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New entity


My latest trip I found myself looking onto my floor as it began to take shape the shape of a reptilian or dragon man along with multiple people like prison photos. He has yellow eyes beautiful teeth. Eyebrows like ice cube. The Christian in me thinks evil but I felt no fear
Sounds fascinating - did it change your view of DMT? I know with many Christians, experiencing something 'evil' (often serpent-like in nature) leads them to believe doing psychedelics is straying from God and falling under the influence of the devil.

Yet others claim to have met Jesus during an experience, so it's strange. I'm curious if it changed your thoughts in any way on the matter.
If I may, try to suspend judgment until you have reason to label entities. They come in a multitude of forms, and some of those forms can be misleading to minds with pre-conceived notions and parameters of thought that entail connotations and associations.

This one time, at bandcamp, I mean in hyperspace, I came across some entities that I found pretty frightening, so much so that I definitely judged them as nefarious as soon as I saw them... then they gave me presents and then I felt bad. 🤣

One love
Sounds fascinating - did it change your view of DMT? I know with many Christians, experiencing something 'evil' (often serpent-like in nature) leads them to believe doing psychedelics is straying from God and falling under the influence of the devil.

Yet others claim to have met Jesus during an experience, so it's strange. I'm curious if it changed your thoughts in any way on the matter.
At first it did freak me. But it didn’t scare me I felt no fear. I’m not lost like other Christians. I’ve been scouring thru gnostic texts.. apocalyptic writing and pseudo religious books I’ve been looking at. Most Christians would think that would mess up there walk with God, I still look. It was strange cause after my tuck broke down and. Got the flu, some Christians would let superstitions over cloud there perceptions. But in the end I’m more of a expand your realm and mind kinda guy then a closed off Christian. So in summary it bothered me but didn’t stop me from psychedelics.
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