I would add these points -
Yes Grind the heck out of the bark - 'pulveize' it !
A ratio of 30 g MHRB to 250 ml of acidified-water works well - that's the same as in this recipe - so smaller batches can be sized up from this ratio.
You can make 5 cups (1250 ml) of pH 2 water by adding JUST 5 ml of muriatic acid (35% = 12M HCl)..! This is way easier it seem than boiling the heck out of some smelly vinegar stew ! I say be patient, just wait 8 - 12 hours for the MHRB to soak in the acidified water. (A pH of 2.0 will not harm the dmt molecule, but with time and heat, pH's above 10 are able to cause other reactions that destroy dmt.)
So to make it easier I suggest NOT heating the acid extract, and by using a pH 2.0 HCl soak, and by shaking-the-shit-out-of-it for a day, you'll get ALL of the dmt out in just 2 acid soaks ! That means way less volume of purple extract..!
It helps to filter the acid-extract when you pour it off - use these to get uber-clear purple extract ( http://www.whatman.com/QuantitativeFilterPapersAshlessGrades.aspx ). Leaving it to settle in the fridge helps pouring-off anything you filter.
I say skip the freezer-precip' business, as that is just extra fiddling around and potentially you don't get every bit of dmt out. Naphtha is cheap, just evaporate it all in an easy-to-scrape tray.
Let me de-personalize the concept of a 'Tek' - just to offer critique without meaning to offend anyone personally ... This is what this forum is for, right ?!
To say "Marsofold's Tek" .. "Noman's Tek" or even a "gumby's method" works to specify a recipe, like cooking a meat loaf. But we are doing something very specific here, it should be precise, with little room for 'personal' variations, as you might get with cooking. There are 'rules' that belong to no-one, they are just facts of organic chemistry that we should all understand well enough to guide us as we make-up our own teks.
I want white, pure dmt everytime, in the safest, quickest way possible, with the highest yeild. Meatloaves could be all quite different ... and all very tasty, but we know that with dmt it's different - tales of yucky, 'harsh', impotent spice reports abound !
So if we consider the guidelines offered 'scientifically' by organic chemists when doing an acid-base separation, you have to consider target pH's, derived from the pKa of the alkaloid you seek to purify. Also you choose the best solvent to selectivly 'pull' out the alkaloid you're after - a very scientifically understood process.
So I'll remind us that the pKa of dmt is a pH of 8.7 - this is when dmt starts to become insoluble in water, flipping between dmt-salt and dmt-freebase. The water stars to get grey and cloudy at this pH ...
The pH to extract dmt so that it is soluble in water is 2.0 - 4.0. Use HCl or lemon juice to get pH's as low as 2, vinegar is closer to a pH of 4.0. Dmt is invisbly soluble in water at this pH range.
The pH to target when basifying the filtered, acid-extract is the (pKa of the alkaloid + 2.5) ... 8.7 + 2.5 = 11.2. This is the point when the stuff turns jet-black, oily-black, and NONE of the dmt is able to exist as a soluble salt, it's all dmt-freebase.
So my point is that the choice of acids to use, choice of solvents, the acid-soak-time and acid-heat-time are variable like with cooking, but with organic chemistry there are some very specific rules to remember - the 'rules' about pH's to target should not be varied. You could even use potassium hydroxide (KOH) instead of lye (NaOH), but you'd still be aiming for pH 11.2 when basifying, not 13 as suggested in some teks . ( I thought the Mars' tek also called for "pH 13", but maybe that was the pH of the Lye-stock solution ..?!).
Anyhow, all this repetion might be boring ... so just go extract enlightenent everyone !