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Natural Sleep Aids

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I'm looking for some good natural non-addicting sleep aids to try. So far I've tried Melatonin, which definetly helps calm my body down enough to drift off to sleep in less than hour, but I have to be pretty tired already for it to work. Although most of the time it's satisfying, the fact that it can't "put me out" prevents me from having a consistent sleep schedule.

Because I sleep 10-12 hours everyday to not feel groggy, if I start off trying a normal schedule such as going to sleep at 10pm and waking at 9am, by the time it's 10pm the next day, I'm not tired enough to fall asleep.. At which point I started the melatonin, which has helped lessen the degree my schedule gets off, but hasn't fixed it.

I think I could cycle a stronger sleep aid with melatonin for best results..

I've also tried kava kava in strong dosages (30 or so pills) from a reputable online dealer, but felt nothing.

What else should I look into? :)
Lady's Slipper is by far my favorite.

It is VERY effective!

Valerian isn't bad if you get fresh whole root or grow your own.

Try getting 8 hours per night, no more, no less.
bai ji li aka tribulus terristas (Those small beige spikes that pop bike tires) works wonders for me, personally. Valerian always kept me awake, same with melatonin.
grinding these spikes into a powder and making a tea out of a tablespoon is great before bed. It even synchronizes my cat's dreams and mine together when I drink and she sleeps near by. I love this plant so much. It's an effective maoi and it is not groggy like rue. A gentle warrior spirit.
A few Datura inoxia seeds are fantastic as sleep aids. They work better than anything else SWIM has tried. Not only do they help you sleep, they also stimulate dreaming. You'll have tons of dreams.

You take it about 15 minutes before bed time. Chew a few seeds (1-3) thoroughly, and then wash it down with a glass of water. The peak effects happen at about 46-60 minutes. You’ll want to time it so that you’re in bed before the peak happens. You’ll sleep very well.

SWIM always wakes up at least once in the middle of the night, but when using 3 Datura inoxia seeds before bed, he sleeps like a log, doesn’t wake up until morning time, and when he does he feels totally refreshed.

The nice thing about using a few Datura inoxia seeds rather than other sleep aids is that your dreams are normal, you just have more of them. Most other sleep aids interfere with your dreams.

SWIM has tried all the sleep aids from the pharmacy, also melatonin, tryptophan, kava kava, passionflower, valerian, etc., and none work as well as Datura inoxia. It’s perfect. I’m surprised it’s not more well known as a sleep aid.

Super large doses of Datura inoxia seeds are fatal. You don’t want to take more than 10 seeds. 3 is preferred. Some people take 50 or more seeds for their popular and dangerous deliriant effects. Don’t take more than 10 in a day and you’ll be fine. 10 seeds contain up to 400 micrograms of scopolamine. The dose used for motion sickness is 400-800 micrograms of scopolamine taken 3 times a day. You should only need 1-3 seeds for use as a sleep aid. 1-3 seeds are extremely safe. 3 seeds contain up to 120 micrograms of scopolamine, that’s much less than the smallest dose used for motion sickness. That amount is completely safe.
Having recently losing his script for benzos, my skunk has been looking in to plant-based sleep aids. He just ordered some 80% thp corydalis extract, some pedicularis densiflora, some myrrh terpene fraction isolates, some yerba and kratom for in the morning, and some mhrb for making soap.
Thanks for the replies. So far I think I'll go with Datura Inoxia. There's a seller on eBay that's selling 500 seeds ("White Datura Inoxia Angel's/Devil'S Trumpet" ) for about $5.00 shipped. The Lady's Slipper seems rare/endangered, and expensive, the closest thing I've found from just buying the plant is an insomnia mixture including lady's slipper. From what I've briefly read on tribulus terristis it's main use is for impotence, and no mention of a sleep aid.

Those may actually work better than the inoxia for me, but I think I'll try it first for the bargain. Reading all the toxic warnings surrounding the plant & seeds are a little off-putting, but I guess they DO hold true in a high enough amount.. So I just rinse the seeds off with some water and they're good to chew/eat?
Tribulus terrestris seriously?!?!? And to think that I hated those little god damned sharp painful thorns all this time.
Guess I better head over to the neighbors lawn at dark and start up a collection...
Tribulus terrestris if my memory serves me it also contains steroid like substances that can increase testostorne levels. It is used as a body building supplement.
mapp said:
Those may actually work better than the inoxia for me, but I think I'll try it first for the bargain. Reading all the toxic warnings surrounding the plant & seeds are a little off-putting, but I guess they DO hold true in a high enough amount.. So I just rinse the seeds off with some water and they're good to chew/eat?

I don't think ppl are talking about having to rinse the seeds, they are just chock-full of extremely powerful and potentially VERY dangerous chemicals.

wikipedia said:
Datura inoxia, like other Datura species, contains the highly toxic alkaloids atropine, hyoscine (scopolamine), and hyoscyamine.

I certainly won't say 69ron is wrong, but there are plenty of far safer alternatives out there.
I can attest to the power of lady's slipper, but it had the opposite effect on my wife and she was up all night. The other stuff I mentioned are pretty powerful sedatives, there is also yellow horned poppy, prickly poppy, and oriental poppies, all of which are pretty effective sedatives.

If used with the utmost care, datura seeds will likely do you no harm. On the other hand, if you turn out to be allergic to one of the many alkaloids contained within the seeds, you could be in for a world of shit.
I would weigh like 10 seeds individually, and take the average of the seed weights. Now you know what the average datura seed weighs from your batch. After that, grind up 50-100 seeds. Weigh out your dose according to your average seed weight. By doing this you will get a more consistent chemical dose per unit. I would start with 1/4 or 1/2 of a seed, and work your way up.

I guess my point is just be super careful with Datura, it is a very powerful plant that could kill you.
skunkjar said:
I guess my point is just be super careful with Datura, it is a very powerful plant that could kill you.

Not in the dosage range SWIM uses. 3 seeds cannot kill even a small child.

That irrational fear comes from overdose stories from people who ate hundreds of seeds and died. 10 seeds are COMPLETELY SAFE. 3 seeds are extremely safe.

SWIM uses them all the time and his friends now do to. They use 3 seeds and it works better than anything else and is completely safe at that dose.

When used properly, they are completely safe.

Caffeine can be deadly if you OD on it, but people use that all the time. If the dose it right, it's safe. Same with Datura inoxia. No one has ever died or been made ill from eating 10 seeds. No one. The amount of scopolamine present in 10 seeds is too small to cause any harm. It’s lower than the amount prescribed for motion sickness.

Just because something can kill you if you overdose on it, like caffeine, it doesn’t mean its dangerous. I drink coffee all the time and I’m fine. I never took 100 caffeine tablets though.

If you limit your exposure to drugs that barely do anything, then of course you’ll be safe even if you took massive doses.

For SWIM 3 Datura inoxia seeds work better than anything else. If you want something that’s really effective, that’s what actually works. The other stuff out there barely does anything.

Powerful medicines like Datura inoxia are only dangerous when used improperly. Don’t take more than 10 seeds in a day and you’ll be fine.

I’m telling you, nothing else works as well. 3 seeds are completely safe. And as for having an allergic reaction, that’s possible with anything, even peanuts!
I thought I remember reading that datura stramonium was better for sleeping, not inoxia.

Anything anti-cholinergic will knock you out obviously, thats why the biggest brands of store bought sleeping pills are anti-cholinergic.

But, I'm pretty sure scopolamine is quite different then the man made stuff.
Recently, the wife and I have been taking THIS. We used to take melatonin, and it sure does make us sleep, but I usually end up waking up in the middle of the night and it gives her strange dreams. We like these supplements so far. I haven't woke up in the middle of the night once while taking them. Also, as other have said, maybe you're sleeping too much. 10-11 hours and I would be groggy and tired too! I try to get around 7 hours a night. 6-8 seems to be my perfect range.
40oztofreedom said:
I thought I remember reading that datura stramonium was better for sleeping, not inoxia.

Anything anti-cholinergic will knock you out obviously, thats why the biggest brands of store bought sleeping pills are anti-cholinergic.

But, I'm pretty sure scopolamine is quite different then the man made stuff.

I'm talking about seeds only. Not any other part of the plant. Datura stramonium seeds contain mostly hyoscyamine (about 80% of the total alkaloids present), while Datura inoxia seeds contain almost pure scopolamine (about 97% of the total alkaloids present).

Scopolamine is a sedative in low doses, while hyoscyamine shows more stimulant action in low doses.

SWIM has both and D. inoxia is great as a sleep aid. D. stramonium can actually keep you awake if you take slightly too much. So I don't recommend D. stramonium, but it does increase dreams quantity and duration just like D. inoxia does.

Again, SWIM uses 1-3 seeds only. That dose of either D. stramonium or D. inoxia seeds is extremely safe.
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