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My wonderful 5-MeO-DMT experience


Rising Star
My third Bufo ( 5-MeO-DMT) experience was wonderful! Before this, I described a terrifying experience with DMT under the name Manula, but I couldn't recover that account. With DMT, I experienced Nothingness. But with Bufo, light! There was a moment at the beginning when the confused ego tried to gather itself in pieces, but it was futile as the tearing force was stronger. Eternity was before me, and the ego did not want to go there. But then I surrendered, and it was so beautiful! The construct that considered itself someone dissolved in infinite Light and Bliss! This time there was no observer! Only Atman, the One, the Original, the Blissful, the Radiant, the Indescribable. After a while, this ego construct began to manifest again. Attention manifested, sliding over this structure, but all around and behind was only Divine Radiance. The ego was like a wave, a whirl, arising on an endlessly smooth space, sounding the finest harmony. Gradually, my construct began to manifest more, but it did not prevent me from sensing the fragrance of the Timeless Radiant Unity, Indivisible, Love. It was a brief moment when the ego structure and the divine plan existed simultaneously, when I did not lose Myself in the objects of perception.
My third Bufo ( 5-MeO-DMT) experience was wonderful! Before this, I described a terrifying experience with DMT under the name Manula, but I couldn't recover that account. With DMT, I experienced Nothingness. But with Bufo, light! There was a moment at the beginning when the confused ego tried to gather itself in pieces, but it was futile as the tearing force was stronger. Eternity was before me, and the ego did not want to go there. But then I surrendered, and it was so beautiful! The construct that considered itself someone dissolved in infinite Light and Bliss! This time there was no observer! Only Atman, the One, the Original, the Blissful, the Radiant, the Indescribable. After a while, this ego construct began to manifest again. Attention manifested, sliding over this structure, but all around and behind was only Divine Radiance. The ego was like a wave, a whirl, arising on an endlessly smooth space, sounding the finest harmony. Gradually, my construct began to manifest more, but it did not prevent me from sensing the fragrance of the Timeless Radiant Unity, Indivisible, Love. It was a brief moment when the ego structure and the divine plan existed simultaneously, when I did not lose Myself in the objects of perception.
Amazing account of the essence of your experience.
I am always fascinated how peak psychedelic experiences so often echo timeless spiritual wisdom, albeit with their own unique perspective.
Amazing account of the essence of your experience.
I am always fascinated how peak psychedelic experiences so often echo timeless spiritual wisdom, albeit with their own unique perspective.
I too was amazed and happy to have experienced something I had only read about before, that this wisdom has transcended through the ages!
First few 5-meo-dmt experiences were traumatizing for me. Initially I couldn't remember anything from the peak just that i was gone and came back. Later started to recollect some bits and pieces till when I realized it was traumatizing memories from the peak effects that my mind has wiped out.

Took a break and got back to it again. This time around it was an accidental break through. What I thought was an NN DMT extract was 5m and only realized when it was too late ...fair to say it was the most beautiful and smoothes breakthrough I ever had I remember every little bit of details from it...I know exactly what you mean when you say "I surrendered" then seeing the light being one with source.

It was so beautiful and so complete and perfect that I no longer feel like I need to break through any more maybe for rest of my life. I want for this last experience to be my souvenir. I would have never consciously took a dose that high if I was aware it was 5m based extract. Dose was too strong that I almost threw up. Best accident that's ever happened to me. It wasn't just an ego death and being one with the universe or god ... I was saved and healed by God during that peak. I don't consider It to be just a trip .. it was more real than real.
5 meo, to me is the best on earth. Wish there was a drink that would make it last for like 8 hours. There was nothing more special I have experienced, than a 5 meo journey. The cool thing about it also is now whenever I smoke marijuana. It gives me a 5meo trip, just not as intense as a real 5 meo trip. Somehow it opened a door inside. My first experience was an extracted 5 meo( great experience until I found out the extraction) I don't want to ever talk about and it disgusted me and still does after finding out where it came from( will have to pay for that when I die) The next ones where a synthetic kind and it also was great. It showed me such wonderous things but I threw out my stash as one day my son who knows everything told me it is not good and to throw it out so I did. He told me to make my own which I will with my phalaris grass. Was told if you smoke a big amount of dmt, it is the same as a 5 neo journey but I have not tried a huge amount so don't know. It was pure love, calmness, wonderous, experience ever. One time myself meditated for 9 hrs straight in pure darkness and had the same experience so those guys that go in caves and meditate for years, WOW what they must feel and be. Wish time was on my side and could go to a cave for the rest of my life and meditate but time and life make it impossible.
My third Bufo ( 5-MeO-DMT) experience was wonderful! Before this, I described a terrifying experience with DMT under the name Manula, but I couldn't recover that account. With DMT, I experienced Nothingness. But with Bufo, light! There was a moment at the beginning when the confused ego tried to gather itself in pieces, but it was futile as the tearing force was stronger. Eternity was before me, and the ego did not want to go there. But then I surrendered, and it was so beautiful! The construct that considered itself someone dissolved in infinite Light and Bliss! This time there was no observer! Only Atman, the One, the Original, the Blissful, the Radiant, the Indescribable. After a while, this ego construct began to manifest again. Attention manifested, sliding over this structure, but all around and behind was only Divine Radiance. The ego was like a wave, a whirl, arising on an endlessly smooth space, sounding the finest harmony. Gradually, my construct began to manifest more, but it did not prevent me from sensing the fragrance of the Timeless Radiant Unity, Indivisible, Love. It was a brief moment when the ego structure and the divine plan existed simultaneously, when I did not lose Myself in the objects of perception.

[[But then I surrendered, and it was so beautiful! The construct that considered itself someone dissolved in infinite Light and Bliss! ]]

THIS says a lot!
IF one wants to go farther...let go of your fear.......and make a friend of it .. instead of letting it control you ...:unsure:
5 meo, to me is the best on earth. Wish there was a drink that would make it last for like 8 hours. There was nothing more special I have experienced, than a 5 meo journey. The cool thing about it also is now whenever I smoke marijuana. It gives me a 5meo trip, just not as intense as a real 5 meo trip. Somehow it opened a door inside. My first experience was an extracted 5 meo( great experience until I found out the extraction) I don't want to ever talk about and it disgusted me and still does after finding out where it came from( will have to pay for that when I die) The next ones where a synthetic kind and it also was great. It showed me such wonderous things but I threw out my stash as one day my son who knows everything told me it is not good and to throw it out so I did. He told me to make my own which I will with my phalaris grass. Was told if you smoke a big amount of dmt, it is the same as a 5 neo journey but I have not tried a huge amount so don't know. It was pure love, calmness, wonderous, experience ever. One time myself meditated for 9 hrs straight in pure darkness and had the same experience so those guys that go in caves and meditate for years, WOW what they must feel and be. Wish time was on my side and could go to a cave for the rest of my life and meditate but time and life make it impossible.


[[But then I surrendered, and it was so beautiful! The construct that considered itself someone dissolved in infinite Light and Bliss! ]]

THIS says a lot!
IF one wants to go farther...let go of your fear.......and make a friend of it .. instead of letting it control you ...:unsure:
For me I was only able to finally get a release once I accepted to die and be ok with it. I thought I've already smoked a high dose there's nothing I can do about it to make it stop... whatever happens will happen so used those few seconds before the breakthrough when I still have some conscious control to just lay on my stomach just in case I throw up so I don't suffocatte.. and made sure the joint was put off and somewhere safe. . now that I created a safe environment for my physical being I was ready to leave body...

I accepted that I might actually die literally and made peace with it ...that's how the trip took a very bright turn and was washed with infinite goodly love and embrace. The trip was a constant flow of praise and reassurance about myself, my life and my path and future and who I am.

It cleared so much doubts I had about life and cleared all fears and worry.
That is death at it's finest!! Pure joy. Surrendering is the key. The other day myself went to take a small hit of dmt in my pipe and forgot about the 5 meo in it. Right after the hit was like woops and then went on a journey. Haha
That is death at it's finest!! Pure joy. Surrendering is the key. The other day myself went to take a small hit of dmt in my pipe and forgot about the 5 meo in it. Right after the hit was like woops and then went on a journey. Haha
Same exact accident hahaha I smoked what I thought was DMT. I knew right away it wasn't DMT when the onset began too quickly before I exhale. I tried to exhale as quickly as I can as much I could to limit the intensity but it was futile.
Awesomeness!!!!!! For me 5 meo over dmt everytime. It is so special.
Ive never tryed 5meo..only vaped NNDMT...

How would the 5meo experiance differ from NNDmt?

Is the come up on 5meo smoother than the rocket blast come up on NnDMT?

IS 5meo genteler ....in some way? ..than the high speed ride of NN?
Ive never tryed 5meo..only vaped NNDMT...

How would the 5meo experiance differ from NNDmt?

Is the come up on 5meo smoother than the rocket blast come up on NnDMT?

IS 5meo genteler ....in some way? ..than the high speed ride of NN?
For me personally the opposite is true. It has faster onset, more likely to cause panic and more rough as a ride but has the advantage that every trip is kind of similar and you can expect what will happen ...DMT on the other hand is very random and chaotic.
For me personally the opposite is true. It has faster onset, more likely to cause panic and more rough as a ride but has the advantage that every trip is kind of similar and you can expect what will happen ...DMT on the other hand is very random and chaotic.
Low dose DMT... isnt very chaotic..it can actually e very relaxing and visual..

Panic ....doesnt sound like a nice experiance...?
How do you handel the panic?...does panic just evaporate... as you get more used to 5meo and just surender to its power...?
Low dose DMT... isnt very chaotic..it can actually e very relaxing and visual..

Panic ....doesnt sound like a nice experiance...?
How do you handel the panic?...does panic just evaporate... as you get more used to 5meo and just surender to its power...?
Low dose 5-meo is even more euphoric than DMT but as you increase the dose panic will inevitably ensue as you start to desintegrate in a cosmic storm... Then you break through in a spirit orgasm.. the whole thing is an Infinite explosion of infinite white light and energy that is God himself till you become part of him ... you soon wake up in disbelief at what you have just witnessed ... Smiling in extazy. Everything suddenly makes sense. Your whole purpose of being alive unfolds in front of your eyes..you find yourself and who you are in that peak of white light as it washes you with love and instill unfathomable power in you. You come back a new person...reborn.

Everything and nothing co-exists during that peak phenomenon like two sides of the same coin.
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Low dose 5-meo is even more euphoric than DMT but as you increase the dose panic will inevitably ensue as you start to desintegrate in a cosmic storm... Then you break through in a spirit orgasm.. the whole thing is an Infinite explosion of infinite white light and energy that is God himself till you become part of him ... you soon wake up in disbelief at what you have just witnessed ... Smiling in extazy. Everything suddenly makes sense. Your whole purpose of being alive unfolds in front of your eyes..you find yourself and who you are in that peak of white light as it washes you with love and instill unfathomable power in you. You come back a new person...reborn.

Everything and nothing co-exists during that peak phenomenon like two sides of the same coin.

nicley said!:alien:

Has anyone ever merged .[taken]..the ....two molecules... at same time ? what kind of experiance would that be?

kind of a virtual union... probibly not a good mix?
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I've tried mixing DMT extract from phalaris brachystachys mixed at 20% with 5-meo-dmt extract from phalaris aquatica smoked from a joint outside in nature on a mountain. It was definitely more visual and geometric also smoother with no panic. Nausea from 5 meo was still there however. I would say I prefer it over either compounds pure.

Gave some to a friend and he thought the same. They enhance each other bringing less side effects.
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