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new content for the nexus :-)

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hello everyone,
new member from germany
five days ago a friend of mine introduced me to the spice. before that i had many experiences with other stuff and gained a lot of most of them for myself. i heard about dmt a while ago due to some friends, comedians and documentaries but never "dared" to try it. why? i really don't know because i am not the kind of guy not being able to handle himself. in addition to that i really like such experiences and get a lot out of them.
so i am really happy that my friend introduced me to it and ignited an interest.
it is great to see that there is a good board for this and i will enjoy reading and perhaps contributing some day.

i assume i will be interested in forms of "consumption", exchange of experiences and so on. this board will fill my next few days :)

nice to be here
darkunft said:
hello everyone,
new member from germany
five days ago a friend of mine introduced me to the spice. before that i had many experiences with other stuff and gained a lot of most of them for myself. i heard about dmt a while ago due to some friends, comedians and documentaries but never "dared" to try it. why? i really don't know because i am not the kind of guy not being able to handle himself. in addition to that i really like such experiences and get a lot out of them.
so i am really happy that my friend introduced me to it and ignited an interest.
it is great to see that there is a good board for this and i will enjoy reading and perhaps contributing some day.

i assume i will be interested in forms of "consumption", exchange of experiences and so on. this board will fill my next few days :)

nice to be here

Welcome to the DMT-Nexus, darkunft!

Glad to hear that you were recently introduced to the spice, how did it go?

You say you are interested in consumption, do yourself a favor and check out the visual DMT diagram.

Also the FAQ and Wiki are great resources.

Let us know if you have any questions! Looking forward to seeing you around the forums.
Peace + Hyperspace
A warm welcome to the DMT-Nexus, darkunft!

Feel free to hop in chat sometime for those quick and easy questions.

Glad to have you around!
uh busted my reply. again:
it was a mild trip, an introduction. he gave me a vaporizer with a small dose to get a first glimpse. i had a great physical reaction. it felt just great and comfy. similar to a lsd experience. the visuals were again similar to the water like lsd visuals, forming wall like structures "on" his kitchen.
the experience came at a very good point in my life as did the hole introduction the the spice itself. i felt great the hole day and really happy. i instantly knew that a found a new hobby probably in extracting too. as one does every time with something he or she really likes

thanks for the suggestions btw. i will enjoy finding my own visual dmt diagram, own settings and so on
^That was, indeed, a small dose. It gets much, much, wilder the higher you go up. I am looking forward to hearing about your further explorations :)

it felt just great and comfy

I love how it does this. I recently gave a low dose of ayahuasca to a friend and had them vape some freebase and at the end of the trip she laid down on a bed of rocks laughing, saying she felt like she was in her warm moms bed from childhood. I thought that was really nice / interesting.

And yes, finding your own way is the way to go. Sometimes it helps to see how others have done it to get an idea of what you can do. Be well!
i had my wild rides with salvia but i am really looking forward to get there with this one :)
it is freaking great how naturally it seems to be in our surroundings and feels just like "my thing" (or the thing, hopefully getting me ego-less at some point).
well, as you can see i am really excited :)
expecially knowing that there is mooooooore and i can get deeper
ok, i would like to contribute to these topics:

my favorite short story and one of my favorite movie which changed my life

so if a moderator reads this, i would like to get a membership to post there. i am pretty new to spice and this board, so i will not contribute in any extracting boards yet (perhaps a few questions though) but i really like many of the "off topic" threads. the experience report areas will also be interesting for me.

if you have any questions, ask :)
hehe, as i know you from here, i can imagine you can contribute good to those themes..

take your time and enjoy the forum, the rest will follow =)
Keep us posted. I waited a good five years to finally smoke my first deemsters... It was well worth it. LIVE.LIFE.LOVE.LIGHT
yeah, i definitely took my time, too. even when it finally found its way it kept being untouched for months, till that night that changed alot.
as demanded in the chat here one of my short stories. it is in german. perhaps google translate can do something but as soon as i have the time i will translate myself.

it is inspired by asimov (as sooo much of my work).

Title: Leben (life)

„Würden Sie sich diese Probe für einen Augenblick ansehen, Herr Kollege?“
Dr. Leopold überließ seinem Vorgesetzten den Stuhl am Mikroskop und trat an den Bildschirm, auf dem die Bestandteile des Preparats angezeigt wurden.
„Ich kann nichts Ungewöhnliches erkennen Leopold“. Professor Finsburg schaute seinen Mitarbeiter fragend an und warf einen zweiten, etwas längeren Blick durch die EM- Linse.
„Vielleicht haben sie nicht tief genug gebohrt oder der Asteroid beherbergt einfach kein Leben und wir haben uns geirrt.“
„Ich habe drei Proben an unterschiedlichen Stellen entnommen. Jede Probe war negativ. Falls es hier Leben gibt, habe ich es noch nicht gefunden.“
„Könnte einer von ihnen Leben finden?“, unterbrach Finsburg seinen Kollegen. Er betonte das Wort ihnen und wusste, dass beide Männer die gleiche Abneigung dabei empfanden. „Ich würde es bevorzugen sie nicht hinzuzuziehen, aber ihr Talent, Leben zu finden, ist wirklich herausragend.“
Beide Wissenschaftler wussten, dass die Entscheidung einen der Arbeiter zu nutzen schon getroffen war. Leopold drückte einen der Knöpfe an der Sprechanlage und rief nach Nummer Zwei. Die Beziehung zwischen Androiden und Menschen war seit dem Sieben-Stunden-Krieg immer angespannter geworden. Die Tür öffnete sich und Nummer Zwei betrat das Labor.
Leopold befahl dem Arbeiter die Probe nach Leben zu untersuchen. Finsburg entfernte sich so weit wie möglich vom Mikroskop und Begann ein Gespräch über die M- Theorie mit Leopold.
„Fertig!“, rief der Arbeiter nach einiger Zeit.
„Es gibt organisches Leben in den Sektionen P/38/beta und Z/10/gamma.“
Finsburg betrachtete die Ergebnisse mit Freude du vergaß Nummer Zwei bis dieser sich erhob um weitere

Anweisungen zu erhalten.
„Gehen sie in die Zentrale und geben sie diese beiden Sektionen zur Vernichtung frei“, befahl Finsburg Nummer Zwei.
Voller Abneigung sahen die beiden Androiden dem Menschen nach, als dieser den Raum verließ und wendeten sich wieder ihrer Arbeit zu.
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