Caution: this is a fable that my imaginary friend told me. It is interesting but I wouldn't try it myself because of the laws against possessing and using DMT in my country.
I've seen so many threads on "What is the best smoking technique"
Just recently I watched one person try super hard as he barely managed to vaporize ~40mg in OVER 10 TOKES taking almost 10 minutes because each toke he thought he "go it"
I have also watched as 3 of my friends using my "machines" breakthrough easily, their only concern of taking too giant as a hit, on 2-3 tokes on their first time lighting it themselves.
Now GVG and VG I bet are great and if you've got the money and you've go the time GET IT if you want.
I've heard the leaf-bed method works really well too. I've never tried it personally.
I KNOW that the "Machine" works and it works EVERY TIME. I have never seen 1 miss-fire. 1 time the spice was burned. 1 time a breakthrough dose did not result in breakthrough effects.
The copper (less preferably stainless) scrubber is just the idea (low cost) holder of DMT.
Here is why:
Problem:DMT burns and de-natures at too high heat and when it is over-heated the smoke is SUPER HARSH.
Solution: The mesh conducts the heat all around to every coil and then convects the heat to the surrounding air making it hard to over-heat and nearly impossible to burn it.
Problem: DMT when it melts will "run away" from a heat source.
Solution: The DMT will run away, but around the inner loops of the copper and I've never seen any noticeable loss of DMT from this EVER using the copper mesh.
Making one:
Now there are many guides advising the purchase of diamond drill bits, large bottles and a lot of work.
I made one that works just as well - or better - than those ones in under 15 minutes using:
One - screw driver
One - Pair of goggles (safety goggles are better)
One - $1.49 glass bottle (strawberry extract)
One - glass tube (plastic straw could work too, it is plenty far from the heat)
Some - Electrical tape
1/10 - Copper scrubber. 4 for $1 at any dollar store
Step 1 - Make a hole
Get a bottle similar to this one. Famous foods stocks these bottles with extracts for 1-2 depending on whats in them.
It is really not necessary that the hole is a clean circle. The pipe doesn't really need to be airtight at all and you'll be covering the nasty crack with tape anyway.
Be careful, use gloves and safety gloves and put the container on a flat surface outside. Rough concrete might cause multiple holes and cracks
Put the screwdriver in through the opening and towards the a side/corner of the bottom. Use a hammer gently or your gloved hand to give a single swift hit to make it crack.
The crack needs to at minimum be able to have to straw/tube put through it diagonal or perpendicular to the bottom of the bottle.
Even if the whole bottom breaks off it can still work. My first breakthrough was using a bottle-made "machine" where the hole was 3/4 of the bottom of the container.
(Said "machine" - made Late June 2010. Only design change is the direction of the mouth-piece)
Step 2 - Add the mouth-piece - Seal the hole
So this is pretty simple. it might be useful to get a buddy to hold the straw for the first bit to get the straw/tube secured. This does NOT need to be airtight. It doesn't even really need to be close, the only reason mine is totally covered is to cover the jagged edges and it looks nicer too.
Just make it work. Make the mouth-piece secure and you're good. (see 3rd image in Step 3)
Step 3 - Prepare then add the copper scrubber, aka *the machine ball*
You can do this with a lighter which works well with the small ball or on a stove-top (fan on) which works with the small ball or the whole scrubber.
Just burn the f*** out of it. Get all the varnish off. It will stop producing smoke and if it turns red then you'll surely be good.
After it is all burned (then cooled, durrr) then roll it around and scrape off the black bits (they don't burn so don't be to anal about all of them)
Then tear off a piece. Some might be sharp enough to cut your fingers so doing so with scissors might be needed.
If it is too big then cut/tear some off. If it is too small just tear some off the scrubber and roll it into the small ball.
Place it in the opening and you're totally done.
Step 1 - Loading the *machine ball*
While I keep my DMT in vinegar at ~100mg/ml so I don't have to weigh it every time, the method I use works 100% the same with melted DMT crystals (single dose melted, don't melt all your spice!)
Take out your *machine ball* and use it to scrape up your dose of DMT.
A little bit will be left on your fingers and the thing you are scraping it from, not to worry the residue is typically a max 1-3mg and when you melt or evaporate the next dose it will be picked up or left, still only max 1-3mg.
Put the scrubber into the neck of the bottle DMT-down (as best you can) and you're loaded!
Step 2 - Vaping the DMT
Caution: I assume you have read all of the FAQ and/or have smoked DMT previously. If not READ THE FAQ NOW, this is POWERFUL STUFF not to be taken lightly!
You can hold the flame a bit below the *machine ball* or right up to it.
In either case begin by immediately toking (sucking through the mouthpiece) very softly for the first 2-3 second. After that there should be some smoke seen.
Be weary the vaporized DMT smoke is MUCH less dense and cloud-like than burned DMT and you may see only a tiny whisp of smoke but a bellow of smoke as you exhale. (or little or nothing in the exhale if you hold it long enough)
After the first 2-3 sec you can increase your toking to medium or hard (medium recommended) bringing the flame closer in accordance with the inhalation rate (closer/hotter as you toke faster)
You'll be surprised with how much you can vaporize in a single toke. 1 toke breakthroughs are totally possible with a little practice. 2-3 tokes are what to expect for your first time.
Another thing that takes a little practice is the vaporization. With some practice you can get it perfectly vaporized. This you will be able to tell by how smooth the smoke it and how it does not taste smoke-y but actually a little odd but somewhat flowery.
The device I use is not a regular machine but a machine-bubbler (inspired by amor-fati's design)
My baby:
I hope this guide helps some people who are having miss-fires, are too broke for the GVG (like me) or are even waiting for it in the mail or something. Also those who want to give their friends a permanent device when they can't borrow their GVG.
I've seen so many threads on "What is the best smoking technique"
Just recently I watched one person try super hard as he barely managed to vaporize ~40mg in OVER 10 TOKES taking almost 10 minutes because each toke he thought he "go it"
I have also watched as 3 of my friends using my "machines" breakthrough easily, their only concern of taking too giant as a hit, on 2-3 tokes on their first time lighting it themselves.
Now GVG and VG I bet are great and if you've got the money and you've go the time GET IT if you want.
I've heard the leaf-bed method works really well too. I've never tried it personally.
I KNOW that the "Machine" works and it works EVERY TIME. I have never seen 1 miss-fire. 1 time the spice was burned. 1 time a breakthrough dose did not result in breakthrough effects.
The copper (less preferably stainless) scrubber is just the idea (low cost) holder of DMT.
Here is why:
Problem:DMT burns and de-natures at too high heat and when it is over-heated the smoke is SUPER HARSH.
Solution: The mesh conducts the heat all around to every coil and then convects the heat to the surrounding air making it hard to over-heat and nearly impossible to burn it.
Problem: DMT when it melts will "run away" from a heat source.
Solution: The DMT will run away, but around the inner loops of the copper and I've never seen any noticeable loss of DMT from this EVER using the copper mesh.
Making one:
Now there are many guides advising the purchase of diamond drill bits, large bottles and a lot of work.
I made one that works just as well - or better - than those ones in under 15 minutes using:
One - screw driver
One - Pair of goggles (safety goggles are better)
One - $1.49 glass bottle (strawberry extract)
One - glass tube (plastic straw could work too, it is plenty far from the heat)
Some - Electrical tape
1/10 - Copper scrubber. 4 for $1 at any dollar store
Step 1 - Make a hole
Get a bottle similar to this one. Famous foods stocks these bottles with extracts for 1-2 depending on whats in them.
It is really not necessary that the hole is a clean circle. The pipe doesn't really need to be airtight at all and you'll be covering the nasty crack with tape anyway.
Be careful, use gloves and safety gloves and put the container on a flat surface outside. Rough concrete might cause multiple holes and cracks
Put the screwdriver in through the opening and towards the a side/corner of the bottom. Use a hammer gently or your gloved hand to give a single swift hit to make it crack.
The crack needs to at minimum be able to have to straw/tube put through it diagonal or perpendicular to the bottom of the bottle.
Even if the whole bottom breaks off it can still work. My first breakthrough was using a bottle-made "machine" where the hole was 3/4 of the bottom of the container.
(Said "machine" - made Late June 2010. Only design change is the direction of the mouth-piece)
Step 2 - Add the mouth-piece - Seal the hole
So this is pretty simple. it might be useful to get a buddy to hold the straw for the first bit to get the straw/tube secured. This does NOT need to be airtight. It doesn't even really need to be close, the only reason mine is totally covered is to cover the jagged edges and it looks nicer too.
Just make it work. Make the mouth-piece secure and you're good. (see 3rd image in Step 3)
Step 3 - Prepare then add the copper scrubber, aka *the machine ball*
You can do this with a lighter which works well with the small ball or on a stove-top (fan on) which works with the small ball or the whole scrubber.
Just burn the f*** out of it. Get all the varnish off. It will stop producing smoke and if it turns red then you'll surely be good.
After it is all burned (then cooled, durrr) then roll it around and scrape off the black bits (they don't burn so don't be to anal about all of them)
Then tear off a piece. Some might be sharp enough to cut your fingers so doing so with scissors might be needed.
If it is too big then cut/tear some off. If it is too small just tear some off the scrubber and roll it into the small ball.
Place it in the opening and you're totally done.
Step 1 - Loading the *machine ball*
While I keep my DMT in vinegar at ~100mg/ml so I don't have to weigh it every time, the method I use works 100% the same with melted DMT crystals (single dose melted, don't melt all your spice!)
Take out your *machine ball* and use it to scrape up your dose of DMT.
A little bit will be left on your fingers and the thing you are scraping it from, not to worry the residue is typically a max 1-3mg and when you melt or evaporate the next dose it will be picked up or left, still only max 1-3mg.
Put the scrubber into the neck of the bottle DMT-down (as best you can) and you're loaded!
Step 2 - Vaping the DMT
Caution: I assume you have read all of the FAQ and/or have smoked DMT previously. If not READ THE FAQ NOW, this is POWERFUL STUFF not to be taken lightly!
You can hold the flame a bit below the *machine ball* or right up to it.
In either case begin by immediately toking (sucking through the mouthpiece) very softly for the first 2-3 second. After that there should be some smoke seen.
Be weary the vaporized DMT smoke is MUCH less dense and cloud-like than burned DMT and you may see only a tiny whisp of smoke but a bellow of smoke as you exhale. (or little or nothing in the exhale if you hold it long enough)
After the first 2-3 sec you can increase your toking to medium or hard (medium recommended) bringing the flame closer in accordance with the inhalation rate (closer/hotter as you toke faster)
You'll be surprised with how much you can vaporize in a single toke. 1 toke breakthroughs are totally possible with a little practice. 2-3 tokes are what to expect for your first time.
Another thing that takes a little practice is the vaporization. With some practice you can get it perfectly vaporized. This you will be able to tell by how smooth the smoke it and how it does not taste smoke-y but actually a little odd but somewhat flowery.
The device I use is not a regular machine but a machine-bubbler (inspired by amor-fati's design)
My baby:
I hope this guide helps some people who are having miss-fires, are too broke for the GVG (like me) or are even waiting for it in the mail or something. Also those who want to give their friends a permanent device when they can't borrow their GVG.