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Love the art, beautiful and raw thank you for sharing.

I really don't mean to offend but what was particularly ceremonial about this?  I'm not trying to say it wasn't but what I read was mostly aspects of the visionary experience but I didn't understand a particular ceremonial order to it.  If you could describe anything particularly ceremonial you did I would understand better as ceremonial and spiritual use is interesting to me.

I always use Entheogens in nature in places of power with certain intentions.  I have had powerful results with this beyond just the visionary or even hallucunitory aspects of just imbibing a drug and am truly curious about others results in combining ritual and worship with  Entheogens.   For me often something external or unexplainable happens as an affirmation of the experience. Which to me proves it is more than pure fantasy. Having used these plants hundreds of times I'm curious to hear if you have had external affirmations or unexplained events occur.

Also curious what other Nexians think constitutes ceremonial use.

I am not a believer in science I believe science tells only a mere fraction of the truth and shuts out a lot of what is important to human experience


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