly mild,and I
had to concentrate very hard to see them (might even be a placebo effect)
Then I took 2 hits with a bong,and my buddy took one agian aswell.
Wham after the second hit ,I felt I blacked out again( see : what is up with salvia? thread second page for my first experience ),but I really paced myself!.
Yet this time it was very brief couldnt have been more then a few seconds
and I did not get a pulling sensation at all ,however something was happening
I openend my eyes as I regained consciousness,and felt as If I was IN my couch
in some black hole getting sucked in.

As I felt that I said to my buddy ,IM one with my coach man wtf!!
As I said that, he said wtf shit im getting sucked in aswell
then he fell off the couch,on the ground ,stood up ,fell on the bed and rolled off the bed agian!! I started laughing even when I was still mildly hallucinating!
As the effect was wearing off, I stood up turned up the light
and he said he saw someone (or a couple of entity's) in the room
trying to push him in (the black hole thing?).
and he saw some strange back line of sorts surrounding me and the couch when I said I was ''in the couch''.
He was extatic and called his girlfriend while I was rushing upstairs to chill,because I felt kinda trippy still,and as I closed my eyes I saw some very vague strange laser like lights, strange shapes almost like a pc screensaver,only more vivid in color,and also some strange images ,and again I had to focus real hard to see them .
The effect wore off in 5 minutes ,but I was sweating and had chills.
My friend was just extatic ,didnt sweat at all.
I fell asleep after my friend left, and woke up in the night ,with a bad eerie feeling,
I ate a couple of sandwiches and the feeling was gone in the morning.

conclusion : salvia sucks ass for me:?
although it was funny ,I dont think It's a usefull tool for me
to get my hyperspace experience.
conclusion : salvia sucks ass for me
although it was funny ,I dont think It's a usefull tool for me
to get my hyperspace experience.

Yup, that's about my feeling on smoked salvia.

I get the sweats and chills and hot flashes on it too. I've never liked the feeling it gave. Alwyas a hostile feeling. I'll stick to salvia in a quid or spice (but never the two together).

Salvia seems to be a love it or hate it kind of plant. Some people just love it and others hate it!
i would like to no more about chewing or quiding salvia,its something i have been intrested in for a while now,smoked salvia i find is not mutch use,thers to mutch of a fine line between totaly messed up and just dipping a toe in to see what the water is like.
acolon_5 said:
conclusion : salvia sucks ass for me
although it was funny ,I dont think It's a usefull tool for me
to get my hyperspace experience.

Yup, that's about my feeling on smoked salvia.

I get the sweats and chills and hot flashes on it too. I've never liked the feeling it gave. Alwyas a hostile feeling. I'll stick to salvia in a quid or spice (but never the two together).

Salvia seems to be a love it or hate it kind of plant. Some people just love it and others hate it!

Yes ,my thoughts exactly ,maybe it differs because in some ,the body might see
it as being poisened and having a strong reaction to it ,and therefore have these reactions,as oppose to my friend,who didnt have these symptoms ,and had a nice visual.

But I will be looking into DMT extraction methods ,
so I can experience the ''Holy Spice'' everyone is talking so positivly about:)
salvia has many sides.. another thing is.. do you grow your own salvia? or have you bought it? salvia which has been bought tends to give you very strange/frightening trips. i recommend you grow your own, establish a form of communication with your plant.. care good for it and it will care good for you next time you take it. also smoking it is considered disrespectful by mazatec shamans. quidding it is the way to go.

you should do this in nature. if you dont have the woods in your area go to a park at night when there are no people. find a space where you feel safe. a good thing would be to search this place out with a good friend with whom you want to do this at daytime and then come back at night.

having had more than one view of the place(day and night time) that you're going to end up doing it in is a good thing.

for 2 persons you should take 40 leaves with you. each start out with 10 and if for some reason you need more you'll have it there waiting for you. roll the 10 leaves into a tightly rolled cigarlike thing and chew on it. try keeping all the saliva in your mouth while chewing. only swallow if the bitterness becomes unbearable.

i usually chew a little and then move the quid around in my mouth. it is also of great help to brush your teeth and your gums before this. this removes any old skin tissue which might be unable to absorb the salvinorin a.

while doing this try to be very quiet(the indians say that the spirit of this plant is very shy and only shows itself in complete darkness and quietness).. music tends to fucks up the experience. -unless you make it yourself with a drum, rainstick or something like that.

also smoked salvia doesnt send you to hyperspace.. its as if every moment in time melts into one. feelings of being stuck or cought and unable to move are pretty normal. do not use this herb if you have a problem with tight spaces. its also pretty normal to not remember who you are, where you came from and how you got to be there. the really scary thing about this can be that you might not even remember having smoked salvia. i have had alot of experiences where people needed to be reassured that they had just smoked salvia and that it will all come to end end in a minute or two.

feelings of being tricked or that one has somehow managed to "break" reality and will never be able to return from where one came from -where ever that is..

this stuff can truely fuck you up bigtime when you smoke it in extract form!
be careful!
cheech, I will take all those points in consideraton,and ill look for salvia leaves instead of extracts aswell.
Thanx for a very informative post!:)

btw I did have a very ,very trippy dream that night!😉
i can only recommend growing it yourself.. its very easy to grow and doesnt require any direct sunlight.. i got mine at the northside window. it only gets about 1 hour of sunlight filtered through my very dirty window which i am not cleaning because the salvia likes it that way! :)

im at constant battle with fuckin mad spidermites at the moment tho! i hate those bastards! gotta get myself some killermites to eat em off my plants.

you can easily order cuttings even if its illegal in your country - they dont seem to notice it. its been illegal in germany since febuary now. i had no problems ordering some cuttings from holland.
word up! i recently smoked a lil spliff: a medium size leaf salvia, 0.3g silver haze and in the middle i put 0.02g of my own 20x extract. i sat down on my favorite bench in my favorite area in the park (i love this area because it its the old part of the park which has trees which are over 500 years old) plus it looks a little like the forest in myst 1. :)

i sat there with my girl. she didnt wanna smoke any because she doesnt like smokin salvia outdoors. at about half the joint.. just right after the extract in the middle i started laughing my ass off. it was very funny. i could hear the trees whisper to me. it felt exactly like laughin my ass off on some hawaiian mushrooms. i had the giggles for about 10 minutes then after that i had this refreshed mindcleaned feeling which you usually have in the last 3rd of a mushroom trip. this faded over the next 2 hours.

i think that salvia smoked through joints is much better, because you can just stop smoking when the effects start and if you feel like more you can always light it up again. i think the effects last longer this way too. probably because it is being taken in little by little and has more time to gradually build up. this makes it way smoother. you won't be gettin break throughs with joints unless you smoke the whole joint in 5 tokes. but breakthroughs are very intense and are not something to really enjoy. its more like an ordeal. i tend to use very smooth doses when smoking it.

if you want more people to have effect try this. build a long joint (2 papers) based on 2-3 big leaves.. as much as you need to fill it up. then enhance it with little batches(0.02g) here and there of 20x extract. just dont put the batches too close together. do it so like every 5 tokes there will be one batch of 0.02g. its kinda fun because you (the builder of the joint) know where the batches are. the others dont.. this can be very interesting!

have fun!
whats even more fun is if you put some good nepal hash in there too. so everyone will think theyre smokin hash because the taste of good hash covers up the salvia taste really good! the guys will be like.. damn dude.. where did you get that hash?! they'll be rollin on the floor!
cheech said:
whats even more fun is if you put some good nepal hash in there too. so everyone will think theyre smokin hash because the taste of good hash covers up the salvia taste really good! the guys will be like.. damn dude.. where did you get that hash?! they'll be rollin on the floor!

cheech said:
....its also pretty normal to not remember who you are, where you came from and how you got to be there. the really scary thing about this can be that you might not even remember having smoked salvia. i have had alot of experiences where people needed to be reassured that they had just smoked salvia and that it will all come to end end in a minute or two.

I've experienced exactly that and it was fuckt. I had no idea what was happening. The universe was just about to end and I was starting to dissolve with everything and getting sucked into this blackhole and I soo didn't remember I smoked salvia and really thought this was happening. Existence was about to end and no one warned me!!! :(

cheech said:
....feelings of being tricked or that one has somehow managed to "break" reality and will never be able to return from where one came from -where ever that is..

I've had that feeling when blasting off with DMT! I so felt like I was tricked to smoke it again and again and that I really shouldn't be doing that. Like it was really wrong or someting. And
because of that I find it hard to enjoy it. It can be very hard to get rid of that feeling 'cause often I believe that I shouldn't be messing with this stuff but other times I'm sure I'm meant to do
this. Like for humanity or something. Like it's something that needs to be done :)
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