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My state has banned naphtha


Esteemed member
I just found out by going to the hardware store where I had previously purchased naphtha many times over the years. It's now called Klean Strip Painter's Solvent and on the can it says: "Replaces MEK, toluene, xylene and VM&P naphtha"
Which it doesn't. Chemically at least. The ingredients are:
Methyl acetate
Hydrotreated light distillate

This makes me really irritated. Does anyone know details about Maryland's ban? I can't seem to find any info online and I'm wondering if amazon will ship it to me or if I need to drive to DC or Virginia. At least . redacted by moderator

The guy at the hardware store asked me in a suspicious way, as he looked at me like I was Heisenberg: "What are you using it for?" I said: "I'm making meth. Just kidding, I'm extracting dmt. just kidding, as an arsonist, it's my favorite accelerant."
Here's the thing, just like the now banned full strength ever clear, naptha is a multi use solvent for me. I have ~10k compact discs. Selling them online sometimes requires removing stickers. It's also one of the volatile solvents that doesn't make my head explode from the odor. I see more FASA in my future.

Anyway, wondering if anyone knows details. I don't want to order naphtha and get that goofy painter's solvent stuff. I could switch to heptane, unless that has also been banned in Maryland. Not to mention the high price of bestine.
I've searched and searched, but I can't find any information. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
You can get V M&P Naptha off of Amazon. But I felt sketched out by ordering that, although I know others have.

I opted for Bestine Solvent Thinner which is heavy on the N-Heptane. I understand N-Heptane is used more commonly for the extraction of 5-Methoxy as opposed to N,N, and I've also come to understand it's good for pulling if you want pure white crystals. Apparently Naptha has a wider range for extracting plant fats and oils. I still haven't attempted my extraction yet, still learning before I put the gloves on.

As a fellow Marylander, I haven't explored any of the stores around me, but Amazon will definitely ship. I just don't think Naptha is being sold in bulk to local vendors. Let me know what you find out. Feel free to PM me as well.
Hexane, heptane, and bestine are all sufficient for extracting N,N-DMT, being more selective than naphtha.

The ban is on fluoro hydrocarbons started in California a few years ago, so some of the other solvents may be hard to find as well. An option that is typically available everywhere is lighter fluid.

One love
Voidmatrix said:
Hexane, heptane, and bestine are all sufficient for extracting N,N-DMT, being more selective than naphtha.

The ban is on fluoro hydrocarbons started in California a few years ago, so some of the other solvents may be hard to find as well. An option that is typically available everywhere is lighter fluid.

One love

Thank you for cleaning that up for me. Adding to my notes.
braindrops said:
For others in a similar situation that stumble upon this thread, D-Limonene is another option (probably not for removing stickers though). Smells nice and is available online.

Get acetate following this:
Q21Q21's Vinegar/Lime A/B Extraction Tek

Then convert the acetate to freebase following this:
DMT acetate to freebase conversion with pics

I've been hearing more and more about limonene, I'm guess that's a solvent with limonene as the main ingredient. Apprently it's better to use than N-Heptane? Obviously I'm still learning. I just like to keep a note log that I can reference for my own notes so that I don't mistakenly ask the same question twice. Thank you.
widderic said:
As a fellow Marylander, I haven't explored any of the stores around me, but Amazon will definitely ship. I just don't think Naptha is being sold in bulk to local vendors. Let me know what you find out. Feel free to PM me as well.
Try TSC (Tractor Supply) for Naphtha - I don't see naphtha at local hardware stores, but local TSC stores all have it. You can also find 100% lye (NaOH) drain cleaner there.

widderic said:
I've been hearing more and more about limonene, I'm guess that's a solvent with limonene as the main ingredient. Apprently it's better to use than N-Heptane?
Pure food grade D-limonene can easily be found online and is used for all sorts of ... shall we say "innocent" purposes. It will extract "jungle spice" as well as the DMT, and if any is left on your final product, it is non-toxic. Personally I wouldn't use it if final goal is freebase since it doesn't fully evaporate like the other solvents, has high boiling point, but does fine for DMT-fumarate like in BLAB tek. N-heptane is great for pure DMT, has low boiling point and will fully evaporate with more ease.
artificer said:
Try TSC (Tractor Supply) for Naphtha - I don't see naphtha at local hardware stores, but local TSC stores all have it. You can also find 100% lye (NaOH) drain cleaner there.

Good to know! Thank you!
Same thing happened in my state...

Some jerk in the state government decided that napatha was [harmfull to the enviorment? ... and banned it?

Lucky in ... a nearby state... it was still in stores...so i drove 40 miles to the nearest border town to a hardware store bought 5 cans and returned home...took under 2 hours the whole trip..

Try this... because i dont think they will mail any to a state where its banned...

many on line sellers are afraid to send to a banned state...

unless there is another chemicle that will do what napatha does?

I like napatha because its easy to work with...super stinky..exylene.. can be smelled much easier than napatha...the oder hangs around longer..

Those other chemicles.. [if you can find them].. ive never used...
starway7 said:
Same thing happened in my state...

Some jerk in the state government decided that napatha was [harmfull to the enviorment? ... and banned it?

Lucky in ... a nearby state... it was still in stores...so i drove 40 miles to the nearest border town to a hardware store bought 5 cans and returned home...took under 2 hours the whole trip..

Try this... because i dont think they will mail any to a state where its banned...

many on line sellers are afraid to send to a banned state...

unless there is another chemicle that will do what napatha does?

I like napatha because its easy to work with...super stinky..exylene.. can be smelled much easier than napatha...the oder hangs around longer..

Those other chemicles.. [if you can find them].. ive never used...

I ended up getting Bestine from Amazon which is N-Heptane. Pulls more selectively as I've come to learn but haven't tested the smell yet.
Limonene can be a pain and doesn't allow freeze precipitation. I'd advise reading up on as many common solvents as possible.

A while back some members tried extracting using vegetable oil; I've not tried it myself. Another thing that may be viable is purified paraffin wax. That one has been on my 'to do' list for a good while now. Separating the NP phase would be a doddle and backsalting would have to be done with hot vinegar or similar. Kerosene lamp oil might be worth considering, if you're happy with using some clean-up methods - or maybe pre-distilling your oil a couple of times.

If one is sufficiently determined a suitable solvent should always be accessible. For instance, acetone can be prepared by first making calcium acetate using vinegar and eggshells, then dry distilling it. Acetone means "daughter of vinegar".

Dry distillation of wood would produce wood naphtha and methanol. Don't forget turpentine or similar terpene hydrocarbons either. And so on - read old books...
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