Okay, I know a lot of threads were created already. But I had several experiences with this substance and the last one excited me so much I want to share my thoughts about it. And I don't want them to get lost.
First of all - nutmeg is not equal to inhaling glue or drinking gazoline. It's very euphoric and mentally deep substance, even though it's not safe. But it is worth trying at least once in reasonable dosage.
Now about effects: people compare it to DPH, someone compares it to MDMA, someone to mescaline... I want to question them all: have you ever tried weed? And have you ever smoked weed so much you fell in that wierd pseudohallucinatoric state? This is it - personally for me nutmeg feels like long lasting, wierd and trippy version of weed. There were so many speculations about myristicin and elemicin converting to MMDA and TMA, no one ever mentioned it is FAAH and MAGL inhibitor. Basically it inhibits enzymes which are destroying your endocannabinoids.
Next will by my personal experience, but other people who consumed nutmeg confirmed they felt similar things.
So my first several trips were with low dosages like 5, 7, 10 gramms pre-grounded or 1-2 whole nutmegs. Potency of nutmeg can variate, epsecially of pre-grounded. Overall at low dosages it gave me... Euphoria. It gave me strong pleasant body euphoria, combined with feeling of warmness and huge increase of tactile feelings. And this is something special for nutmeg. But It didn't alter my mind enough to impress me.
But recently I had experiences with 2 and 3.5 whole nutmegs. They were big and were very good quality so now I want to tell how full-blown nutmeg trip feels like for me.
I starting to get first effects in about an hour. They are weak, but definatly not placebo, I may get some euphoria which soon settles. After it settled, both time I had like calm before the storm - almost no feeling except strange warmness and relaxation. And then suddenly it hits for real.
Both times it was very suddenly. For example I stared into screen and felt like falling somwhere. Then it repeats again and again. Then I got very strong stroboscope effect which reminded me cannabis but was way more crazier. Then feeling of lightness hitted me - I felt almost like my body was glowing with some inner light and I'm not walking but flying. Literally high. Body sensations were fresh and reminded guess what - sativa like high. Of course I also got this feeling of being far away from reality, being somewhere deep under water.
Visual distortions even at peak were not something special. I got visual noise on surfaces and edges. With opened eyes I got cannabis-like pseudphallucintations when those dreamy images blink for a split of second. Sound distortions were insane though. Music literally played inside my head and I physically felt it. Voices didn't sound much different, but ambient sounds were insane. Sounds of cars, people talking far away, wind blowing and all possible ambient sounds merged, separated, pulsated, distorted in all possible ways and often created music. I heard rhytm and melody in random ambient sounds mereged together and could listen it like a music. Which... Reminded me cannabis but it never were so strong.
Now the sweetest part of nutmeg. When I first closed my eyes at the peak of the effect I felt I'm not in my room, that I'm somewhere around the mountains. A huuuge opened space, so detailed. Then I turned on music, lay down on the sofa and closed my eyes, and I started to fall down down deep in my mental visions. I remember how tempo slowed down, and distortion guitars were changed by acoustic. I felt that my sofa is a boat that is floating on the river with no shores. There was only water and soft milky-white light on both sides.
It were NOT TRUE HALLUCINATIONS, more like a dream, with fully immersion. I was totaly convinced my body is not on the sofa, but on the boat. And if I'll open my eyes, I won't see my room. And even though it was my imagination it was so detailed, and I was so dissociated from real world I didn't actually care what I saw with my real eyes.
That was strange for me. Too much cannabis gave me pseudohallucinations, but they were just 2D "cartoons", no immersion, no landscapes, not so detailed. Both opened-eyes and closed eyes. Every time I closed eyes on nutmeg it was like a journey into a dream world.
Unfortunately, I couldn't lay on the sofa for all duration of the trip and I understand why someone find nutmeg unplesant. Euphoria was already gone, stroboscope effect was even stronger, sounds were crazy, short-term memory was off, every second was like reality itself bending and flipping. I was tired, wanted just sit, close my eyes and make everything disappear, but I had to communicate with people and ugh... Walk.
So that's it. Nutmeg is interesting, euphoric, deep, and I didn't feel much side effects everybody warns you about. Few times I got bad feelings in stomach (not for long), my mouth was dry and heart beated fast. No hangover or any noticeable negative post-effects. I can feel way worse on and after alcohol - just to give you a comparison. Give it a try, don't overdose, don't abuse it. Overdosing of anything is bad, and abusing anything is bad. Abusing cannabis is bad and overdosing cannabis can also feel like... Well... Bad. (no bad words here, right?
As for me, I am preparing for another trip. But I want perfect set'n'setting to see how deep can I go.
First of all - nutmeg is not equal to inhaling glue or drinking gazoline. It's very euphoric and mentally deep substance, even though it's not safe. But it is worth trying at least once in reasonable dosage.
Now about effects: people compare it to DPH, someone compares it to MDMA, someone to mescaline... I want to question them all: have you ever tried weed? And have you ever smoked weed so much you fell in that wierd pseudohallucinatoric state? This is it - personally for me nutmeg feels like long lasting, wierd and trippy version of weed. There were so many speculations about myristicin and elemicin converting to MMDA and TMA, no one ever mentioned it is FAAH and MAGL inhibitor. Basically it inhibits enzymes which are destroying your endocannabinoids.
Next will by my personal experience, but other people who consumed nutmeg confirmed they felt similar things.
So my first several trips were with low dosages like 5, 7, 10 gramms pre-grounded or 1-2 whole nutmegs. Potency of nutmeg can variate, epsecially of pre-grounded. Overall at low dosages it gave me... Euphoria. It gave me strong pleasant body euphoria, combined with feeling of warmness and huge increase of tactile feelings. And this is something special for nutmeg. But It didn't alter my mind enough to impress me.
But recently I had experiences with 2 and 3.5 whole nutmegs. They were big and were very good quality so now I want to tell how full-blown nutmeg trip feels like for me.
I starting to get first effects in about an hour. They are weak, but definatly not placebo, I may get some euphoria which soon settles. After it settled, both time I had like calm before the storm - almost no feeling except strange warmness and relaxation. And then suddenly it hits for real.
Both times it was very suddenly. For example I stared into screen and felt like falling somwhere. Then it repeats again and again. Then I got very strong stroboscope effect which reminded me cannabis but was way more crazier. Then feeling of lightness hitted me - I felt almost like my body was glowing with some inner light and I'm not walking but flying. Literally high. Body sensations were fresh and reminded guess what - sativa like high. Of course I also got this feeling of being far away from reality, being somewhere deep under water.
Visual distortions even at peak were not something special. I got visual noise on surfaces and edges. With opened eyes I got cannabis-like pseudphallucintations when those dreamy images blink for a split of second. Sound distortions were insane though. Music literally played inside my head and I physically felt it. Voices didn't sound much different, but ambient sounds were insane. Sounds of cars, people talking far away, wind blowing and all possible ambient sounds merged, separated, pulsated, distorted in all possible ways and often created music. I heard rhytm and melody in random ambient sounds mereged together and could listen it like a music. Which... Reminded me cannabis but it never were so strong.
Now the sweetest part of nutmeg. When I first closed my eyes at the peak of the effect I felt I'm not in my room, that I'm somewhere around the mountains. A huuuge opened space, so detailed. Then I turned on music, lay down on the sofa and closed my eyes, and I started to fall down down deep in my mental visions. I remember how tempo slowed down, and distortion guitars were changed by acoustic. I felt that my sofa is a boat that is floating on the river with no shores. There was only water and soft milky-white light on both sides.
It were NOT TRUE HALLUCINATIONS, more like a dream, with fully immersion. I was totaly convinced my body is not on the sofa, but on the boat. And if I'll open my eyes, I won't see my room. And even though it was my imagination it was so detailed, and I was so dissociated from real world I didn't actually care what I saw with my real eyes.
That was strange for me. Too much cannabis gave me pseudohallucinations, but they were just 2D "cartoons", no immersion, no landscapes, not so detailed. Both opened-eyes and closed eyes. Every time I closed eyes on nutmeg it was like a journey into a dream world.
Unfortunately, I couldn't lay on the sofa for all duration of the trip and I understand why someone find nutmeg unplesant. Euphoria was already gone, stroboscope effect was even stronger, sounds were crazy, short-term memory was off, every second was like reality itself bending and flipping. I was tired, wanted just sit, close my eyes and make everything disappear, but I had to communicate with people and ugh... Walk.
So that's it. Nutmeg is interesting, euphoric, deep, and I didn't feel much side effects everybody warns you about. Few times I got bad feelings in stomach (not for long), my mouth was dry and heart beated fast. No hangover or any noticeable negative post-effects. I can feel way worse on and after alcohol - just to give you a comparison. Give it a try, don't overdose, don't abuse it. Overdosing of anything is bad, and abusing anything is bad. Abusing cannabis is bad and overdosing cannabis can also feel like... Well... Bad. (no bad words here, right?
As for me, I am preparing for another trip. But I want perfect set'n'setting to see how deep can I go.