Rising Star
Hello there fellow psychonauts. I am the sillyplantguy. I collect and grow all types of ethno plants, veggies, herbs and some flowers. I have been collecting for years with varied success, all the while learning about the plants and their cultivation. During my days, I work in the scientific field. In the last 10 years, I have been experimenting in plant extracts. I have extracted a lot of different plants now with mostly positive results. As far as the name of this site goes, I have tried extractions with mimosa, acacia confusa, chacruna, and yopo seeds. All have been a success of one kind or another. I now grow all the plants as the raw plant materials are now unavailable to me in the South. So I grow and I grow. As i get older I prefer to grow the plants more than make extracts. I also grow sacred cacti, san pedro, peruvian torch, and slower growing bigger brother. It took me 12 years to find these plants, I guess persistence pays off. Another plant, E. Novogranatense, took me about 14 years to finally find and now i have living specimens to clone. Recently, I have been learning about the Cathus edulis species and their properties cloning and reproducing. I currently have been sprouting Voacanga africana, its very hard to grow from seed but I now have several of those sprouted from seed. Gardening is a pass time for me that helps me be centered and stress free. I also grow everything organic, using all recycled containers, organic compost I make year round, and water with rain water I catch all year round. Happy Plants make for happy gardeners! I hope everyone is having a good day.