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natural sources of bufo / 5-MeO-DMT

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Rising Star
Hey guys,

I'm looking into natural sources of 5-meo-dmt and bufo.

I know of a few but if someone could just please give me a list of natural sources.
I'm looking mainly for a high level of 5-MeO-DMT that is orally active and the same with bufo!

Thanks a lot,
Hypnotoad. :p

Sorry and I would like to know if you actually need to extract the 5-meo-dmt and bufo and if you can't have a larger dose of the plant material to get the same experience the same effects as with an extracted material.

Sorry for the dumb question :p
First place to check for these kind of questions is our wiki, did you check it?

Bufo is easy, there are known sources and a couple of teks in our wiki, 5-MeO-DMT, is a bit complicated, while there are potential sources AFAIK nobody really found a high yielding one and thus 5-MeO-DMT teks have still not been developed. In any case I would expect 5-MeO-DMT to crash out with FASA/FASI, so any tek using that should work. Not sure if its decently soluble in naphtha or not
I would really like to figure out a sound source and method for extraction of this interesting compound.

I was looking through the wiki and saw Virola theiodora has according to Schultes:

Bark- 0.11% [108 mg. of 5-MeO-DMT/ 100 gm.

I know it's only 108 mg. per 100g bark. But considering the dosage ranges for 5-MeO...it's worth it imo.

I'm not too chem savy. So for the chem-minded folk out there, would it be possible to do an A/B on the bark and do FASA/SI??

I'm really eager as I found a vendor with Virola theiodora bark for roughly $25 per 55g of bark.

Is it feasible? If so, I want to attempt this. :)
The question is whether the virola bark they are selling have actives or not. Also it might be most of the alkaloids is in the resin that is extracted before selling the dry bark. But it might be you're lucky and found a good source of 5-MeO-DMT.

I havent played around with 5-MeO-DMT to know solubilities, but its worth a try. Let us know! Just dont throw anything away, if alkaloids are there, you can always recover them.

TLC would serve very well for this too, to test if there are really the desired alkaloids.
Endlessness, say someone were to extract virola bark and wish to do a tlc to see if it is in fact 5meo, would you need 5meo to compare with the extract? I've been interested in experimenting with tlc plates.
with 5-meo-dmt it would be great but its not strictly necessary. You can use DMT as a standard, or nothing at all and just go by Rfs and confirming color changes after dropping ehrlich or similar reagent on the spot in the plate.

Feel free to contact me if you do want to go ahead... it can definitely be done :)
endlessness said:
The question is whether the virola bark they are selling have actives or not. Also it might be most of the alkaloids is in the resin that is extracted before selling the dry bark. But it might be you're lucky and found a good source of 5-MeO-DMT.

I havent played around with 5-MeO-DMT to know solubilities, but its worth a try. Let us know! Just dont throw anything away, if alkaloids are there, you can always recover them.

TLC would serve very well for this too, to test if there are really the desired alkaloids.

Yeah, I need to learn TLC. I've looked over your overview of it. Doesn't seem "too" difficult.

And I will let ya know! It'll take some time. My moneys limited right now and time is unfortunately tight as well.

I saw a few vendors that sell the "resinous bark"...soo haopefully something would come outa it. Worth a shot.

After reading Orocs book. I'm just really intrigued by 5MeO. Gotta start somewhere I guess.
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