I dont think we've even scratched the surface of what Changa is capable of yet. I mean you say its as simple as A, B, C, but realisticly there is so much more to learn. New cleaner preperation teks, new combinations. Dorge touched on social settings as well. Could Changa be the socialy acceptable way to smoke DMT? I have a weaker batch sitting here for anyone who has still to be introduced to the spice, without them thinking that its some kind of psychedelic crack.
Changa is a great way for someone to express thier individuality via making thier own unique blends. Possible health benifits or at least harm reduction in combining the spice with the likes of mullien. A base to experiment with and combine other entheogens.
These are but a few of a massive list of things that need to be discussed.
I believe its different enough to just being another way to smoke DMT, therefore needs its own place within the community.