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New Member as of 29 August 2012 16:03:15

Migrated topic.


hyperspacial traveler
Hello everyone, not to sure where to start with this introduction.
I guess I'll start out by saying I have always been fascinated by psychedelics and mind expanding experiences ever since I had my first peek through the looking glass on LSD. By the time the experience was over it seemed as though everything I thought I knew before no longer mattered, I had an entirely new perception on life and an insatiable, delicious desire to voyage deeper into the great open mind. At first, this voyage for me was a quest for knowledge, and though the voyage had taught me much about life, through deep metaphors, analogies and informative visuals, it seemed it wasn't enough for me. As time went on my quest had inevitably morphed into something new, it was no longer just a quest for knowledge for me, it had became a spiritual quest, an inward journey to the divine. I believe the main factor in this change from knowledge to spirituality had a lot to do with my research on the law of attraction (mainly the teachings of Abraham or Esther and Jerry Hicks, the people who first originated and started teaching the law of attraction) which had opened my mind to new views and perceptions, the main one for me being, "The basis of life is freedom, the result of life is expansion and the purpose of life joy." In a nutshell, what their teachings has given to me is that we are an extension of source energy in physical bodies, eternal conciousness that chose to come here and co-create with our fellow brothers and sisters and to experience joy. I have a lot of experience with mushrooms and lsd, and a bit of experience with salvia and dmt. I am looking forward to sharing the journey with all of you, much love, Namaste.

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