Thanks for the warm welcome
My ayahuasca experience was in Pucallpa, with a local curandero who was a relative of the owner of the "resort" we were staying at (I use the term
resort very loosely here).
Unfortunately it took place in screened in gazebo/hut in a backyard within a sort of suburban area where we were surrounded by neighbors with ceaselessly barking dogs, crowing roosters, and people riding motorcycles up and down the road.
We made the best of it, and did have an interesting experience. Unfortunately the background noise made it difficult to go deep.
It felt more like imposing on the curandero's healing work (he was curing cancer for a relative) than participating in a ceremony, and we weren't really taken seriously until the forth (and final) ceremony.
As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been interested in psychedelics for over 20 years, my first experiences being with LSD, and then most of the rest being with psilocybin as LSD became increasingly difficult to obtain.
Thanks to a particularly overwhelming and terrifying LSD experience (I'm speculating around a 300-400ug dosage from three strong blotters), I've set forth on a sort of lifelong quest of cautious self-exploration to better understand life, the universe and everything.
I've been reading about the DMT breakthrough experience for years, and decided that the only way to know what I was getting was to extract my own.
I'm planning to do an AB extraction from MHRB. I think I have everything I need to get started, except for knowing which TEK is best. I have whole bark, not powder. I have HCl, vm&p naptha, and NaOH. (BTW, should I powder the bark, and if so, what is the best way to do so?)
Do you recommend the "Lazy Man" TEK?