Rising Star
Hello everyone! I'm Cryptotryptamine, and this is my first official post on the DMT-Nexus. I hope you'll take the time to read it and find it at least somewhat interesting, as it took a lot of time to type up and had a lot of thought put into it. At the very least, I hope it doesn't bore you! I've been browsing this forum for some time now for its wealth of useful information concerning the use of entheogens and other psychoactives, especially DMT, and I have to say that I've found the community to be much more enlightening and friendly than other sites, so I finally decided that I should become a part of it. I've composed this essay in the hopes of introducing myself and detailing my history in the most thorough yet concise way possible, so please enjoy!
I experimented with a psychoactive substance for my first time when I was eighteen years old. I went with a school friend of mine on a road trip with some of his closer friends because he had agreed to bring me along and introduce me to marijuana after I had asked him in class one day if he would be willing to. I spent the next twenty-four hours after leaving my house in a state of constant bliss. I had been holding off until I was at the end of my public school career to reach this point, and I quickly learned that it was well worth the wait. During this trip, my friend and his four friends who had come along all took a hit of LSD. I was offered one for free, which made me feel very accepted by this group of people whom I barely knew, but I politely turned it down as I wanted to keep my first marijuana experience "clean". When I finally returned to my house and said goodbye to my new friends, I was a changed man. In the time since then, I have expanded my conciosness with a large array of plants and chemicals, including but not limited to: 2C-B, 2C-I, Alcohol, Alprazolam, Amanitas muscaria, Amphetamine, Aripiprazole, Banisteriopsis caapi, Blue Lotus, Calea zacatechichi, Cocaine, Dextroamphetamine, Diazepam, Dimenhydrinate, Diphenhydramine, DMT, DOB, DXM, Hydrocodone, JWH-018, Ketamine, Lisdexamfetamine, LSD, MDA, MDMA and various MDxx, Methamphetamine, Methylhexanamine, Methylphenidate, Morning Glory, Mugwort, Oxycodone, PCP (laced marijuana), Piperazines, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Salvia divinorum, and Tobacco. I am now nineteen years old, and as of this writing it has been one year and twelve days since my first psychoactive experience.
My first real psychedelic trip was on two grams of potent mushrooms, roughly two months after I started smoking. I had no idea what to expect at the time. I was alone at my house when I noticed that everything around me was swaying back and forth and leaving three sets of tracers: blue, green, and yellow. I was chatting with friends on AIM, but I wasn't able to continue doing so for very long, as the letters on the screen would start vibrating and eventually fall off, each at their own pace. With no idea what else to do to enjoy the experience, I put on some loud trance music and walked out into the hallway outside my room. I stood in the center of the hall and closed my eyes, and I was instantly taken to a fully three-dimensional room with yellow and purple checkerboard walls and floating objects that twisted and morphed before me. This completely blew my mind. I remained paralyzed with amazement throughout most of the song, until it reached a point where the music completely slowed to a stop. I opened my eyes exactly as this happened, and experienced the longest moment of my life. Time seemed to be frozen around me, and it stayed that way for an eternity. As the song picked back up, a lifetime later, I was freed from my stasis and fell forward on to the floor. I made my way to the back porch and proceeded to melt into one of the chairs while the silence of the outside world sank away and even the tiniest sounds around me amplified infinitely. About fifteen minutes later, I got a call from the same friend who had introduced me to drugs, saying he was out front waiting for me to come out so we could go to a club, a plan that I had basically forgotten about by this point. I quickly, althought somewhat incoherently, told him I'd be right out, so I went back in my house, grabbed my things, and walked out the front door. The world was swaying around me as I drunkenly walked over to his car with a big smile on my face. He was with a girl who I had met the week before at the same club we were going to, and the two of them would serve as some of the most important people in my trip. The ride to the club was indescribably long. Until we arrived, I had forgotten yet again where we were going or why. I was completely convinced that we were on another road trip, one that had been going on for days or even weeks. I eagerly listened to everything that the two of them said as I climbed around the back seat. The rest of the night, at the club, exists in my memory as a colorful blur. Only now do I realize how hard I was actually tripping at the time; those mushrooms were insane. This experience completely turned my world upside down, and was without a doubt the reason that I instantly fell in love with psychedelic drugs.
I spent much time in pursuit of another powerful trip after this experience, but all of my following mushroom trips, while great, failed to compare to my original. I also came across many "mescaline-based" ecstasy tabs, but they all tend to be less-than-average on the psychedelic scale. The next time I had a truly mind-opening trip was nearly half a year later, the first time I experienced LSD. Having tried to find it nearly every day since I first turned it down, I was eager to jump into the world of acid. I purchased the last two blotter hits that the source I had been directed to would have for some time, and as soon as I got back to my house, I placed them on my tongue. I held them there for a full half an hour, then chewed them up and swallowed. My parents had already gone to bed, so I was ready for whatever the night had in store for me. Not much time passed before I began to feel an amazing body high. I had a permanent smile on my face, and the walls in my room were starting to flash a very light yellow color. I went out into the den and settled myself on the couch, and at that moment I was changed forever. As I looked up at the ceiling, what resembled a Persian rug pattern appeared in one spot and then multiplied outward in each direction. This continued until the pattern covered the whole ceiling, and then it moved to the floor. The pattern as a whole began to shrink and grow and move around, and for a split second I thought the world was crumbling around me. I turned to look at a rug hanging on the wall above the couch and it began "flowing" in an imaginary wind. I felt the presence of the LSD all around me and I had never felt so great in my life. I tried to stand up, but I realized that the floor was moving to quickly for me to keep my balance. I stumbled over to a chair and sat on it and stared down at the ground, thinking to myself how accurate Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is, haha. Over the next four hours, I contacted every person who I knew would listen and told them that LSD is the greatest drug in existence and that they all needed to be on it at all times. When the initial shock had passed, I decided that I would need to return to my room and pretend to be sleeping before too long, so I got in bed and began the longest night of my life. I spent the remaining eight hours of my trip in pitch black silence. By the end of the first three, I had already convinced myself that I would never come down and that I would be in this trip for the rest of eternity. As I truly did believe this at the time, I allowed myself to get completely lost in the infinitely complex visuals soaring around me in constant motion and I sank further and further into my own looping thoughts. At the end of the trip, it was finally getting light enough for me to get up again and act like I'd slept all night, but I wasn't quite sure that I was ready to pull it off. Aside from the fact that I felt like I couldn't possibly be the same person ever again, everything that I looked at in my room once I turned my lights on was heavily distorted and out of proportion, including my own body. This alarmed me at first, but after spending enough time once again grounded in reality, things slowly warped back to normal, and I was left in the wake of the strongest trip I had ever experienced. This is when I began my love affair with LSD.
As previously noted, I had already purchased the last two blotter hits that were going to be around for a while. This was a depressing thought, but I knew that it would be worth the wait when acid showed up again. I spent much of the next couple months binging on ecstasy, especially some very impressive mescaline-based tabs. About this particular tab, I must explain. I don't mind if you don't believe me on all the details of it, because, honestly, I wouldn't have either, but please at least hear me out. It's a mixture of MDMA and an unknown chemical. The MDMA part I was absolutely sure of, because the rolling feeling it gave was far too pure to be anything otherwise, and reagent testing since then has verified this, but it still failed to identify the other chemical. The main problem is that most people who have taken this tab don't even realize that there's another chemical in it. The effects of the tab are as follows: you roll for four hours after it initially hits, and then you trip for roughly three to six hours. However, the trip is not very strong when a low number of the tab is taken, and most candy kids will simply enjoy the roll part and then pass out after the roll is coming down but before the trip is coming up. In addition, I've found that without weed, the trip is barely noticeable with just one or two of the tabs unless you know what you're looking for. It's the marijuana that really brings it to full power. When a good dosage is taken and you remain high throughout the roll and trip, this tab creates one of the most euphoric responses I have ever experienced. Psychologically, this is the most addictive drug, or drug combination, that I have ever had the pleasure to know. The mindset is one of absolute clarity; myself and everyone whom I've convinced to try it with me agree. You feel as though you can say or do anything that comes to mind without hesitation or error. The world bends to your will and you feel completely at ease. The psychedelia is highly unique, as well. The normal pattern overlay of LSD and other typical psychedelics is present, but there's so much more going on at the same time. At higher doses, a grainy anticholinergic-like texture starts to cover your vision, and heavy dissociation is felt. The visuals become heavily real-world-based, with random objects you stare at (such as a plant) multiplying infinitely in all directions and morphing into mystical figures. Personally, I've seen bushes that, while still keeping the look and texture of bushes, reshape themselves to resemble dragons, golems, and ancient dieties. Faces emerge out of trees and twist and contort in every direction. Colors become more defined and cartoonish, most similar to the way things looked to me on 2C-I, and your perception of the world expands until you feel as though you're watching your life on TV, and as the main character, you are untouchable. But the main thing that makes me say that you may choose not to believe me is this: in the same way that drugs such as LSD can be "brought back" the day after a trip, mainly by smoking weed, this trip can be brought back for roughly a week and a half. Yes, that is correct. It has happened every time that I've indulged myself in these tabs, and it works the same way for everyone else I have known to try them. With each passing day, more of a high is required to reach the same level of trip, and it eventually (at the end of the week and a half) fades away to nothing, but it is undeniably there until that time. My friends and I have used this highly abnormal opportunity to experiment with the effects of mixing the trip with other psychoactives. As I expected, the strongest combination I have found is these tabs and LSD. I could go into that story, too, but I'm trying not to take up TOO much time, so let me simply say that it was an insane, psychotic trip where everything in the world around me completely bent to my will and I felt as though I was some sort of demented god. That was certainly an interesting experience. However, as time went by, I became more and more concerned with the fact that I continued to take a drug that I could not identify, and I've finally gotten to the point where I generally resist the urge to trip on these tabs anymore. Luckily, just around the [first] time that I came to the decision to hold off on the tab, LSD showed up again.
As I could now experience LSD again and around other people, I used it as much as I possibly could. I upped my dosage to five hits and entered an amazingly cartoony world completely covered in fractals. For my nineteenth birthday, I took ten hits in an attempt to see something completely life-changing, and I was not disappointed. I saw many things that I could barely believe were happening, such as my vision "compressing" and "releasing" based on when I was making a fist and then opening my hand, and reaching out to touch "time" represented as a three-dimensional object and moving it around and stretching it. The day after this trip, I saw the world as if I was seeing it for the first time. I was completely satisfied spiritually, and I thought that I'd never have to reach higher to achieve a better state of conciousness. However, this feeling didn't last. Before long I was looking for a way to trip even harder, and I didn't want to continue spending all of my money just to get more and more acid. I had tried DMT before, but I had never gotten to a really good breakthrough dose, as far as I was concerned, but a friend of mine promised me that the DMT he had now was the purest yet and that if I tried it I would find what I was looking for. I decided to listen to him and purchased 30 mg of it. As soon as I vaporized it beneath a thin layer of weed in one of my tiny glass pipes, I knew he wasn't kidding. In my previous DMT experience, I had felt a powerful rushing sensation for the first thirty seconds until I released the hit, at which point I would see visuals that made me think of an extremely heavy mushroom trip. This time, I had only managed to count up to seven seconds before all the corners of the room I was in folded inward and a streak of lightning tore down my field of vision and fractals shot out of it at all points. I was thrust through a world of grid lines and alternative lives where my body was torn apart and reassembled into something beyond my comprehension. When I finally came down from this trip, I knew I had to get more, and not two days later I was preparing to blast off again. I had taken two mildly psychedelic tabs in order to put me in a good, meditative state of mind. I was in my room in the pitch black silence, something that had become a habit since my first LSD trip, and I was seeing light patterning all around me and felt very at peace. I loaded roughly 100 mg of DMT into a bowl, once again packed in between small layers of weed, and took one last second to mentally prepare for what I was about to experience. I took as much of it as I possibly could in my first hit, and the blackness around me was completely overtaken by swirling colors almost instantly. I did all that I could to hold off this trip for thirty seconds so that I could take another hit. When I did, the ashed marijuana on the top was bubbling and twisting in a glowing helix pattern, and I knew I didn't have long to finish this off. I repeated this until I took my third, and last, hit and cleared the bowl. Immediately I relaxed myself in my bed and my spirit was ripped forward out of my body. I flew up through a green grid world and was surrounded by purple wireframe people who circled around me and mentally communicated amongst themselves. I could feel that they were trying to tell me something, but I didn't remain long enough to get the message. My vision was replaced by a kaleidoscopic rainbow pattern, and a white dot appeared at the center. The dot grew four legs and expanded to form an X, which then branched its own legs and continued growing into infinity. Four cartoon people appeared, each at one of the corners of the original X, and pulled out a generic red ball (like a dodgeball). They each threw the ball towards the center of the X, where four more cartoon characters appeared to catch them, and then throw them backwards towards the character at the opposite side of the X. As this was all happening, I did not exist as a person. I was the world in which this was happening. That is to say, I could feel each of the characters and the patterns behind them moving as if they were a part of my body. The only thing I could really manage to think was "There's no way in hell that I'm tripping this hard." I continued observing these complex patterns until my mind transcended beyond visual understanding and I entered a state of pure psychedelic euphoria. When this finally ended, I opened my eyes to my once again nearly pitch black room, completely moved by the intensity of the experience. Again I felt that I had hit the strongest trip that I ever needed to live through.
Although enough time has again passed since then for me to wish to trip harder than that, I'm in no hurry to get myself there. I've had a few interesting trips since then, too, but I've basically kept things at a low dose. What really pushed me to make this account and try to join this community is an LSD trip that I had very recently. I was only on one hit, as was a friend of mine, but it was the first time I had tripped in a long time where I didn't smoke any marijuana. My friend was technically on his highest dose of LSD yet, as his previous experience was on one hit of a weaker blotter, so he was going through a very intense trip, but I was just enjoying myself and coming along for the ride. The trip reminded me that I actually do like the feeling of LSD by itself, and I don't necessarily need weed to increase the experience beyond its normal limitations, but I was a little saddened that I wasn't tripping as hard as my friend, but that's obviously to be expected. When he was starting to peak, he was going through a heavy sensory overload in my room and I stood by him, along with another friend of ours who was sober, to make sure he got through it alright (which, of course, he did). After I made sure he was up to it, I urged us to go outside because I knew that I was about to start peaking, too, and even though I wasn't expecting anything life-changing out of it, I wanted to be in a natural environment when it happened. The second we walked outside, my world was once again turned upside down. The sunrise had just began, and its beauty struck me to my core. The orange sun, directly on the horizon, had rays shining brightly outward that covered the rainbow sky, which was broken into rows of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo. There were dark blue clouds that formed streaks across the sky, and exactly where the rays hit the clouds, they became a vibrant, psychedelic purple color. The sight broke me down spiritually in a way that I couldn't even explain, and I lept out into the street and jumped for joy; I had started peaking the exact second that I first saw this scene, and I knew the memory would stay with me forever. I pulled out my phone and took pictures. I knew that even though my camera wouldn't get pictures of very impressive quality, I had to get some kind of proof that this actually happened. Both of my friends were just as blown away. My sober friend verified that the sky actually DID look like this, it wasn't just me. That's when I realized that the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen on LSD was NOT a hallucination - it actually, really existed in nature. This realization, this mindset, reminded me of a time when I wanted to use psychedelics to achieve a state of spiritual peace, not just to live out my fantasies by taking as many drugs as possible. And that's why I'm writing this introduction essay right now.
Of course, I am still a teenager. I appreciate any concern that others may have as far as trying the more dangerous drugs or using entheogens for the "wrong" reasons, but I'm still young. I reserve the right to enjoy the reckless escapism that we're all entitled to. But I now feel that I can appreciate these substances moreso in the way that I originally intended to, and I hope to achieve a better understanding of them by sharing my experiences and hearing the experiences of others. And... that just about sums it up. Of course I have many, many more trip reports than the shortened stories I've mentioned, but I think the ones I've related here are some of the most important I've had. It's been a hell of a year. If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading, and I hope you were at least entertained by my story! I look forward to integrating into the community here if you'll have me.
I experimented with a psychoactive substance for my first time when I was eighteen years old. I went with a school friend of mine on a road trip with some of his closer friends because he had agreed to bring me along and introduce me to marijuana after I had asked him in class one day if he would be willing to. I spent the next twenty-four hours after leaving my house in a state of constant bliss. I had been holding off until I was at the end of my public school career to reach this point, and I quickly learned that it was well worth the wait. During this trip, my friend and his four friends who had come along all took a hit of LSD. I was offered one for free, which made me feel very accepted by this group of people whom I barely knew, but I politely turned it down as I wanted to keep my first marijuana experience "clean". When I finally returned to my house and said goodbye to my new friends, I was a changed man. In the time since then, I have expanded my conciosness with a large array of plants and chemicals, including but not limited to: 2C-B, 2C-I, Alcohol, Alprazolam, Amanitas muscaria, Amphetamine, Aripiprazole, Banisteriopsis caapi, Blue Lotus, Calea zacatechichi, Cocaine, Dextroamphetamine, Diazepam, Dimenhydrinate, Diphenhydramine, DMT, DOB, DXM, Hydrocodone, JWH-018, Ketamine, Lisdexamfetamine, LSD, MDA, MDMA and various MDxx, Methamphetamine, Methylhexanamine, Methylphenidate, Morning Glory, Mugwort, Oxycodone, PCP (laced marijuana), Piperazines, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Salvia divinorum, and Tobacco. I am now nineteen years old, and as of this writing it has been one year and twelve days since my first psychoactive experience.
My first real psychedelic trip was on two grams of potent mushrooms, roughly two months after I started smoking. I had no idea what to expect at the time. I was alone at my house when I noticed that everything around me was swaying back and forth and leaving three sets of tracers: blue, green, and yellow. I was chatting with friends on AIM, but I wasn't able to continue doing so for very long, as the letters on the screen would start vibrating and eventually fall off, each at their own pace. With no idea what else to do to enjoy the experience, I put on some loud trance music and walked out into the hallway outside my room. I stood in the center of the hall and closed my eyes, and I was instantly taken to a fully three-dimensional room with yellow and purple checkerboard walls and floating objects that twisted and morphed before me. This completely blew my mind. I remained paralyzed with amazement throughout most of the song, until it reached a point where the music completely slowed to a stop. I opened my eyes exactly as this happened, and experienced the longest moment of my life. Time seemed to be frozen around me, and it stayed that way for an eternity. As the song picked back up, a lifetime later, I was freed from my stasis and fell forward on to the floor. I made my way to the back porch and proceeded to melt into one of the chairs while the silence of the outside world sank away and even the tiniest sounds around me amplified infinitely. About fifteen minutes later, I got a call from the same friend who had introduced me to drugs, saying he was out front waiting for me to come out so we could go to a club, a plan that I had basically forgotten about by this point. I quickly, althought somewhat incoherently, told him I'd be right out, so I went back in my house, grabbed my things, and walked out the front door. The world was swaying around me as I drunkenly walked over to his car with a big smile on my face. He was with a girl who I had met the week before at the same club we were going to, and the two of them would serve as some of the most important people in my trip. The ride to the club was indescribably long. Until we arrived, I had forgotten yet again where we were going or why. I was completely convinced that we were on another road trip, one that had been going on for days or even weeks. I eagerly listened to everything that the two of them said as I climbed around the back seat. The rest of the night, at the club, exists in my memory as a colorful blur. Only now do I realize how hard I was actually tripping at the time; those mushrooms were insane. This experience completely turned my world upside down, and was without a doubt the reason that I instantly fell in love with psychedelic drugs.
I spent much time in pursuit of another powerful trip after this experience, but all of my following mushroom trips, while great, failed to compare to my original. I also came across many "mescaline-based" ecstasy tabs, but they all tend to be less-than-average on the psychedelic scale. The next time I had a truly mind-opening trip was nearly half a year later, the first time I experienced LSD. Having tried to find it nearly every day since I first turned it down, I was eager to jump into the world of acid. I purchased the last two blotter hits that the source I had been directed to would have for some time, and as soon as I got back to my house, I placed them on my tongue. I held them there for a full half an hour, then chewed them up and swallowed. My parents had already gone to bed, so I was ready for whatever the night had in store for me. Not much time passed before I began to feel an amazing body high. I had a permanent smile on my face, and the walls in my room were starting to flash a very light yellow color. I went out into the den and settled myself on the couch, and at that moment I was changed forever. As I looked up at the ceiling, what resembled a Persian rug pattern appeared in one spot and then multiplied outward in each direction. This continued until the pattern covered the whole ceiling, and then it moved to the floor. The pattern as a whole began to shrink and grow and move around, and for a split second I thought the world was crumbling around me. I turned to look at a rug hanging on the wall above the couch and it began "flowing" in an imaginary wind. I felt the presence of the LSD all around me and I had never felt so great in my life. I tried to stand up, but I realized that the floor was moving to quickly for me to keep my balance. I stumbled over to a chair and sat on it and stared down at the ground, thinking to myself how accurate Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is, haha. Over the next four hours, I contacted every person who I knew would listen and told them that LSD is the greatest drug in existence and that they all needed to be on it at all times. When the initial shock had passed, I decided that I would need to return to my room and pretend to be sleeping before too long, so I got in bed and began the longest night of my life. I spent the remaining eight hours of my trip in pitch black silence. By the end of the first three, I had already convinced myself that I would never come down and that I would be in this trip for the rest of eternity. As I truly did believe this at the time, I allowed myself to get completely lost in the infinitely complex visuals soaring around me in constant motion and I sank further and further into my own looping thoughts. At the end of the trip, it was finally getting light enough for me to get up again and act like I'd slept all night, but I wasn't quite sure that I was ready to pull it off. Aside from the fact that I felt like I couldn't possibly be the same person ever again, everything that I looked at in my room once I turned my lights on was heavily distorted and out of proportion, including my own body. This alarmed me at first, but after spending enough time once again grounded in reality, things slowly warped back to normal, and I was left in the wake of the strongest trip I had ever experienced. This is when I began my love affair with LSD.
As previously noted, I had already purchased the last two blotter hits that were going to be around for a while. This was a depressing thought, but I knew that it would be worth the wait when acid showed up again. I spent much of the next couple months binging on ecstasy, especially some very impressive mescaline-based tabs. About this particular tab, I must explain. I don't mind if you don't believe me on all the details of it, because, honestly, I wouldn't have either, but please at least hear me out. It's a mixture of MDMA and an unknown chemical. The MDMA part I was absolutely sure of, because the rolling feeling it gave was far too pure to be anything otherwise, and reagent testing since then has verified this, but it still failed to identify the other chemical. The main problem is that most people who have taken this tab don't even realize that there's another chemical in it. The effects of the tab are as follows: you roll for four hours after it initially hits, and then you trip for roughly three to six hours. However, the trip is not very strong when a low number of the tab is taken, and most candy kids will simply enjoy the roll part and then pass out after the roll is coming down but before the trip is coming up. In addition, I've found that without weed, the trip is barely noticeable with just one or two of the tabs unless you know what you're looking for. It's the marijuana that really brings it to full power. When a good dosage is taken and you remain high throughout the roll and trip, this tab creates one of the most euphoric responses I have ever experienced. Psychologically, this is the most addictive drug, or drug combination, that I have ever had the pleasure to know. The mindset is one of absolute clarity; myself and everyone whom I've convinced to try it with me agree. You feel as though you can say or do anything that comes to mind without hesitation or error. The world bends to your will and you feel completely at ease. The psychedelia is highly unique, as well. The normal pattern overlay of LSD and other typical psychedelics is present, but there's so much more going on at the same time. At higher doses, a grainy anticholinergic-like texture starts to cover your vision, and heavy dissociation is felt. The visuals become heavily real-world-based, with random objects you stare at (such as a plant) multiplying infinitely in all directions and morphing into mystical figures. Personally, I've seen bushes that, while still keeping the look and texture of bushes, reshape themselves to resemble dragons, golems, and ancient dieties. Faces emerge out of trees and twist and contort in every direction. Colors become more defined and cartoonish, most similar to the way things looked to me on 2C-I, and your perception of the world expands until you feel as though you're watching your life on TV, and as the main character, you are untouchable. But the main thing that makes me say that you may choose not to believe me is this: in the same way that drugs such as LSD can be "brought back" the day after a trip, mainly by smoking weed, this trip can be brought back for roughly a week and a half. Yes, that is correct. It has happened every time that I've indulged myself in these tabs, and it works the same way for everyone else I have known to try them. With each passing day, more of a high is required to reach the same level of trip, and it eventually (at the end of the week and a half) fades away to nothing, but it is undeniably there until that time. My friends and I have used this highly abnormal opportunity to experiment with the effects of mixing the trip with other psychoactives. As I expected, the strongest combination I have found is these tabs and LSD. I could go into that story, too, but I'm trying not to take up TOO much time, so let me simply say that it was an insane, psychotic trip where everything in the world around me completely bent to my will and I felt as though I was some sort of demented god. That was certainly an interesting experience. However, as time went by, I became more and more concerned with the fact that I continued to take a drug that I could not identify, and I've finally gotten to the point where I generally resist the urge to trip on these tabs anymore. Luckily, just around the [first] time that I came to the decision to hold off on the tab, LSD showed up again.
As I could now experience LSD again and around other people, I used it as much as I possibly could. I upped my dosage to five hits and entered an amazingly cartoony world completely covered in fractals. For my nineteenth birthday, I took ten hits in an attempt to see something completely life-changing, and I was not disappointed. I saw many things that I could barely believe were happening, such as my vision "compressing" and "releasing" based on when I was making a fist and then opening my hand, and reaching out to touch "time" represented as a three-dimensional object and moving it around and stretching it. The day after this trip, I saw the world as if I was seeing it for the first time. I was completely satisfied spiritually, and I thought that I'd never have to reach higher to achieve a better state of conciousness. However, this feeling didn't last. Before long I was looking for a way to trip even harder, and I didn't want to continue spending all of my money just to get more and more acid. I had tried DMT before, but I had never gotten to a really good breakthrough dose, as far as I was concerned, but a friend of mine promised me that the DMT he had now was the purest yet and that if I tried it I would find what I was looking for. I decided to listen to him and purchased 30 mg of it. As soon as I vaporized it beneath a thin layer of weed in one of my tiny glass pipes, I knew he wasn't kidding. In my previous DMT experience, I had felt a powerful rushing sensation for the first thirty seconds until I released the hit, at which point I would see visuals that made me think of an extremely heavy mushroom trip. This time, I had only managed to count up to seven seconds before all the corners of the room I was in folded inward and a streak of lightning tore down my field of vision and fractals shot out of it at all points. I was thrust through a world of grid lines and alternative lives where my body was torn apart and reassembled into something beyond my comprehension. When I finally came down from this trip, I knew I had to get more, and not two days later I was preparing to blast off again. I had taken two mildly psychedelic tabs in order to put me in a good, meditative state of mind. I was in my room in the pitch black silence, something that had become a habit since my first LSD trip, and I was seeing light patterning all around me and felt very at peace. I loaded roughly 100 mg of DMT into a bowl, once again packed in between small layers of weed, and took one last second to mentally prepare for what I was about to experience. I took as much of it as I possibly could in my first hit, and the blackness around me was completely overtaken by swirling colors almost instantly. I did all that I could to hold off this trip for thirty seconds so that I could take another hit. When I did, the ashed marijuana on the top was bubbling and twisting in a glowing helix pattern, and I knew I didn't have long to finish this off. I repeated this until I took my third, and last, hit and cleared the bowl. Immediately I relaxed myself in my bed and my spirit was ripped forward out of my body. I flew up through a green grid world and was surrounded by purple wireframe people who circled around me and mentally communicated amongst themselves. I could feel that they were trying to tell me something, but I didn't remain long enough to get the message. My vision was replaced by a kaleidoscopic rainbow pattern, and a white dot appeared at the center. The dot grew four legs and expanded to form an X, which then branched its own legs and continued growing into infinity. Four cartoon people appeared, each at one of the corners of the original X, and pulled out a generic red ball (like a dodgeball). They each threw the ball towards the center of the X, where four more cartoon characters appeared to catch them, and then throw them backwards towards the character at the opposite side of the X. As this was all happening, I did not exist as a person. I was the world in which this was happening. That is to say, I could feel each of the characters and the patterns behind them moving as if they were a part of my body. The only thing I could really manage to think was "There's no way in hell that I'm tripping this hard." I continued observing these complex patterns until my mind transcended beyond visual understanding and I entered a state of pure psychedelic euphoria. When this finally ended, I opened my eyes to my once again nearly pitch black room, completely moved by the intensity of the experience. Again I felt that I had hit the strongest trip that I ever needed to live through.
Although enough time has again passed since then for me to wish to trip harder than that, I'm in no hurry to get myself there. I've had a few interesting trips since then, too, but I've basically kept things at a low dose. What really pushed me to make this account and try to join this community is an LSD trip that I had very recently. I was only on one hit, as was a friend of mine, but it was the first time I had tripped in a long time where I didn't smoke any marijuana. My friend was technically on his highest dose of LSD yet, as his previous experience was on one hit of a weaker blotter, so he was going through a very intense trip, but I was just enjoying myself and coming along for the ride. The trip reminded me that I actually do like the feeling of LSD by itself, and I don't necessarily need weed to increase the experience beyond its normal limitations, but I was a little saddened that I wasn't tripping as hard as my friend, but that's obviously to be expected. When he was starting to peak, he was going through a heavy sensory overload in my room and I stood by him, along with another friend of ours who was sober, to make sure he got through it alright (which, of course, he did). After I made sure he was up to it, I urged us to go outside because I knew that I was about to start peaking, too, and even though I wasn't expecting anything life-changing out of it, I wanted to be in a natural environment when it happened. The second we walked outside, my world was once again turned upside down. The sunrise had just began, and its beauty struck me to my core. The orange sun, directly on the horizon, had rays shining brightly outward that covered the rainbow sky, which was broken into rows of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo. There were dark blue clouds that formed streaks across the sky, and exactly where the rays hit the clouds, they became a vibrant, psychedelic purple color. The sight broke me down spiritually in a way that I couldn't even explain, and I lept out into the street and jumped for joy; I had started peaking the exact second that I first saw this scene, and I knew the memory would stay with me forever. I pulled out my phone and took pictures. I knew that even though my camera wouldn't get pictures of very impressive quality, I had to get some kind of proof that this actually happened. Both of my friends were just as blown away. My sober friend verified that the sky actually DID look like this, it wasn't just me. That's when I realized that the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen on LSD was NOT a hallucination - it actually, really existed in nature. This realization, this mindset, reminded me of a time when I wanted to use psychedelics to achieve a state of spiritual peace, not just to live out my fantasies by taking as many drugs as possible. And that's why I'm writing this introduction essay right now.
Of course, I am still a teenager. I appreciate any concern that others may have as far as trying the more dangerous drugs or using entheogens for the "wrong" reasons, but I'm still young. I reserve the right to enjoy the reckless escapism that we're all entitled to. But I now feel that I can appreciate these substances moreso in the way that I originally intended to, and I hope to achieve a better understanding of them by sharing my experiences and hearing the experiences of others. And... that just about sums it up. Of course I have many, many more trip reports than the shortened stories I've mentioned, but I think the ones I've related here are some of the most important I've had. It's been a hell of a year. If you've gotten this far, thanks for reading, and I hope you were at least entertained by my story! I look forward to integrating into the community here if you'll have me.