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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello people,

A friend of mine in his sixties has expressed an interest in taking pharma but he is on two prescription drugs clonazapam for muscle relaxation and immovane for sleeping.

is that any reason to deny him a dose?

all helpful advice is appriciated as always

love and light
I don't know if there would be any particular reactions with those drugs and pharma, so the best advice would be to ask your doctor if those are drugs that leave the system entirely if you go a day without taking them. If that's the case, just skip a day or two taking those drugs, then take the phara, then the day after go back to your other meds. And ask the doc if it's ok to be off your regular meds for a few days, or if that'll mess you up or something.
Hi RayOfLight.

If you are asking 'Any bad reactions between clonazepam and zopiclone and DMT/MAOis?' then the answer is No.

Is your friend well in all other respects?

How long have they been on these drugs and particularly with regards to clonazepam, what dose do they take? This is important because stopping clonazepam after being on it daily for longer than 4-6 weeks can make missing a few days' treatment hazardous as both agents are physically addicitve.

Lastly, you say the clonazepam is taken for muscle relaxation- what exactly is the underlying problem which requires his/her muscles to be relaxed?

Sorry fo the interrogation, but these are all important considerations before an informed decision can be made.
corpus callosum said:
Hi RayOfLight.

If you are asking 'Any bad reactions between clonazepam and zopiclone and DMT/MAOis?' then the answer is No.

Is your friend well in all other respects?

How long have they been on these drugs and particularly with regards to clonazepam, what dose do they take? This is important because stopping clonazepam after being on it daily for longer than 4-6 weeks can make missing a few days' treatment hazardous as both agents are physically addicitve.

Lastly, you say the clonazepam is taken for muscle relaxation- what exactly is the underlying problem which requires his/her muscles to be relaxed?

Sorry fo the interrogation, but these are all important considerations before an informed decision can be made.
Are you sure there are no negative interactions between these substances and MAOI's? I can imagine that the sedative effects would be hugely amplified by the caapi.
Hi Polytrip!

There are anecdotal reports of occasional incidents where MAOis with the newer super-potent benzos (such as clonazepam/alprazolam (although alprazolam is not strictly a 'true' benzo)) have increased the sedative properties of the latter.This doesnt appear to be the case with the older proper benzos.

Here in the UK we have a book called the BNF (British National Formulary) which lists all the medicines doctors are allowed to prescribe.It has a great section on drug interactions and it states that using the 2 classes drugs concurrently is not contra-indicated.The only anxiolytic that should be avoided if one is on a MAOi is buspirone.
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