Thanks for the reply Mister Pip, your posts are very well worded, are you a writer?
I had a look on google regarding Jung Psychology and it looks quite interesting. One of his quotes is as follows:
"The beauty about the unconscious is that it is really unconscious"
This is interesting as it allows to delve into his patients mind without the ego interfering which suggests his technique would be very effective and produce more realistic results from experimentation, rather than the usual lie on the couch and talk to me scenario which can easily be masked by human consciousness. What are his views on spirituality etc which you found most interesting?
How much were you drinking if you dont mind me asking? And
what were you drinking? I have never had someone close to me turn to alcoholism and I find it intriguing how somebody can wake up out of bed and instantly reach for the vodka (not saying you were an alcoholic but personally I cant stand the site of booze after a heavy nights drinking).
I have quite a strange story actually which I wont go into in detail, but I have always been fascinated with 'the other world' whether it be paranormal, spiritual or substance induced. I met somebody around a year ago who has come to be a close friend of mine that introduced me to things that they do not teach you in school e.g.) Illuminati, Anunnaki, demons, fallen angels. She encouraged me to attempt lucid dreaming, which I failed at miserably!
I then moved on to try astral projection. The first night in trying I dont think I had a typical OBE (I may of just been in a deep mediative state) but I was transported to a beautiful blue sky, floating miles high, at the foot of a huge golden pyramid. This obviously startled me and opened my eyes. I was then fully awake/alert and witnessed a liquid like shadow cloud hover above my head for a good 10 minutes whilst I lay in bed. After this I was fully converted and have been looking into the powers of the 3rd eye ever since.