Rising Star
Hi from Canada
New member to this site. Thank you all for the great resource. I am new to all of this and still trying to make sense of what I've seen in. I have not had a breakthrough like some of the stories I've read, but I'm a big guy so I'm sure it'll happen when the time/dosage is right. No rush, I'm happy baby-stepping this one.
I've found myself in the past year reading a lot about science and a bit on religion (Occult/Buddhism to put a finer point on it) and trying to find out what's going on in general. Then a friend of mine told me about Dimitri (about 5 months ago). It answered a lot of questions, and created more than it answered. A lot of this Holographic Universe stuff makes sense now, along with many quantum mechanical theories,and many religious theories. So many more things that I want to see, and thanks to all of you for this resource I think it will be possible to take a few more in-depth looks behind the curtain, so to speak. I have more friends that I want to share this amazing gift of sight with!
New member to this site. Thank you all for the great resource. I am new to all of this and still trying to make sense of what I've seen in. I have not had a breakthrough like some of the stories I've read, but I'm a big guy so I'm sure it'll happen when the time/dosage is right. No rush, I'm happy baby-stepping this one.
I've found myself in the past year reading a lot about science and a bit on religion (Occult/Buddhism to put a finer point on it) and trying to find out what's going on in general. Then a friend of mine told me about Dimitri (about 5 months ago). It answered a lot of questions, and created more than it answered. A lot of this Holographic Universe stuff makes sense now, along with many quantum mechanical theories,and many religious theories. So many more things that I want to see, and thanks to all of you for this resource I think it will be possible to take a few more in-depth looks behind the curtain, so to speak. I have more friends that I want to share this amazing gift of sight with!