I also agree. It sound like you understand your own soul nature very well. One overwhelming glimpse should be enough for any person, right? So I ask if you are looking for a theology that you can easily present for the benefit of others? If so, you may end up questioning this motive, as people can be ridiculously un-accepting of any religious label or spiritualistic affinity. First please yourself and so, enlighten yourself!
When we take a very good look at any of the modern religions worldwide, they start with an initial realization by a single human being's immersion into the Godhead. This is usually had by one awakened soul and it then expands to touch millions and millions of other sympathetic souls. Sadly, along the way, the organizational types spoil everything with layers and layers of rigid dogmas, theologies, rituals (and the like).
But just think about it, the form that most world religions crystallize into, is begun with a profound epiphany by a single Avatar, Messiah, Buddha, Savior or Prophet. Zoroastrianism was certainly not begun with the Divine revelation of Zarathustra... but despite the foundations laid in prior religious thought (in Persia), it was he who blew the lid off the pot. Same goes for Rama, Krishna, Moses, Socrates, Lao Tzu, Siddhartha Gautama, Mahavira, Jesus Christ, Muhammad and Kabir.
So, often times when we find an external religious cult to identify with, we stop growing spiritually and start to solidify a conceptual paradigm to live within. But you have all of the keys within yourself to unlock the Sacred Riddle. In other words, create your own religious context. That being said, it's good to understand some of the wisdom which has already passed through the human condition, through realized humanoids and their great epiphanies recorded in the various scriptures.
Now, when you look into yourself and find the answers through direct immersion, who needs a specific clubhouse to fraternize within? It's fine for most but we are psychonauts and travel to the spirit realms, by our own volition and intention. I much prefer the open, natural spaces for my own version of church. In fact, the whole cosmos is a living temple, so why limit it to one small building, merely the symbolic home of the Sacred One? You obviously know this well.
Not that there is anything inherently wrong with Temples, churches and mosques... to the contrary, many are absolutely inspiring. But a man-made box seated within the time-space-continuum is not the home or seat of God. Surely not the true God, which is Indivisible Being.
In my own personal unfolding, I have gleaned much insight from the realization of other souls,
BUT... make no mistake, Brahman/Aten/Yahweh/Ahura Mazda/Allah and God are everywhere and within everything. Or is everything within the Supreme expression? Same difference, IMO, regardless of one's concept of God. There is but one Unified Field of Being. 8)
Still, I agree with the other folks here, be less concerned with names and labels and more concerned with your own awakening. You have found the gift that this Omniverse keeps hidden within many entheogenic plants. And while I would never suggest worshiping them as a religion, it couldn't hurt either. We find our own rituals, so I do suggest that since you have already understood much from their effulgent psychedelic teachings, build your own religious context. Create your own path, as each is unique and all walks eventually lead to unification within the Grid.
Move the planets with your faith in your own vision, your own theology. True realization is a state of reflection, an emptiness and receptivity which leads towards union with the universal, the Spirit existent in all things. Yet, the causative force which is void of all known characteristics and attributes.
I believe that we each fill this void with all that we learn while we are here. Most of this filling is nonsense and illusion, granted, but the transcendental Truth gets through and shatters our fixed mentality, opening new horizon lines and dreamscapes before our awareness. Such a rush of reality dissolution stops our minds and opens passageways into new realms, heretofore unknown. Follow your heart wholly and listen to your own soul. All souls are the same, as there is but One consciousness existent, even though all personalities vary in myriad degrees.
Touch the earth, smile at the infinite sky and let your soul song echo throughout eternity! burn some sage, beat a drum, dance around a roaring campfire until dawn's early light. Be yourself and share this with all you meet. Ain't life grand? :thumb_up:
"I exist... and I know not this or that... yet neither do I care. For what I see, what I believe and what I receive in understanding, is mine own Way. A Scared gift from my Creator. "