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need some plants id'ed

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
im about to go take some pictures of a few plants here were im stayin and would very much appreciate it if someone can id them or at least tell me if they have dmt in them im having a real spiritual crisis and would like to give it a go.


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thats it if anyone knows these plants lemme know


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I'm fairly certain picture 1 is American beech.

Other than that I cannot be very specific about the others.

Welcome to the Nexus, and Good luck.
be careful with random plants from outside. If you don't know what it is, don't mess with it. Do some research on this site and google etc, don't rush into anything. Good Luck
I would suggest doing some research on which dmt-containing plants grow in that area, and then go from there. Then you know what to look for. Your chances of just picking plants at random and finding on that contains dmt is very very low.
these arent plants picked at random they are lookalikes to plants ive seen online that contain dmt so i asked for someone to id them for me to be positive and i did look up plants in this area but nothing comes up
bottom plant looks pretty close to phalaris arundinacea, the pics are a little blurry, so i am hesitant to confirm (95%).

does it have a prominent ligule membrane?
flboy352 said:
will alll of them have it and what exactly is a ligule what am i looking for sorry
Why don't you try buying a local plant identification guide? Most local bookstores have such a thing...
After further consideration,picture 1 (if American beech), should have long pointed buds; if it lacks these, idk.

Also, I'd like to echo the members saying it's much better to know which plants you're working with; many plants can contain undesirable things.

A Ligule within the picture is the clear, sheath-like portion that would normally wrap around the stem; ligules can be different colors on different species.

I live in the Southeast U.S. and I can recommend some good plant taxonomy/ I.D. books that my professor is getting us to utilize (mostly dichotomous keys):

"Guide to the Vascular Plants of the Blue Ridge" by B. Eugene Wofford.

Trees of Missouri by Don Kurz (Haven't started utilizing this one yet).

There is also a helpful key of trees, IDK the book title, but the author is William H. Harlow [It's called a Dendrology key].

These resources could likely help you, but it doesn't mention DMT, or other stuff of interest; but there was a list of DMT containing plants (available online)- it would help you to know the genus and species names in almost every case. The list was not all-covering, but there was a significant amount of plants on the list.

Please do attempt to find out which plants would most likely help you (and least likely contain undesirables) by using these types of resources before consuming unknown substances. Much effort is still needed in the direction of Plant Analysis and Substance Testing; there is a subforum dedicated to helping people interested learn how. I'd like to work in this area with the Persian Silktree. Around here, we call it the Furmosa/Formosa tree.

Good Luck.
image one is American beech, Fagus grandifolia i am pretty sure.

The grass images appear to be perrenial ryegrass Lolium perenne. It is not Phalaris spp.

Ryegrass is what Claviceps purpurea (ergot fungus)grows on.
Pictures 5 and 6 appear very much like Tulip poplar:
Liriodendron tulipifera.

I'd be interested if anyone has tested this plant for desirables and/or undesirables... I have noticed some near me today (Did an I.D. today on it).
The bottom looks a lot like a strain of phalaris grass, however, if you decide to extract from a phalaris species, do some research on gramine, and how to avoid it.
Cosmic Spore said:
I'd like to work in this area with the Persian Silktree. Around here, we call it the Furmosa/Formosa tree.
In Georgia it's called "Mimosa tree" the illiterate mouth breathers here often mispronounce it "formosa" for no good reason other then as the result of a really bad game of 'telephone.

Either way, it is Albizia julibrissin and it's chemical profile is available.
I also see southern violet(Viola hirsutula,) what looks like asian milkweed (in the Asclepidaceae), and a morning glory (Convolvulaceae,) which is probably exotic.

Nothing of note there except possible LSA content in the morning glory seeds.

Pretty blurry, awful photos, too, for plant I.D. And understand that in order to properly identify many grasses, you need to look at their seeds under a microscope. Really, these photos and this whole mission seems like a rushed job.

What is the root of your spiritual crisis?
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