Rising Star
Hello I figured I would share this with you all. Maybe I can get some feedback, positive or negative is fine! In fact, negative feedback(constructive), anything to help disprove this, would be great! I am very open to discussion about this!!
6: My theory on "the point of existence"
This theory has changed since learning more about Psilocybin containing mushrooms(Magic mushrooms). Not ultimately changed, but added extras. Regardless, the final thought is still the same, just with some added extras to explain it. (ct)
Let me first start by saying that, I came up with this when i was about 16 when I first started smoking weed(Marijuana). And that I don't think that I would have had thought of anything like this if I hadn't been smoking. Maybe, but I doubt it.
I would also like to point out that some of you will not agree with some of the reasons I have been lead to this theory. Things that also can't be proven(yet?). You will understand what I mean later on. Proceed...
I was at school and I had learned about defensive mechanisms in living things such as the thorn of a rose bush, or the poison in a scorpions tail, sting of a bee, tree and cacti sap that can kill you in hours, or the brain of a human thinking of a way to defend itself, even the way that animals and humans bodies defend themselves at the molecular level. Every living thing, be it animal, insect or plant, has some form of defense mechanism. Our molecular level of defense is interesting. Think about how we inject dead diseases into our bodies. The body reads the dead disease, understands that it is a threat, then builds an immunity against it.
Even our solar system has a defense mechanism in place. This was a point given by my brother who was trying to prove my theory wrong but further proved it to be right. Jupiter has a MASSIVE gravitational pull and occasionally pulls in huge meteors. In footage I've seen, up to 3 times the size of Earth(Aprox.) If one of these were to collide with Earth it would be certain destruction of our planet as well as massive implications on our solar system.
How would the Earth be able to defend itself from external attacks? It has no arms, It's armour is too weak to break down massive meteors to mitigate damage and It doesn't have a button to push that sends out some crazy bomb or laser that would destroy the massive rock..... or does it? (ct)Lets move on...
Consciousness plays a great role in my theory. It is also my argument(well really it's Terence McKenna's but I am a firm believer, as are many others) that psilocybin containing mushrooms were responsible for conscious thought in humans. This I will talk about more in its own topic, it deserves that much, but basically put..... Early hominids during part of our evolution were tree dwellers. Once we were able, (perhaps our enemies had moved on, or we saw new food) we climbed down and moved to the plains of Africa evolving into the Homo-Erectus(Standing up, bipedal hominids). Here we interacted with cattle, which symbiotically created Psilocybe Cubensis("Magic mushrooms") in the dung of the cattle.
(ct)Animal species of all types have varying diets. The human diet has changed dramatically over the last 250,000 years and continues to change.
If something you enter into your diet gives you some form of benefit and you see no short/long term side effects, would you drink/eat it? Would you perhaps enter it as a staple in your diet? Would you teach your grand kids about the benefits?
In small doses of Psilocybin Cubensis you will find that your visual and audio acuity is increased. Hunters with better vision and hearing. If you're a hunter, and you eat a mushroom and it causes you to see better, greatly increasing the chances of survival due to more food coming in, would you keep eating it? Of course you would! Would you enter it into your daily/weekly/monthly diet? If it means the survival of your people, of course you would!
Double that dose makes you sing, dance and have a much greater sexual arousal, as well as minor hallucinations(colours, slightly morphing objects etc). If eating this dosage is ensure the survivability of your tribe simple based on numbers due to higher sex drive, would you keep eating it? Would you enter it into your diet? would you teach your grandkids?(In due time) Of course! More interaction between your tribe, singing and dancing are great for the mind and sex is also great for the mind and survival of a race!!
In double the double dose you experience major hallucinations and separation of mind and body. (There also seems to be a lot of information in these realms for those who seek it.)
A theory of mine. If ingesting Psilocybin Cubensis at the medium dose causes you to sing, then perhaps we started to sing more and more until we became familiar with the difference in tones. Perhaps we used these tones to start communicating? Simple use of tones can easily be used to communicate. Yes, No, I am pleased, I am NOT pleased, leave me alone or die! All of these can be communicated via different tones in human voices. This would have eventually lead to language and eventually a collective love for the Earth, much like a symbiotic relationship. This is why, to me, psilocybin containing mushrooms are so important to the overall theory. The Earth needed us to communicate and share the same belief that it is possible the Earth will one day die, and how can we prevent this?
I personally believe, and have always believed, that Earth is a living, breathing, conscious being. So my theory is also based on my belief that Earth is conscious.
Now as much as it seems the Earth is chaotic and creates randomly and at any given time, I believe that the creation of any living thing is all done for a reason, for a purpose. Different animals evolved and a food chain is created. Food chain creating diet. A chain of events MAY lead to say, the ingesting of a Psilocybin containing mushroom and consciousness is "born"(Of course not instantly...)
Competition... Men love competition(I'm not being sexist here by not mentioning women. Men have greater urges for competition). More so, men, even man(all of humanity) love to be the pioneers of something. Original types of music, movies, art, the first to be on the moon, the first to come up with medical breakthroughs, the list goes on and on. The part about this I don't like is, I'm "open source", we should share our information and work together to create breakthroughs for human lives. (ct)Anyway, this want and urge to be the first and the best, competition, I believe is here for a reason. Men might want to be the first to create the biggest and baddest bomb or weapon of "mass destruction". If not the first guy, then someone else will come up with it and create the biggest and baddest bomb. To set your name in History, even if it was for creating a bomb designed to kill people, is a lot of men's dreams. Hence the music and art and and movies etc. Without competition perhaps we would only create things that were needed like tools weapons etc. But for some reason we have a competitive mind, and with this mind we are creating and creating. As part of my theory, the "thing" being created in this case is "Destruction".
Chain reactions of thought based around current situations that cause intelligent minds to create new things and ideas. One example is the mind of Einstein leading to the creation of the atom bomb. And Harry S. Truman's mind that would use it(Nagasaki/Hiroshima). People have been thinking of ways to create bigger and "better" explosions. And not the small explosions to benefit industry such as dynamite in mines etc. I'm talking about mass destruction! Why do we feel we need to create bombs to protect ourselves? Defending ourselves from other countries in case of invasion or threat of invasion? That doesn't make sense! Protecting humans by creating bombs that kill other humans!! Are we mad!?!? ... Perhaps we are doing it unconsciously to destroy something else... Something more important than we have ever fathomed!
As part of my theory on "the point of existence", I'm suggesting that the Earth consciously created psychoactive plants/fungi, specifically Psilocybin containing mushrooms, and scattered them throughout the Earth, to be eaten by the right being who would make it a part of his/her daily diet and eventually create a conscious mind capable of extensive thought, capable of creating the A-bomb and other more intense methods of destruction.
Ok, now to tie the knot and finally get to my point..... If Earth is a living thing and all living things have some form of defense mechanism, Earth would also have to create a form of defense after being attacked, for example, a meteor smashing into the surface of the planet. If the Earth was conscious of this happening and didn't want it to happen again, then how can/would it defend itself? How would a rock floating in space figure out how to stop a meteor from smashing into the planet? I'll tell you!! (ct)
Perhaps, the Earth, needing some form of defense, decided to create animals with certain brain mechanics(like the blood brain barrier), which digested psilocybin, which induced song and dance in order to begin to create a conscious mind to eventually think/say "WHOLLY SHIT! There is a meteor that's going to hit the Earth and kill us all!!", make a decision based on the collective agreement of all conscious minds, that say "YES we need to destroy the meteor before it destroys us! No matter what it takes!" And perhaps even the competitive mind to say "we're going to be the first and best!" Not necessarily to be the "saviors of Earth" and be the victors, but to be the first to create a bomb, or laser, or chemical that could dissolve this "meteor", get together and find out the best solution in saving us from dying! Which, in the reality of the Earth, is to save ITSELF from being destroyed.
My theory simply put..... Humans, BECAUSE they are the carriers or consciousness, ARE the "defense mechanism" and are responsible for saving Earth from meteors that break through the gravity barrier of Jupiter which would normally destroy Earth.
Humans = Earths defense mechanism....
Make sense?
6: My theory on "the point of existence"
This theory has changed since learning more about Psilocybin containing mushrooms(Magic mushrooms). Not ultimately changed, but added extras. Regardless, the final thought is still the same, just with some added extras to explain it. (ct)
Let me first start by saying that, I came up with this when i was about 16 when I first started smoking weed(Marijuana). And that I don't think that I would have had thought of anything like this if I hadn't been smoking. Maybe, but I doubt it.
I would also like to point out that some of you will not agree with some of the reasons I have been lead to this theory. Things that also can't be proven(yet?). You will understand what I mean later on. Proceed...
I was at school and I had learned about defensive mechanisms in living things such as the thorn of a rose bush, or the poison in a scorpions tail, sting of a bee, tree and cacti sap that can kill you in hours, or the brain of a human thinking of a way to defend itself, even the way that animals and humans bodies defend themselves at the molecular level. Every living thing, be it animal, insect or plant, has some form of defense mechanism. Our molecular level of defense is interesting. Think about how we inject dead diseases into our bodies. The body reads the dead disease, understands that it is a threat, then builds an immunity against it.
Even our solar system has a defense mechanism in place. This was a point given by my brother who was trying to prove my theory wrong but further proved it to be right. Jupiter has a MASSIVE gravitational pull and occasionally pulls in huge meteors. In footage I've seen, up to 3 times the size of Earth(Aprox.) If one of these were to collide with Earth it would be certain destruction of our planet as well as massive implications on our solar system.
How would the Earth be able to defend itself from external attacks? It has no arms, It's armour is too weak to break down massive meteors to mitigate damage and It doesn't have a button to push that sends out some crazy bomb or laser that would destroy the massive rock..... or does it? (ct)Lets move on...
Consciousness plays a great role in my theory. It is also my argument(well really it's Terence McKenna's but I am a firm believer, as are many others) that psilocybin containing mushrooms were responsible for conscious thought in humans. This I will talk about more in its own topic, it deserves that much, but basically put..... Early hominids during part of our evolution were tree dwellers. Once we were able, (perhaps our enemies had moved on, or we saw new food) we climbed down and moved to the plains of Africa evolving into the Homo-Erectus(Standing up, bipedal hominids). Here we interacted with cattle, which symbiotically created Psilocybe Cubensis("Magic mushrooms") in the dung of the cattle.
(ct)Animal species of all types have varying diets. The human diet has changed dramatically over the last 250,000 years and continues to change.
If something you enter into your diet gives you some form of benefit and you see no short/long term side effects, would you drink/eat it? Would you perhaps enter it as a staple in your diet? Would you teach your grand kids about the benefits?
In small doses of Psilocybin Cubensis you will find that your visual and audio acuity is increased. Hunters with better vision and hearing. If you're a hunter, and you eat a mushroom and it causes you to see better, greatly increasing the chances of survival due to more food coming in, would you keep eating it? Of course you would! Would you enter it into your daily/weekly/monthly diet? If it means the survival of your people, of course you would!
Double that dose makes you sing, dance and have a much greater sexual arousal, as well as minor hallucinations(colours, slightly morphing objects etc). If eating this dosage is ensure the survivability of your tribe simple based on numbers due to higher sex drive, would you keep eating it? Would you enter it into your diet? would you teach your grandkids?(In due time) Of course! More interaction between your tribe, singing and dancing are great for the mind and sex is also great for the mind and survival of a race!!
In double the double dose you experience major hallucinations and separation of mind and body. (There also seems to be a lot of information in these realms for those who seek it.)
A theory of mine. If ingesting Psilocybin Cubensis at the medium dose causes you to sing, then perhaps we started to sing more and more until we became familiar with the difference in tones. Perhaps we used these tones to start communicating? Simple use of tones can easily be used to communicate. Yes, No, I am pleased, I am NOT pleased, leave me alone or die! All of these can be communicated via different tones in human voices. This would have eventually lead to language and eventually a collective love for the Earth, much like a symbiotic relationship. This is why, to me, psilocybin containing mushrooms are so important to the overall theory. The Earth needed us to communicate and share the same belief that it is possible the Earth will one day die, and how can we prevent this?
I personally believe, and have always believed, that Earth is a living, breathing, conscious being. So my theory is also based on my belief that Earth is conscious.
Now as much as it seems the Earth is chaotic and creates randomly and at any given time, I believe that the creation of any living thing is all done for a reason, for a purpose. Different animals evolved and a food chain is created. Food chain creating diet. A chain of events MAY lead to say, the ingesting of a Psilocybin containing mushroom and consciousness is "born"(Of course not instantly...)
Competition... Men love competition(I'm not being sexist here by not mentioning women. Men have greater urges for competition). More so, men, even man(all of humanity) love to be the pioneers of something. Original types of music, movies, art, the first to be on the moon, the first to come up with medical breakthroughs, the list goes on and on. The part about this I don't like is, I'm "open source", we should share our information and work together to create breakthroughs for human lives. (ct)Anyway, this want and urge to be the first and the best, competition, I believe is here for a reason. Men might want to be the first to create the biggest and baddest bomb or weapon of "mass destruction". If not the first guy, then someone else will come up with it and create the biggest and baddest bomb. To set your name in History, even if it was for creating a bomb designed to kill people, is a lot of men's dreams. Hence the music and art and and movies etc. Without competition perhaps we would only create things that were needed like tools weapons etc. But for some reason we have a competitive mind, and with this mind we are creating and creating. As part of my theory, the "thing" being created in this case is "Destruction".
Chain reactions of thought based around current situations that cause intelligent minds to create new things and ideas. One example is the mind of Einstein leading to the creation of the atom bomb. And Harry S. Truman's mind that would use it(Nagasaki/Hiroshima). People have been thinking of ways to create bigger and "better" explosions. And not the small explosions to benefit industry such as dynamite in mines etc. I'm talking about mass destruction! Why do we feel we need to create bombs to protect ourselves? Defending ourselves from other countries in case of invasion or threat of invasion? That doesn't make sense! Protecting humans by creating bombs that kill other humans!! Are we mad!?!? ... Perhaps we are doing it unconsciously to destroy something else... Something more important than we have ever fathomed!
As part of my theory on "the point of existence", I'm suggesting that the Earth consciously created psychoactive plants/fungi, specifically Psilocybin containing mushrooms, and scattered them throughout the Earth, to be eaten by the right being who would make it a part of his/her daily diet and eventually create a conscious mind capable of extensive thought, capable of creating the A-bomb and other more intense methods of destruction.
Ok, now to tie the knot and finally get to my point..... If Earth is a living thing and all living things have some form of defense mechanism, Earth would also have to create a form of defense after being attacked, for example, a meteor smashing into the surface of the planet. If the Earth was conscious of this happening and didn't want it to happen again, then how can/would it defend itself? How would a rock floating in space figure out how to stop a meteor from smashing into the planet? I'll tell you!! (ct)
Perhaps, the Earth, needing some form of defense, decided to create animals with certain brain mechanics(like the blood brain barrier), which digested psilocybin, which induced song and dance in order to begin to create a conscious mind to eventually think/say "WHOLLY SHIT! There is a meteor that's going to hit the Earth and kill us all!!", make a decision based on the collective agreement of all conscious minds, that say "YES we need to destroy the meteor before it destroys us! No matter what it takes!" And perhaps even the competitive mind to say "we're going to be the first and best!" Not necessarily to be the "saviors of Earth" and be the victors, but to be the first to create a bomb, or laser, or chemical that could dissolve this "meteor", get together and find out the best solution in saving us from dying! Which, in the reality of the Earth, is to save ITSELF from being destroyed.
My theory simply put..... Humans, BECAUSE they are the carriers or consciousness, ARE the "defense mechanism" and are responsible for saving Earth from meteors that break through the gravity barrier of Jupiter which would normally destroy Earth.
Humans = Earths defense mechanism....
Make sense?